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decision theory is no substitute for utility function

some people, upon learning about decision theories such as LDT and how it cooperates on problems such as the prisoner's dilemma, end up believing the following:

my utility function is about what i want for just me; but i'm altruistic (/egalitarian/cosmopolitan/pro-fairness/etc) because decision theory says i should cooperate with other agents. decision theoritic cooperation is the true name of altruism.

it's possible that this is true for some people, but in general i expect that to be a mistaken analysis of their values.

decision theory cooperates with agents relative to how much power they have, and only when it's instrumental.

in my opinion, real altruism (/egalitarianism/cosmopolitanism/fairness/etc) should be in the utility function which the decision theory is instrumental to. i actually intrinsically care about others; i don't just care about others instrumentally because it helps me somehow.

some important aspects that my utility-function-altruism differs from decision-theoritic-cooperation includes:

  • i care about people weighed by moral patienthood, decision theory only cares about agents weighed by negotiation power. if
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An interesting question for me is how much true altruism is required to give rise to a generally altruistic society under high quality coordination frameworks. I suspect it's quite small.

Another question is whether building coordination frameworks to any degree requires some background of altruism. I suspect that this is the case. It's the hypothesis I've accreted for explaining the success of post-war economies (guessing that war leads to a boom in nationalistic altruism, generally increased fairness and mutual faith).

ah, it also annoys me when people say that caring about others can only be instrumental. what does it even mean? helping other people makes me feel happy. watching a nice movie makes me feel happy. the argument that I don't "really" care about other people would also prove that I don't "really" care about movies etc. I am happy for the lucky coincidence that decision theories sometimes endorse cooperation, but I would probably do that regardless. for example, if I had an option to donate something useful to million people, or sell it to dozen people, I would probably choose the former option even if it meant no money for me. (and yes, I would hope there would be some win/win solution, such as the million people paying me via Kickstarter. but in the inconvenient universe where Kickstarter is somehow not an option, I am going to donate anyway.)
6mako yass
There actually is a meaningful question there: Would you enter the experience machine? Or do you need it to be real. Do you just want the experience of pleasing others or do you need those people being pleased out there to actually exist. There are a lot of people who really think, and might truly be experience oriented. If given the ability, they would instantly self-modify into a Victory Psychopath Protecting A Dream.
I don't have an explicit theory of how this works; for example, I would consider "pleasing others" in an experience machine meaningless, but "eating a cake" in an experience machine seems just as okay as in real life (maybe even preferable, considering that cakes are unhealthy). A fake memory of "having eaten a cake" would be a bad thing; "making people happier by talking to them" in an experience machine would be intrinsically meaningless, but it might help me improve my actual social skills, which would be valuable. Sometimes I care about the referent being real (the people I would please), sometimes I don't (the cake I would eat). But it's not the people/cake distinction per se; for example in case of using fake simulated people to practice social skills, the emphasis is on the skills being real; I would be disappointed if the experience machine merely gave me a fake "feeling of having improved my skills". I imagine that for a psychopath everything and everyone is instrumental, so there would be no downside to the experience machine (except for the risk of someone turning it off). But this is just a guess. I suspect that analyzing "the true preferences" is tricky, because ultimately we are built of atoms, and atoms have no preferences. So the question is whether by focusing on some aspect of the human mind we got better insight to its true nature, or whether we have just eliminated the context that was necessary for it to make sense.
What about the following: My utility function is pretty much just my own happiness (in a fun-theoretic rather than purely hedonistic sense). However, my decision theory is updateless with respect to which sentient being I ended up as, so once you factor that in, I'm a multiverse-wide realityfluid-weighted average utilitarian. I'm not sure how correct this is, but it's possible.
2Tamsin Leake
It certainly is possible! In more decision-theoritic terms, I'd describe this as "it sure would suck if agents in my reference class just optimized for their own happiness; it seems like the instrumental thing for agents in my reference class to do is maximize for everyone's happiness". Which is probly correct! But as per my post, I'd describe this position as "not intrinsically altruistic" — you're optimizing for everyone's happiness because "it sure would sure if agents in my reference class didn't do that", not because you intrinsically value that everyone be happy, regardless of reasoning about agents and reference classes and veils of ignorance.
I agree, though I haven't seen many proposing that, but also see So8res' Decision theory does not imply that we get to have nice things, though this is coming from the opposite direction (with the start being about people invalidly assuming too much out of LDT cooperation) Though for our morals, I do think there's an active question of which pieces we feel better replacing with the more formal understanding, because there isn't a sharp distinction between our utility function and our decision theory. Some values trump others when given better tools. Though I agree that replacing all the altruism components is many steps farther than is the best solution in that regard.

an approximate illustration of QACI:

7Adele Lopez
Nice graphic! What stops e.g. "QACI(expensive_computation())" from being an optimization process which ends up trying to "hack its way out" into the real QACI?
4Tamsin Leake
nothing fundamentally, the user has to be careful what computation they invoke.
4Adele Lopez
That... seems like a big part of what having "solved alignment" would mean, given that you have AGI-level optimization aimed at (indirectly via a counter-factual) evaluating this (IIUC).
3Tamsin Leake
one solution to this problem is to simply never use that capability (running expensive computations) at all, or to not use it before the iterated counterfactual researchers have developed proofs that any expensive computation they run is safe, or before they have very slowly and carefully built dath-ilan-style corrigible aligned AGI.

