Some comments:
I'm pretty sure it would have been easy to find ten more of most of those, but it would have felt like cheating.
I felt the same way. It's easy to generate something similar to an existing choice, like I included both catapult and trebuchet, but it feels wrong. But when I think about it feeling wrong, that's premature pruning...
This is only seven, one of them incomplete, for reasons that may become apparent.
No imitator I of other men!
(De Guiche has succeeded in getting by, and goes toward Roxane's door. Cyrano follows him, ready to stop him by force):
Six novel methods, all, this brain invented!
DE GUICHE (turning round):
CYRANO (volubly):
First, with body naked as your hand,
Festooned about with crystal flacons, full
O' th' tears the early morning dew distils;
My body to the sun's fierce rays exposed
To let it suck me up, as 't sucks the dew!
DE GUICHE (surprised, making one step toward Cyrano):
Ah! that makes one!
CYRANO (stepping back, and enticing him further away):
And then, the second way,
To generate wind--for my impetus--
To rarefy air, in a cedar case,
By mirrors placed icosahedron-wise.
DE GUICHE (making another step):
CYRANO (still stepping backward):
Or--for I have some mechanic skill--
To make a grasshopper, with springs of steel,
And launch myself by quick succeeding fires
Saltpeter-fed to the stars' pastures blue!
DE GUICHE (unconsciously following him and counting on his fingers):
Or (since fumes have property to mount)--
To charge a globe with fumes, sufficiently
To carry me aloft!
DE GUICHE (same play, more and more astonished):
Well, that makes four!
Or smear myself with marrow from a bull,
Since, at the lowest point of Zodiac,
Phoebus well loves to suck that marrow up!
DE GUICHE (amazed):
CYRANO (who, while speaking, had drawn him to the other side of the square near a bench):
Sitting on an iron platform--thence
To throw a magnet in the air. This is
A method well conceived--the magnet flown,
Infallibly the iron will pursue:
Then quick! relaunch your magnet, and you thus
Can mount and mount unmeasured distances!
Here are six excellent expedients!
Which of the six chose you?
Why, none!--a seventh!
Astonishing! What was it?
I'll recount.
This wild eccentric becomes interesting!
CYRANO (making a noise like the waves, with weird gestures):
Houuh! Houuh!
You have guessed?
Not I!
The tide!
I' th' witching hour when the moon woos the wave,
I laid me, fresh from a sea-bath, on the shore--
And, failing not to put head foremost--for
The hair holds the sea-water in its mesh--
I rose in air, straight! straight! like angel's flight,
And mounted, mounted, gently, effortless,. . .
When lo! a sudden shock! Then. . .
DE GUICHE (overcome by curiosity, sitting down on the bench):
Oh! then. . .
(Suddenly returning to his natural voice):
The quarter's gone--I'll hinder you no more:
The marriage-vows are made.
(This is from Cyrano de Bergerac, and Cyrano is pretending to have fallen from the moon, or perhaps pretending to be a lunatic who thinks he has fallen from the moon, in order to keep de Guiche occupied while the woman he's chasing is getting married to someone else.)
51. Bonus that I came up with in the shower: Leave instructions in my will that the contents of this beautiful ornate box goes to my first living relative that opens the box on the moon. When opened, the contents are just a screenshot of this thread.
About halfway through I forgot that I was only meant to be bringing something to the moon rather than having to visit it myself, and some of my items are very broad (the first one could make up a whole list in itself).
This was very fun!
space elevator
jump really, really hard
electromagnetic cannon
accelerate the spin of the earth until it falls apart
decelerate the orbit of the moon until it falls, by flying comets past it
or by painting one side of the moon black
or by using a giant rocket
or by detonating enough antimatter weaponry
flap your arms, again really, really hard
shine a torch at the moon (photons reach there)
start in space and use an ion drive
project orion nuclear bomb detonated below you
program an AGI and ask the AGI how to get to the moon
build a very tall ladder
wings made of wax
throw it really, really hard
spin around and let go
stand under an asteroid strike and join the ejecta
wait for quantum fluctuations to teleport you there
wait for random gravitational solar system pertubations to bring the moon to you
wait for another civilisation to bring you to the moon
time travel to before Theia hit and join the original moon
add mass to the moon until it becomes the planet and you are on the moon
find the space rocks the apollo astronauts brought back and stand on them
project orion but with fusion
project orion but with antimatter
trigger false vacuum collapse with particle accelerator and use new physics to develop as yet unknowable way of travelling to moon
astral projection
bird with a spacesuit
space helicopter
vacuum-filled zepellin
submarine with reactionless thruster inside
perpetual motion machine
buy a ticket on musk's starship
invest in dogecoin, use billions from dogecoin to start space program
stand above a supervolcano and hope ejecta takes you high enough
run very very fast reaching orbital velocity
very long space elevator reaching down from moon
very very long space elevator reaching down from mars
create microscopic black hole and use gravitational slingshot
carefully warp space to make a staircase built from the metric
make a normal staircase
very, very fast bicycle with a ramp
add mass to moon until gravitational tide from moon lifts you from the surface of the earth
deorbit the earth-moon system into the sun and join it in the molten iron in the sun's core
apollo 11 mission
my favorite is "add mass to the moon"; genius! '^^
I also particularly like: ladder, spinning the Earth, spin around and let go, time travel, find the space rocks, false vacuum collapse, bird with a spacesuit, zeppelin, buy a tick on Musk's starship, run very fast, microscope black hole, deorbit in the Sun :)
great list!
