However, I think there is a group of people who over-optimize for Direction and neglect the Magnitude. Increasing Magnitude often comes with the risk of corrupting the Direction. For example, scaling fast often makes it difficult to hire only mission-aligned people, and it requires you to give voting power to investors that prioritizes profit. To increase Magnitude can therefore feel risky, what if I end up working at something that is net-negative for the world? Therefore it might be easier for one's personal sanity to optimize for Direction, to do something that is unquestionably net-positive. But this is the easy way out, and if you want to have the highest expected value of your Impact, you cannot disregard Magnitude.
You talk here about an impact/direction v ambition/profit tradeoff. I've heard many other people talking about this tradeoff too. I think it's overrated; in particular, if you're constantly having to think about it, that's a bad sign.
Instead, I think the real value of doing things that are startup-like comes from:
my uninformed intuition is that the people with the biggest positive impact on the world have prioritized the Magnitude
That's probably true, but it's selecting on the outcome variable. And I'll bet that the people with the biggest negative impact are even more overwhelmingly also those who prioritized magnitude.
Impact = Magnitude * Direction
Surely one should think of this as a vector in a space with more dimensions than 1.
In your equation you can just 1,000,000x magnitude and it will move in the "positive direction".
In the real world you can become a billionaire from selling toothbrushes and still be "overtaken" by a guy who wrote one blog post that happened to be real dang good
I made a drawing but lw won't allow adding it on phone I think
Or, worse, if most directions are net negative and you have to try quite hard to find one which is positive, almost everyone optimizing for magnitude will end up doing harm proportional to how much they optimize magnitude.
True, and even more, if optimizing for impact or magnitude has Goodhart effects, of various types, then even otherwise good directions are likely to be ruined by pushing on them too hard. (In large part because it seems likely that the space we care about is not going to have linear divisions into good and bad, there will be much more complex regions, and even when pointed in a directino that is locally better, pushing too far is possible, and very hard to predict from local features even if people try, which they mostly don't.)
I was thinking something potentially similar. This is super nitpicky, but the better equation would be impact = Magnitude * ||Direction||
Why would we not have the "Direction" component standardized to have unit norm?
I think what the OP is getting at is that the space of endeavors has a bunch of privileged directions of high impact, and your impact depends on (1) how good your aim is and (2) how hard you shoot. So it'd be something like magnitude times the sum of cosine similarities with each high-impact vector; or perhaps just the magnitude if we use the high-impact vectors as the basis.
Also, "Magnitude" is probably the wrong term for the component in question; it seems to mean "how much you achieve", but that's actually what "Impact" is measuring! And indeed, impact is very much a function of the direction in which you're going. "Magnitude" should instead be "Effort" or "Short-Term Profit" or something.
(Yes, I truly believe that nitpicking this toy model is the best use of my time right now.)
I think the point wasn't having a unit norm, it was that impact wasn't defined as directional, so we'd need to remove the dimensionality from a multidimensionally defined direction.
So to continue the nitpicking, I'd argue impact = || Magnitude * Direction ||, or better, ||Impact|| = Magnitude * Direction, so that we can talk about size of impact. And that makes my point in a different comment even clearer - because almost by assumption, the vast majority of those with large impact are pointed in net-negative directions, unless you think either a significant proportion of directions are positive, or that people are selecting for it very strongly, which seems not to be the case.
A while back I gave a talk about doing AI safety as a YC startup. I wrote a blog post about it and thought it would be interesting to share it with both the YC and AI safety communities. Please share any feedback or thoughts. I would love to hear them!
AI Safety is a problem and people pay to solve problems
Intelligence is dangerous, and I think there's a significant chance that the default scenario of AI progress poses an existential risk to humanity. While it's far from certain, even small probabilities are significant when the stakes are this high. This is an enormous abstract problem, but there are thousands of sub-problems waiting to be solved.
Some of these sub-problems already exist today, but most are in the future (GPT is not capable of killing us yet). When people start feeling these pains, they will pay to have them solved (similar to how anti-virus software became a huge business opportunity once personal computers became widespread in the 1980s). I don't think the solution is to slow down (although I'm not certain), because this also comes with a cost. Therefore, we have to solve these problems. I think it's one of the most interesting challenges of our time, because otherwise we won't get to reap the rewards of AI utopia.
More startups should solve these problems
From my experience, builders (entrepreneurial engineers) are underrepresented in the AI safety community. There are far more researchers and philosophers. They are also crucial, but the mix is not currently balanced (source: personal experience from trying to hire such people). I don't think this should be the case. The AI safety market is currently very small, but according to those who have attempted to forecast its trajectory, it may grow substantially. Since most people remain skeptical of near-term AGI timelines, betting on this growth early could provide a competitive advantage. VCs exist to enable startups to make such long-term bets.