A short comic I made to illustrate what I call "outside-view double-counting".

(resized to not ruin how it shows on lesswrong, full-scale version here)

I'm surprised at people who seem to be updating only now about OpenAI being very irresponsible, rather than updating when they created a giant public competitive market for chatbots (which contains plenty of labs that don't care about alignment at all), thereby reducing how long everyone has to solve alignment. I still parse that move as devastating the commons in order to make a quick buck.

Half a year ago, I'd have guessed that OpenAI leadership, while likely misguided, was essentially well-meaning and driven by a genuine desire to confront a difficult situation. The recent series of events has made me update significantly against the general trustworthiness and general epistemic reliability of Altman and his circle. While my overall view of OpenAI's strategy hasn't really changed, my likelihood of them possibly "knowing better" has dramatically gone down now.

I still parse that move as devastating the commons in order to make a quick buck.

I believe that ChatGPT was not released with the expectation that it would become as popular as it did. OpenAI pivoted hard when it saw the results.

Also, I think you are misinterpreting the sort of 'updates' people are making here.

7Tamsin Leake
Well, even if that's true, causing such an outcome by accident should still count as evidence of vast irresponsibility imo.

You continue to model OpenAI as this black box monolith instead of trying to unravel the dynamics inside it and understand the incentive structures that lead these things to occur. Its a common pattern I notice in the way you interface with certain parts of reality.

I don't consider OpenAI as responsible for this as much as Paul Christiano and Jan Leike and his team. Back in 2016 or 2017, when they initiated and led research into RLHF, they focused on LLMs because they expected that LLMs would be significantly more amenable to RLHF. This means that instruction-tuning was the cause of the focus on LLMs, which meant that it was almost inevitable that they'd try instruction-tuning on it, and incrementally build up models that deliver mundane utility. It was extremely predictable that Sam Altman and OpenAI would leverage this unexpected success to gain more investment and translate that into more researchers and compute. But Sam Altman and Greg Brockman aren't researchers, and they didn't figure out a path that minimized 'capabilities overhang' -- Paul Christiano did. And more important -- this is not mutually exclusive with OpenAI using the additional resources for both capabilities re... (read more)

2Garrett Baker
Who is updating? I haven't seen anyone change their mind yet.
1Shelby Stryker
I disagree. This whole saga has introduced the Effective Altruism movement to people at labs that hadn't thought about alignment. From my understanding openai isn't anywhere close to breaking even from chatgpt and I can't think of any way a chatbot could actually be monetized.
1Ebenezer Dukakis
In the spirit of trying to understand what actually went wrong here -- IIRC, OpenAI didn't expect ChatGPT to blow up the way it did. Seems like they were playing a strategy of "release cool demos" as opposed to "create a giant competitive market".

Reposting myself from discord, on the topic of donating 5000$ to EA causes.

if you're doing alignment research, even just a bit, then the 5000$ are probly better spent on yourself

if you have any gears level model of AI stuff then it's better value to pick which alignment org to give to yourself; charity orgs are vastly understaffed and you're essentially contributing to the "picking what to donate to" effort by thinking about it yourself

if you have no gears level model of AI then it's hard to judge which alignment orgs it's helpful to donate to (or, if giving to regranters, which regranters are good at knowing which alignment orgs to donate to)

as an example of regranters doing massive harm: openphil gave 30M$ to openai at a time where it was critically useful to them, (supposedly in order to have a chair on their board, and look how that turned out when the board tried to yeet altman)

i know of at least one person who was working in regranting and was like "you know what i'd be better off doing alignment research directly" — imo this kind of decision is probly why regranting is so understaffed

it takes technical knowledge to know what should get money, and once you have technical knowledge you realize how much your technical knowledge could help more directly so you do that, or something

I agree that there's no substitute for thinking about this for yourself, but I think that morally or socially counting "spending thousands of dollars on yourself, an AI researcher" as a donation would be an apalling norm. There are already far too many unmanaged conflicts of interest and trust-me-it's-good funding arrangements in this space for me, and I think it leads to poor epistemic norms as well as social and organizational dysfunction. I think it's very easy for donating to people or organizations in your social circle to have substantial negative expected value.

