Independent alignment researcher
I have signed no contracts or agreements whose existence I cannot mention.
It is, we’ve been limiting ourselves to readings from the sequence highlights. I’ll ask around to see if other organizers would like to broaden our horizons.
I mean, one of them’s math built bombs and computers & directly influenced pretty much every part of applied math today, and the other one’s math built math. Not saying he wasn’t smart, but no question are bombs & computers more flashy.
@abramdemski I think I'm the biggest agree vote for alexander (without me alexander would have -2 agree), and I do see this because I follow both of you on my subscribe tab.
I basically endorse Alexander's elaboration.
On the "prep for the model that is coming tomorrow not the model of today" front, I will say that LLMs are not always going to be as dumb as they are today. Even if you can't get them to understand or help with your work now, their rate of learning still makes them in some sense your most promising mentee, and that means trying to get as much of the tacit knowledge you have into their training data as possible (if you want them to be able to more easily & sooner build on your work). Or (if you don't want to do that for whatever reason) just generally not being caught flat-footed once they are smart enough to help you, as all your ideas are in videos or otherwise in high context understandable-only-to-abram notes.
Should you write text online now in places that can be scraped? You are exposing yourself to 'truesight' and also to stylometric deanonymization or other analysis, and you may simply have some sort of moral objection to LLM training on your text.
This seems like a bad move to me on net: you are erasing yourself (facts, values, preferences, goals, identity) from the future, by which I mean, LLMs. Much of the value of writing done recently or now is simply to get stuff into LLMs. I would, in fact, pay money to ensure is in training corpuses, and I upload source code to Github, heavy with documentation, rationale, and examples, in order to make LLMs more customized to my use-cases. For the trifling cost of some writing, all the worlds' LLM providers are competing to make their LLMs ever more like, and useful to, me.
in some sense that’s just hiring you for any other job, and of course if an AGI lab wants you, you end up with greater negotiating leverage at your old place, and could get a raise (depending on how tight capital constraints are, which, to be clear, in AI alignment are tight).
Over the past few days I've been doing a lit review of the different types of attention heads people have found and/or the metrics one can use to detect the presence of those types of heads.
Here is a rough list from my notes, sorry for the poor formatting, but I did say its rough!
And yes, I do think that interp work today should mostly focus on image nets for the same reasons we focus on image nets. The field’s current focus on LLMs is a mistake
A note that word on the street in mech-interp land is that often you get more signal & a greater number of techniques work on bigger & smarter language models over smaller & dumber possibly-not-language-models. Presumably due to smarter & complex models having more structured representations.
I don't understand why Remmelt going "off the deep end" should affect AI safety camp's funding. That seems reasonable for speculative bets, but not when there's a strong track-record available.