If you're a technical person with a passion for AI safety, it's very tempting to join a big AI lab. However, I think you should start a startup instead. Startups are more fun, and you will have much more counterfactual impact. A friend once told me: “The most impactful people will build something great that wouldn't have happened without them”. I think it's generally harder to do this in the hierarchical structure of AI labs (but not impossible). More on this here.
Y Combinator
I'm a bit biased in this matter. I've been fascinated by startups for many years, and getting into YC straight from college was a dream come true. Like many other YC companies, our first idea didn't work out and we had to pivot. Our pivot was somewhat successful; three weeks later, we worked on something new with revenue that ultimately made fundraising easy (AI safety evals). We didn't find a concrete idea though, instead, we found a really cool customer we could build stuff for. This was largely thanks to intros from the AI safety community. AI safety has its roots in an altruistic movement (Effective Altruism), and you can see that from how helpful people are. This is a real advantage for AI safety startups. Whenever I speak to what would have been called a “competitor” in other industries, we share stuff much more freely because we want the same thing for the world.
Communities are such an incredible thing. I have been lucky to also be part of the YC community, which brought us our second big customer. YC is great for all of the obvious reasons, but in my experience, the community is its strongest asset. The advice is also great, but most of it is publicly available. This advice has become famous over the years; phrases like "Make something people want", "Love your customer", and "Do things that don't scale" are echoed everywhere you go in San Francisco. They are not, however, in AI safety circles. These phrases arise naturally for startups under market pressures, but might not be obvious for builders coming from the AI safety community.
YC advice in the context of AI safety
Not all AI safety startup ideas are the same, but there are some characteristics that apply to many of them. Here are some thoughts on how YC advice applies to these characteristics.
The problems they are solving are in the future
As discussed above, current AI systems do not pose an existential threat to humanity. It's therefore very hard to know if you have "made something people want" while trying to solve this problem. This means you have to be creative when trying to follow this advice. It might be hard to launch early and iterating. Additionally, the market is very uncertain, and you have to be flexible to change your ideas and processes. "Do things that don't scale" is therefore extra important in this setting.
Customers are often researchers from AI labs or from the government
This is obviously not true for all AI safety startups. It is of course possible to contribute to AI safety while having another customer group, but this is the case for many and it is for me. We primarily sell to researchers, and this makes my day-to-day very enjoyable. Every customer meeting I have is with someone I would probably like to go out for a beer with. "Love your customer" is easy! This makes it much easier for me to put myself in their shoes and understand what they want. Regardless of who your customer is, ask yourself if you like them.
The pool of potential customers is often small
As a result of customers being researchers and government employees, the pool of potential customers is not huge (yes, there are a lot of academic researchers, but they don't have a lot of money). YC's advice is often that having 100 passionate users is better than 1,000,000 average users. It's tempting to then assume that the small customer pool is not a problem, but this advice assumes that you can scale up the 100 users after you have learned from their feedback. However, another YC advice comes in handy here: "charge more". Most early-stage startups are scared of scaring away customers, but if you've made something people want, they won't walk away without attempting to push the price down. They know that you don't know what you're doing when you set the price and therefore expect the price to be flexible. This is especially true for AI safety ideas where there isn't much competition; if they walk away, they have no alternative.
Doing good
If you have a passion for AI safety, I think ideas in this space could lead to great startup success. But if you don’t, there are probably better ideas to maximize success probability. Founders with this passion often also want their startup to have a positive impact on the world. You do this by doing something that is net-positive and makes it influential. Basically, Impact = Magnitude * Direction. I think most people in the world have a bias for maximizing Magnitude. This is not to say that people are immoral. However I think most people just don’t recognize (or heavily underestimates) potential one’s career has to make the world a better place. They recycle and donate to charity, but their career is their biggest opportunity to make a difference to the world.
However, I think there is a group of people who over-optimize for Direction and neglect the Magnitude. Increasing Magnitude often comes with the risk of corrupting the Direction. For example, scaling fast often makes it difficult to hire only mission-aligned people, and it requires you to give voting power to investors that prioritizes profit. To increase Magnitude can therefore feel risky, what if I end up working at something that is net-negative for the world? Therefore it might be easier for one's personal sanity to optimize for Direction, to do something that is unquestionably net-positive. But this is the easy way out, and if you want to have the highest expected value of your Impact, you cannot disregard Magnitude. I am not an expert, but my uninformed intuition is that the people with the biggest positive impact on the world have prioritized the Magnitude (would love to hear other opinions on this. What are some examples of people from either side?) Don’t forget that you can always use “earn to give” as a fallback.
Thanks to Rudolf Laine and Ollie Jaffe for your feedback!