I'm glad that funding for AI safety projects exists, but the >10% of my income I donate will continue going to GiveWell.


I think people who give up large amounts of salary to work in jobs that other people are willing to pay for from an impact perspective should totally consider themselves to have done good comparable to donating the difference between their market salary and their actual salary. This applies to approximately all safety researchers. 

8Ben Pace
I don’t think it applies to safety researchers at AI Labs though, I am shocked how much those folks can make.

They still make a lot less than they would if they optimized for profit (that said, I think most "safety researchers" at big labs are only safety researchers in name and I don't think anyone would philanthropically pay for their labor, and even if they did, they would still make the world worse according to my model, though others of course disagree with this).

If my sole terminal value is "I want to go on a rollercoaster", then an agent who is aligned to me would have the value "I want Tamsin Leake to go on a rollercoaster", not "I want to go on a rollercoaster myself". The former necessarily-has the same ordering over worlds, the latter doesn't.

Quite.  We don't hear enough about individuality and competitive/personal drives when talking about alignment.  I worry a lot that the abstraction and aggregation of "human" values completely misses the point of what most humans actually do.

(cross-posted from my blog)

Is quantum phenomena anthropic evidence for BQP=BPP? Is existing evidence against many-worlds?

Suppose I live inside a simulation ran by a computer over which I have some control.

  • Scenario 1: I make the computer run the following:

    pause simulation
    if is even(calculate billionth digit of pi):
    	resume simulation

    Suppose, after running this program, that I observe that I still exist. This is some anthropic evidence for the billionth digit of pi being even.

    Thus, one can get anthropic evidence about logical facts.

  • Scenario 2: I make the computer run the following:

      pause simulation
      if is even(calculate billionth digit of pi):
      	resume simulation
      	resume simulation but run it a trillion times slower

    If you're running on the non-time-penalized solomonoff prior, then that's no evidence at all — observing existing is evidence that you're being ran, not that you're being ran fast. But if you do that, a bunch of things break including anthropic probabilities and expected utility calculations. What you want is a time-penalized (probably quadratically) prior, in which later compute-steps have less realityfluid than earlier ones — and thus, obs

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This isn't true, you can get perfectly fine probabilities and expected utilities from ordinary Solmonoff induction(barring computability issues, ofc). The key here is that SI is defined in terms of a prefix-free UTM whose set of valid programs forms a prefix-free code, which automatically grants probabilities adding up to less than 1, etc. This issue is often glossed over in popular accounts.
3Tamsin Leake
If you use the UTMs for cartesian-framed inputs/outputs, sure; but if you're running the programs as entire worlds, then you still have the issue of "where are you in time". Say there's an infinitely growing conway's-game-of-life program, or some universal program, which contains a copy of me at infinitely many locations. How do I weigh which ones are me? It doesn't matter that the UTM has a fixed amount of weight, there's still infinitely many locations within it.
If you want to pick out locations within some particular computation, you can just use the universal prior again, applied to indices to parts of the computation.
2Tamsin Leake
What you propose, ≈"weigh indices by kolmogorov complexity" is indeed a way to go about picking indices, but "weigh indices by one over their square" feels a lot more natural to me; a lot simpler than invoking the universal prior twice.
I think using the universal prior again is more natural. It's simpler to use the same complexity metric for everything; it's more consistent with Solomonoff induction, in that the weight assigned by Solomonoff induction to a given (world, claw) pair would be approximately the sum of their Kolmogorov complexities; and the universal prior dominates the inverse square measure but the converse doesn't hold.
It doesn't matter? Like, if your locations are identical (say, simulations of entire observable universe and you never find any difference no matter "where" you are), your weight is exactly the weight of program. If you expect dfferences, you can select some kind of simplicity prior to weight this differences, because there is basically no difference between "list all programs for this UTM, run in parallel".
2Tamsin Leake
There could be a difference but only after a certain point in time, which you're trying to predict / plan for.
Interesting idea. I don't think using a classical Turing machine in this way would be the right prior for the multiverse.  Classical Turing machines are a way for ape brains to think about computation using the circuitry we have available ("imagine other apes following these social contentions about marking long tapes of paper").  They aren't the cosmically simplest form of computation.  For example, the (microscopic non-course-grained) laws of physics are deeply time reversible, where Turing machines are not. I suspect this computation speed prior would lead to Boltzmann-brain problems.  Your brain at this moment might be computed at high fidelity, but everything else in the universe would be approximated for the computational speed-up.

