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Answer by Raemon103

One thing is I'm definitely able to spin up side projects that I just would not have been able to do before, because I can do them with my "tired brain."

Some of them might turn out to be real projects, although it's still early stage.


My current guess is:

1. This is more relevant for up-to-the first couple generations of "just barely superintelligent" AIs.

2. I don't really expect it to be the deciding factor after many iterations of end-to-end RSI that gets you to the "able to generate novel scientific or engineering insights much faster than a human or institution could." 

I do think it's plausible that the initial bias towards "evil/hackery AI" could start it off in a bad basin of attraction, but a) even if you completely avoided that, I would still basically expect this to rediscover this on it's own as it gained superhuman levels of competence, b) one of the things I most want to use a slightly-superhuman AI to do is to robustly align massively superhuman AI, and I don't really see how to do that without directly engaging with the knowledge of the failure modes there.

I think there are other plans that route more though "use STEM AI to build an uploader or bioenhancer, and then have an accelerated human-psyche do the technical philosophy necessary to handle the unbounded alignment case. I could see that being the right call, and I could imagine the bias from the "already knows about deceptive alignment etc" being large-magnitude enough to matter in the initial process. [edit: In those cases I'd probably want to filter out a lot more than just "unfriendly AI strategies"]

But, basically, how this applies depends on what it is you're trying to do with the AI, and what stage/flavor of AI you're working with and how it's helping.


It'd be nice to have the key observations/evidence in the tl;dr here. I'm worried about this but would like to stay grounded in how bad it is exactly.


I think I became at least a little wiser reading this sentence. I know you're mostly focused on other stuff but I think I'd benefit from some words connecting more of the dots.


I think the Gears Which Turn The World sequence, and Specializing in Problems We Don't Understand, and some other scattered John posts I don't remember as well, are a decent chunk of an answer.


Curated. I found this a clearer explanation of "how to think about bottlenecks, and things that are not-especially-bottlenecks-but-might-be-helpful" than I previously had. 

Previously, I had thought about major bottlenecks, and I had some vague sense of "well, there definitely seems like there should be more ways to be helpful than just tackling central bottlenecks, but a lot of ways to do that misguidedly." But I didn't have any particular models for thinking about it, and I don't think I could have explained it very well.

I think there are better ways of doing forward-chaining and backward-chaining than listed here (but which roughly correspond to "the one who thought about it a bit," but with a bit more technique for getting traction).

I do think the question of "to what degree is your field shaped like 'there's a central bottleneck that is to a first approximation the only thing that matters here'?" is an important question that hasn't really been argued for here. (I can't recall offhand if John has previously written a post exactly doing that in those terms, although the Gears Which Turn the World sequence is at least looking at the same problemspace)


Update: In a slack I'm in, someone said:

A friend of mine who works at US AISI advised:

> "My sense is that relevant people are talking to relevant people (don't know specifics about who/how/etc.) and it's better if this is done in a carefully controlled manner."

And another person said:

Per the other thread, a bunch of attention on this from EA/xrisk coded people could easily be counterproductive, by making AISI stick out as a safety thing that should be killed

And while I don't exactly wanna trust "the people behind the scenes have it handled", I do think the failure mode here seems pretty real.


I guess I'm just kinda surprised "perspective" feels metaphorical to you – it seems like that's exactly what it is.

(I think it's a bit of a long clunky word so not obviously right here, but, still surprised about your take)

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