Progress Studies

Yoav Ravid (+164)
Multicore (+58)
jasoncrawford (+14/-12)
Ruby On the edge of C-Class. Would want it do some more work linking to other tags and identifying top posts and things people have investigated.
Ruby (+1040)

Progress Studies is the study of the causes of civilizationcivilizational progress, e.g., the combination of economic, technological, scientific, and cultural advancements that have transformed human life and raised standards of living over the past couple of centuries.

Progress Studies is the study of the causes of civilization progress, e.g., the combination of economic, technological, scientific, and cultural advancements that have transformed human life and raised standards of living over the past couple of centuries.

The bicycle, as we know it today, was not invented until the late 1800s. Yet it was a simple mechanical invention. It would seem to require no brilliant inventive insight, and certainly no scientific background. 
Why, then, wasn’t it invented much earlier? – Why did we wait so long for the bicycle?

See also:

Origin of the Name

Progress Studies was proposed as an academic field by Tyler Cowen and Patrick Collison [1] after they noticed that there’s no intellectual movement focused on understanding the dynamics of progress, or on trying to speed it up.

External Resources

  • Roots of Progressis a blog by jasoncrawford that explores the history of technology and industry alongside the philosophical questions of human progress. Many of the blogs posts are crossposted to LessWrong.