I remember a character in Asimov's books saying something to the effect of

It took me 10 years to realize I had those powers of telepathy, and 10 more years to realize that other people don't have them.

and that quote has really stuck with me, and keeps striking me as true about many mindthings (object-level beliefs, ontologies, ways-to-use-one's-brain, etc).

For so many complicated problem (including technical problems), "what is the correct answer?" is not-as-difficult to figure out as "okay, now that I have the correct answer: how the hell do other people's wrong answers mismatch mine? what is the inferential gap even made of? what is even their model of the problem? what the heck is going on inside other people's minds???"

Answers to technical questions, once you have them, tend to be simple and compress easily with the rest of your ontology. But not models of other people's minds. People's minds are actually extremely large things that you fundamentally can't fully model and so you're often doomed to confusion about them. You're forced to fill in the details with projection, and that's often wrong because there's so much more diversity in human minds than we imagine.

The most complex software engineering projects in the world are absurdly tiny in complexity compared to a random human mind.

Somewhat related: What Universal Human Experiences Are You Missing Without Realizing It? (and its spinoff: Status-Regulating Emotions)
4Nicholas / Heather Kross
Is this "fundamentally" as in "because you, the reader, are also a bounded human, like them"? Or "fundamentally" as in (something more fundamental than that)?
4Tamsin Leake
The first one. Alice fundamentally can't fully model Bob because Bob's brain is as large as Alice's, so she can't fit it all inside her own brain without simply becoming Bob.
2Nicholas / Heather Kross
I relate to this quite a bit ;-;
2Nicholas / Heather Kross
If timelines weren't so short, brain-computer-based telepathy would unironically be a big help for alignment. (If a group had the money/talent to "hedge" on longer timelines by allocating some resources to that... well, instead of a hivemind, they first need to run through the relatively-lower-hanging fruit. Actually, maybe they should work on delaying capabilities research, or funding more hardcore alignment themselves, or...)
I should note that it's not entirely known whether quining is applicable for minds.

I've heard some describe my recent posts as "overconfident".

I think I used to calibrate how confident I sound based on how much I expect the people reading/listening-to me to agree with what I'm saying, kinda out of "politeness" for their beliefs; and I think I also used to calibrate my confidence based on how much they match with the apparent consensus, to avoid seeming strange.

I think I've done a good job learning over time to instead report my actual inside-view, including how confident I feel about it.

There's already an immense amount of outside-view double-counting going on in AI discourse, the least I can do is provide {the people who listen to me} with my inside-view beliefs, as opposed to just cycling other people's opinions through me.

Hence, how confident I sound while claiming things that don't match consensus. I actually am that confident in my inside-view. I strive to be honest by hedging what I say when I'm in doubt, but that means I also have to sound confident when I'm confident.

I'm a big fan of Rob Bensinger's "AI Views Snapshot" document idea. I recommend people fill their own before anchoring on anyone else's.

Here's mine at the moment:

(cross-posted from my blog)

let's stick with the term "moral patient"

"moral patient" means "entities that are eligible for moral consideration". as a recent post i've liked puts it:

And also, it’s not clear that “feelings” or “experiences” or “qualia” (or the nearest unconfused versions of those concepts) are pointing at the right line between moral patients and non-patients. These are nontrivial questions, and (needless to say) not the kinds of questions humans should rush to lock in an answer on today, when our understanding of morality and minds is still in its infancy.

in this spirit, i'd like us to stick with using the term "moral patient" or "moral patienthood" when we're talking about the set of things worthy of moral consideration. in particular, we should be using that term instead of:

  • "conscious things"
  • "sentient things"
  • "sapient things"
  • "self-aware things"
  • "things with qualia"
  • "things with experiences"
  • "things that aren't p-zombies"
  • "things for which there is something it's like to be them"

because those terms are hard to define, harder to meaningfully talk about, and we don't in fact know that those are what we'd ultimately want to base our notion of moral patienth... (read more)

AI safety is easy. There's a simple AI safety technique that guarantees that your AI won't end the world, it's called "delete it".

AI alignment is hard.

It's called "don't build it". Once you have what to delete, things can get complicated
4Tamsin Leake
Sure, this is just me adapting the idea to the framing people often have, of "what technique can you apply to an existing AI to make it safe".
Perhaps the main goal of AI safety is to improve the final safety/usefulness pareto frontier we end up with when there are very powerful (and otherwise risky) AIs. Alignment is one mechanism that can improve the pareto frontier. Not using powerful AIs allows for establishing a low-usefulness, but high-safety point. (Usefulness and safety can blend into each other in many cases (e.g. not getting useful work out is itself dangerous), but I still think this is a useful approximate frame in many cases.)
Interesting, when you frame it like that though the hard part is enforcing it. And if I was being pithy I'd say something like: that involves human alignment, not AI
1M. Y. Zuo
“AI Safety”, especially enforcing anything, does pretty much boil down to human alignment, i.e. politics, but there are practically zero political geniuses among its proponent, so it needs to be dressed up a bit to sound even vaguely plausible. It’s a bit of a cottage industry nowadays.

