
Yoav Ravid (+4/-4)
plex made pagename bold
SamDeere (+11/-9)
Ruby (+33)
abramdemski (+466)

Infra-Bayesianism also naturally leads to an implementation of UDT,UDT, and (more speculatively at this stage) has applications to multi-agent theory, embedded agency and reflection.

Infra-Bayesianism is a new approach to epistemology / decision theory / reinforcement learning theory, which builds on "imprecise probability" to solve the problem of prior misspecification / grain-of-truth / nonrealizability which plagues Bayesianism and Bayesian reinforcement learning.

Infra-Bayesianism also naturally leads to an implementation of UDT, and (more speculatively at this stage) has applications to multi-agent theory, embedded agency and reflection.