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I'm not sure why this is listed as 'marked for deletion', can anyone explain?

I'm not sure why this is listed as 'marked for deletion', can anyone explain?

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This should be a sequence rather than a tag. Surprised it's not already a sequence, actually.

I also think this should be a sequence. I haven't looked about how to make it one.

I have just found out that I completely missed one of the sets. I have also just found out that I can subscribe to tags.

I made a Sequence for my replayable challenges, but think we should keep the tag. That way people wanting to make posts about D&D.Sci will have something to tag them with.

Chiming in later to say that I think the tag should stay, especially now that multiple people are doing them. Compare "Rationality Quotes" and "Open Threads" for other tags that could be accused of just being sequences.