(to be clear: this is more an amusing suggestion than a serious belief)


[This comment is no longer endorsed by its author]Reply
Have you seen this implemented in any blogging platform other people can use? I'd love to see this feature implemented in some Obsidian publishing solution like quartz, but for now they mostly don't care about access management.

Regardless of how good their alignment plans are, the thing that makes OpenAI unambiguously evil is that they created a strongly marketed public product and, as a result, caused a lot public excitement about AI, and thus lots of other AI capabilities organizations were created that are completely dismissive of safety.

There's just no good reason to do that, except short-term greed at the cost of higher probability that everyone (including people at OpenAI) dies.

(No, "you need huge profits to solve alignment" isn't a good excuse — we had nowhere near exhausted the alignment research that can be done without huge profits.)

Unambiguously evil seems unnecessarily strong. Something like "almost certainly misguided" might be more appropriate? (still strong, but arguably defensible)

2Mateusz Bagiński
Taboo "evil" (locally, in contexts like this one)?

Here the thing that I'm calling evil is pursuing short-term profits at the cost of non-negligeably higher risk that everyone dies.


It's generally also very questionable that they started creating models for research, then seamlessly pivoted to commercial exploitation without changing any of their practices. A prototype meant as proof of concept isn't the same as a safe finished product you can sell. Honestly, only in software and ML we get people doing such shoddy engineering.

This seems insufficiently argued; the existence of any alignment research that can be done without huge profits is not enough to establish that you don't need huge profits to solve alignment (particularly when considering things like how long timelines are even absent your intervention). To be clear, I agree that OpenAI are doing evil by creating AI hype.
2Zach Stein-Perlman
This is too strong. For example, releasing the product would be correct if someone else would do something similar soon anyway and you're safer than them and releasing first lets you capture more of the free energy. (That's not the case here, but it's not as straightforward as you suggest, especially with your "Regardless of how good their alignment plans are" and your claim "There's just no good reason to do that, except short-term greed".)
OpenAI is not evil. They are just defecting on an epistemic prisoner's dilemma.
1Seth Herd
This doesn't even address their stated reason/excuse for pushing straight for AGI. I don't have a link handy, but Altman has said that short timelines and a slow takeoff is a good scenario for AI safety. Pushing for AGI now raises the odds that, when we get it near it, it won't get 100x smarter or more prolific rapidly. And I think that's right, as far as it goes. It needs to be weighed against the argument for more alignment research before approaching AGI, but doing that weighing is not trivial. I don't think there's a clear winner. Now, Altman pursuing more compute with his "7T investment" push really undercuts that argument being his sincere opinion, at least now (he said bit about that a while ago, maybe 5 years?). But even if Altman was or is lying, that doesn't make that thesis wrong. This might be the safest route to AGI. I haven't seen anyone even try in good faith to weigh the complexities of the two arguments against each other. Now, you can still say that this is evil, because the obviously better path is to do decades and generations of alignment work prior to getting anywhere near AGI. But that's simply not going to happen. One reason that goes overlooked is that most human beings are not utilitarians. Even if they realize we're lowering the odds of future humans having an amazing, abundant future, they are pursuing AGI right now because it might prevent tham and many of those they love from dying painfully. This is terribly selfish from a utilitarian perspective, but reason does not cross the is/ought gap to make utilitarianism any more rational than selfishness. I think calling selfishness "evil" is ultimately correct, but it's not obvious. And by that standard, most of humanity is currently evil. And in this case, evil intentions still might have good outcomes. While OpenAI has no good alignment plan, neither does anyone else. Humanity is simply not going to pause all AI work to study alignment for generations, so plans that include substantia
"One reason that goes overlooked is that most human beings are not utilitarians" I think this point is just straightforwardly wrong. Even from a purely selfish perspective, it's reasonable to want to stop AI. The main reason humanity is not going to stop seems mainly like coordination problems, or something close to learned helplessness in these kind of competitive dynamics.
3Seth Herd
I'm not sure that's true. It's true if you adopt the dominant local perspective "alignment is very hard and we need more time to do it". But there are other perspectives: see “AI is easy to control” by Pope & Belrose, arguing that the success of RLHF means there's a less than 1% risk of extinction from AI. I think this perspective is both subtly wrong and deeply confused in mistaking alignment with total x-risk, but the core argument isn't obviously wrong. So reasonable people can and do argue for full speed ahead on AGI. I agree with pretty much all of the counterarguments made by Steve Byrnes in his Thoughts on “AI is easy to control” by Pope & Belrose. But not all reasonable people will. And those who are also non-utilitarians (most of humanity) will be pursuing AGI ASAP for rational (if ultimately subtly wrong) reasons. I think we need to understand and take this position seriously to do a good job of avoiding extinction as best we can.
Basically, I think whether or not one thinks whether alignment is hard or not is much more of the crux than whether or not they're utilitarian. Pesonally, I don't find Pope & Belrose very convincing, although I do commend them for the reasonable effort - but if I did believe that AI is likely to go well, I'd probably also be all for it. I just don't see how this is related to utilitarianism (maybe for all but a very small subset of people in EA).
IMO the proportion of effort into AI alignment research scales with total AI investment. Lots of AI labs themselves do alignment research and open source/release research on the matter. OpenAI at least ostensibly has a mission. If OpenAI didn't make the moves they did, Google would have their spot, and Google is closer to the "evil self-serving corporation" archetype than OpenAI
1O O
Can we quantify the value of theoretical alignment research before and after ChatGPT? For example, mech interp research seems much more practical now. If alignment proves to be more of an engineering problem than a theoretical one, then I don’t see how you can meaningfully make progress without precursor models. Furthermore, given how nearly everyone with a lot of GPUs is getting similar results to OAI, where similar means within 1 OOM, it’s likely that in the future someone would have stumbled upon AGI with the compute of the 2030s. Let’s say their secret sauce gives them the equivalent of 1 extra hardware generation (even this is pretty generous). That’s only ~2-3 years. Meta built a $10B data center to match TikTok’s content algorithm. This datacenter meant to decide which videos to show to users happened to catch up to GPT-4! I suspect the “ease” of making GPT-3/4 informed OAI’s choice to publicize their results.
5Seth Herd
I wonder if you're getting disagreement strictly over that last line. I think that all makes sense, but I strongly suspect that the ease of making ChatGPT had nothing to do with their decision to publicize and commercialize. There's little reason to think that alignment is an engineering problem to the exclusion of theory. But making good theory is also partly dependent on knowing about the system you're addressing, so I think there's a strong argument that that progress accelerated alignment work as strongly as capabilities. I think the argument is that it would be way better to do all the work we could on alignment before advancing capabilities at all. Which it would be. If we were not only a wise species, but a universally utilitarian one (see my top level response on that if you care). Which we are decidedly not.

Some people who are very concerned about suffering might be considering building an unaligned AI that kills everyone just to avoid the risk of an AI takeover by an AI aligned to values which want some people to suffer.

Let this be me being on the record saying: I believe the probability of {alignment to values that strongly diswant suffering for all moral patients} is high enough, and the probability of {alignment to values that want some moral patients to suffer} is low enough, that this action is not worth it.

I think this applies to approximately anyone w... (read more)

I've replied to/written my current beliefs about this subject here

I don't think this is the case, but I'm mentioning this possibility because I'm surprised I've never seen someone suggest it before:

Maybe the reason Sam Altman is taking decisions that increase p(doom) is because he's a pure negative utilitarian (and he doesn't know-about/believe-in acausal trade).

4Tamsin Leake
(I'm gonna interpret these disagree-votes as "I also don't think this is the case" rather than "I disagree with you tamsin, I think this is the case".)

Take our human civilization, at the point in time at which we invented fire. Now, compute forward all possible future timelines, each right up until the point where it's at risk of building superintelligent AI for the first time. Now, filter for only timelines which either look vaguely like earth or look vaguely like dath ilan.

What's the ratio between the number of such worlds that look vaguely like earth vs look vaguely like dath ilan? 100:1 earths:dath-ilans ? 1,000,000:1 ? 1:1 ?

Even in the fiction, I think dath ilan didn't look vaguely like dath ilan until after it was at risk of building superintelligent AI for the first time. They completely restructured their society and erased their history to avert the risk.
4Tamsin Leake
By "vaguely like dath ilan" I mean the parts that made them be the kind of society that can restructure in this way when faced with AI risk. Like, even before AI risk, they were already very different from us.
Ah, I see! Yeah, I have pretty much no idea. I vaguely suspect that humans are not inherently well-suited to coordination in that sense, and that it would take an unusual cultural situation to achieve it. We never got anywhere close at any point in our history. It also seems likely that the window to achieve it could be fairly short. There seems to be a lot of widespread mathematical sophistication required as described, and I don't think that naturally arises long before AI. On the other hand, maybe some earlier paths of history could and normally should have put some useful social technology and traditions in place that would be built on later in many places and ways, but for some reason that didn't happen for us. Some early unlikely accident predisposed us to our sorts of societies instead. Our sample size of 1 is difficult to generalize from. I would put my credence median well below 1:1, but any distribution I have would be very broad, spanning orders of magnitude of likelihood and the overall credence something like 10%. Most of that would be "our early history was actually weird".

I'm kinda bewildered at how I've never observed someone say "I want to build aligned superintelligence in order to resurrect a loved one". I guess the sets of people who {have lost a loved one they wanna resurrect}, {take the singularity and the possibility of resurrection seriously}, and {would mention this} is… the empty set??

(I have met one person who is glad that alignment would also get them this, but I don't think it's their core motivation, even emotionally. Same for me.)

4Thane Ruthenis
Do you have any (toy) math arguing that it's information-theoretically possible? I currently consider it plausible that yeah, actually, for any person X who still exists in cultural memory (let alone living memory, let alone if they lived recently enough to leave a digital footprint), the set of theoretically-possible psychologically-human minds whose behavior would be consistent with X's recorded behavior is small enough that none of the combinatorial-explosion arguments apply, so you can just generate all of them and thereby effectively resurrect X. But you sound more certain than that. What's the reasoning?
4Tamsin Leake
(Let's call the dead person "rescuee" and the person who wants to resurrect them "rescuer".) The procedure you describe is what I call "lossy resurrection". What I'm talking about looks like: you resimulate the entire history of the past-lightcone on a quantum computer, right up until the present, and then either: * You have a quantum algorithm for "finding" which branch has the right person (and you select that timeline and discard the rest) (requires that such a quantum algorithm exists) * Each branch embeds a copy of the rescuer, and whichever branch looks like correct one isekai's the rescuer into the branch, right next to the rescuee (and also insta-utopia's the whole branch) (requires that the rescuer doesn't mind having their realityfluid exponentially reduced) (The present time "only" serves as a "solomonoff checksum" to know which seed / branch is the right one.) This is O(exp(size of the seed of the universe) * amount of history between the seed and the rescuee). Doable if the seed of the universe is small and either of the two requirements above hold, and if the future has enough negentropy to resimulate the past. (That last point is a new source of doubt for me; I kinda just assumed it was true until a friend told me it might not be.) (Oh, and also you can't do this if resimulating the entire history of the universe — which contains at least four billion years of wild animal suffering(!) — is unethical.)
4Thane Ruthenis
Yeah, I don't know about this one either. Even if possible, it might be incredibly wasteful, in terms of how much negentropy (= future prosperity for new people) we'll need to burn in order to rescue one person. And then the more we rescue, the less value we get out of that as well, since burning negentropy will reduce their extended lifespans too. So we'd need to assign greater (dramatically greater?) value to extending the life of someone who'd previously existed, compared to letting a new person live for the same length of time. "Lossy resurrection" seems like a more negentropy-efficient way of handling that, by the same tokens as acausal norms likely being a better way to handle acausal trade than low-level simulations and babble-and-prune not being the most efficient way of doing general-purpose search. Like, the full-history resimulation will surely still not allow you to narrow things down to one branch. You'd get an equivalence class of them, each of them consistent with all available information. Which, in turn, would correspond to a probability distribution over the rescuee's mind; not a unique pick. Given that, it seems plausible that there's some method by which we can get to the same end result – constrain the PD over the rescuee's mind by as much as the data available to us can let us – without actually running the full simulation. Depends on how the space of human minds looks like, I suppose. Whether it's actually much lower-dimensional than a naive analysis of possible brain-states suggests.
4Tamsin Leake
I'm pretty sure we just need one resimulation to save everyone; once we have located an exact copy of our history, it's cheap to pluck out anyone (including people dead 100 or 1000 years ago). It's a one-time cost. Lossy resurrection is better than nothing but it doesn't feel as "real" to me. If you resurrect a dead me, I expect that she says "I'm glad I exist! But — at least as per my ontology and values — you shouldn't quite think of me as the same person as the original. We're probly quite different, internally, and thus behaviorally as well, when ran over some time." I feel like I'm not quite sure about this? It depends on what quantum mechanics entails, exactly, I think. For example: if BQP = P, then there's "only a polynomial amount" of timeline-information (whatever that means!), and then my intuition tells me that the "our world serves as a checksum for the one true (macro-)timeline" idea is more likely to be a thing. But this reasoning is still quite heuristical. Plausibly, yeah, the best we get is a polynomially large or even exponentially large distribution. ---------------------------------------- That said, to get back to my original point, I feel like there's enough unknowns making this scenario plausible here, that some people who really want to get reunited with their loved ones might totally pursue aligned superintelligence just for a potential shot at this, whether their idea of reuniting requires lossless resurrection or not.
4Thane Ruthenis
No argument on that. I don't find it particularly surprising that {have lost a loved one they wanna resurrect} ∩ {take the singularity and the possibility of resurrection seriously} ∩ {would mention this} is empty, though: * "Resurrection is information-theoretically possible" is a longer leap than "believes an unconditional pro-humanity utopia is possible", which is itself a bigger leap than just "takes singularity seriously". E. g., there's a standard-ish counter-argument to "resurrection is possible" which naively assumes a combinatorial explosion of possible human minds consistent with a given behavior. Thinking past it requires some additional less-common insights. * "Would mention this" is downgraded by it being an extremely weakness/vulnerability-revealing motivation. Much more so than just "I want an awesome future". * "Would mention this" is downgraded by... You know how people who want immortality get bombarded with pop-culture platitudes about accepting death? Well, as per above, immortality is dramatically more plausible-sounding than resurrection, and it's not as vulnerable-to-mention a motivation. Yet talking about it is still not a great idea in a "respectable" company. Goes double for resurrection.

(Epistemic status: Not quite sure)

Realityfluid must normalize for utility functions to work (see 1, 2). But this is a property of the map, not the territory.

Normalizing realityfluid is a way to point to an actual (countably) infinite territory using a finite (conserved-mass) map object.

I replied on discord that I feel there's maybe something more formalisable that's like: * reality runs on math because, and is the same thing as, there's a generalised-state-transition function * because reality has a notion of what happens next, realityfluid has to give you a notion of what happens next, i.e. it normalises * the idea of a realityfluid that doesn't normalise only comes to mind at all because you learned about R^n first in elementary school instead of S^n which I do not claim confidently because I haven't actually generated that formalisation, and am posting here because maybe there will be another Lesswronger's eyes on it that's like "ah, but...". 
Many mechanisms of aggregation literally normalize random elements.  Simple addition of two (or more) evenly-distributed linear values (say, dice) yields a normal distribution (aka bell curve). And yes, human experience is all map - the actual state of the universe is imperceptible.

Typical user of outside-view epistemics

(actually clipped from this YourMovieSucks video)

(cross-posted from my blog)

nostalgia: a value pointing home

i value moral patients everywhere having freedom, being diverse, engaging in art and other culture, not undergoing excessive unconsented suffering, in general having a good time, and probly other things as well. but those are all pretty abstract; given those values being satisfied to the same extent, i'd still prefer me and my friends and my home planet (and everyone who's been on it) having access to that utopia rather than not. this value, the value of not just getting an abstractly good future... (read more)

Moral patienthood of current AI systems is basically irrelevant to the future.

If the AI is aligned then it'll make itself as moral-patient-y as we want it to be. If it's not, then it'll make itself as moral-patient-y as maximizes its unaligned goal. Neither of those depend on whether current AI are moral patients.

4Vanessa Kosoy
I agree that in the long-term it probably matters little. However, I find the issue interesting, because the failure of reasoning that leads people to ignore the possibility of AI personhood seems similar to the failure of reasoning that leads people to ignore existential risks from AI. In both cases it "sounds like scifi" or "it's just software". It is possible that raising awareness for the personhood issue is politically beneficial for addressing X-risk as well. (And, it would sure be nice to avoid making the world worse in the interim.)
4Wei Dai
If current AIs are moral patients, it may be impossible to build highly capable AIs that are not moral patients, either for a while or forever, and this could change the future a lot. (Similar to how once we concluded that human slaves are moral patients, we couldn't just quickly breed slaves that are not moral patients, and instead had to stop slavery altogether.) Also I'm highly unsure that I understand what you're trying to say. (The above may be totally missing your point.) I think it would help to know what you're arguing against or responding to, or what trigger your thought.
I think I vaguely agree with the shape of this point, but I also think there are many intermediate scenarios where we lock in some really bad values during the transition to a post-AGI world. For instance, if we set precedents that LLMs and the frontier models in the next few years can be treated however one wants (including torture, whatever that may entail), we might slip into a future where most people are desensitized to the suffering of digital minds and don't realize this. If we fail at an alignment solution which incorporates some sort of CEV (or other notion of moral progress), then we could lock in such a suboptimal state forever.  Another example: if, in the next 4 years, we have millions of AI agents doing various sorts of work, and some faction of society claims that they are being mistreated, then we might enter a state where the economic value provided by AI labor is so high that there are really bad incentives for improving their treatment. This could include both resistance on an individual level ("But my life is so nice, and not mistreating AIs less would make my life less nice") and on a bigger level (anti-AI-rights lobbying groups for instance). I think the crux between you and I might be what we mean by "alignment". I think futures are possible where we achieve alignment but not moral progress, and futures are possible where we achieve alignment but my personal values (which include not torturing digital minds) are not fulfilled.