Here are my answers:
Switching the names of the earth and moon is hilarious!
I also love the supervolcano idea, even aside from humor; I had several that boiled down to hijacking natural phenomena or building artificial versions of them.
Love it.#28 is my favorite. Would make a great XKCD what if, seeing as every reaction has an equal and opposite reaction.
Okay well it took me more than an hour to get to 50, but still a great exercise!
1. Chemical rocket
2. Launch off of space elevator beyond geosync
3. Giant balloon (aim carefully you can't steer)
4. Coilgun
5. Launch loop (seriously how has nobody built this yet)
6. Railgun
7. Nuclear thermal rocket
8. Electric (ion) rocket powered by capacitors or batteries (ok might be a little heavy)
9. Electric (ion) rocket powered by lasers from the ground
10. Ablation rocket powered by lasers from the ground
11. Spaceplane combined with any of the rocket types, especially ablation rocket
12. Giant crossbow
13. One of those extending boxing glove toys with all the struts forming parallelograms (apparently this mechanism is called a "pantograph")
14. Series of nested giant crossbows: each one shoots a smaller crossbow
15. Hitch a ride on a passing asteroid using a tether
16. Use superconductors to levitate a flux-pinned magnet to the moon
17. Fusion rocket
18. Project Orion-style nuclear bomb rocket
19. Run a tether from the moon to the earth, and just let the tip drag along the ground and you can attach climbers to it as it goes by every day
20. Antimatter rocket
21. Ramjet
22. Bussard ramjet
23. Trebuchet
24. Bubble cavitation in a vacuum (could launch a tiny particle at high velocity from LEO)
25. Light gas gun
26. Plasma gun? Is that a thing?
27. Combination balloon and solar sail. The balloon lifts the solar sail until the air is too thin to keep rising, and then the sail takes off.
28. Build a giant radiotelescope to contact space aliens and ask them to carry something to the moon for you.
29. Ablation rocket powered by the sun (using dry ice maybe)
30. Hack the simulation and add code to teleport stuff on your command
31. Build a space elevator on the moon and use it to launch chunks of rock constantly towards earth, which you catch with a see-saw contraption to launch something smaller back the other way
32. Nuclear explosion underground that launches a big chunk of steel through a borehole, like in Operation Plumbob (have to use something longer and tungsten-coated so it doesn't vaporize)
33. Light sail powered by lasers from the ground
34. Use lightning to superheat pressurized gas in a massive gun chamber
35. Kite that turns into solar sail once it clears most of the atmosphere
36. Build a giant tower from Earth that reaches almost to the moon, with a vacuum chamber inside so it can be supported by an electron beam, and then just toss things from the top
37-39. Practice, practice, practice
40. Get that arm surgery that lets pitchers throw faster than they did before they were injured, but like 50 times
41. Stow away on the next moon launch
42. Bring the moon to you: rob the Earth of its rotational energy by over-using your space elevator, and the moon will slowly drift closer due to tidal locking (I think)
43. Fake a Dr. Evil-style terrorist threat to force the government to send people to the moon to stop you.
44. Rename your home to "the moon"
45. Something with carbon nanotubes (grow them to the moon I guess?)
46. Great great great great great pyramid
47. Drink way too much coffee in order to come up with more ideas (recursive self-improvement technique?)
48. Nuclear-powered jet engine that builds up momentum by circling the Earth a bunch of times like superman, at slightly higher altitude each time
49. Some kind of reactionless drive based on Hawking radiation
50. Just send neutrinos to the moon, nothing will stop them. (You are already doing this.)
Fun exercise, thanks for suggesting it!
I can't figure out multi-line spoiler tags, so I've put my 50 in here (a lot of these are blatantly cheating, but 50 is surprisingly hard!)
Okay I went ahead and implemented #39...
I did it via the OpenAI API. My prompts are in bold. I used about 5 restarts in total to generate this sequence.
I, as a student with no budget, devise the following plan to get to the Moon, and it works! Yes, it is a little far-fetched but this is an example of the creativity that is at the heart of the game.
The game is simple to play, just two dice are required.
By the end of the game you will see how I made it to the Moon using the following:
A cardboard box
A sheet of tin foil 
I'm amazed. If i compare my work to yours i realize i still have a very long way to go which is pretty exciting, i guess i'll have to read some more post here...
Loved #11 btw
Woop! Really excited to have you join Neel! In case you wrote 50 I think you only copied a 8 of them, and if not -- looking forward to the other 42 ;)
And finally, the most impractial item on the list
50. SLS
Good to see you hear Nuno, I know I can always count on you for joining experimental rationality projects! :)
50 ways to send something to the moon. Although it ended up more like 25 ways to send something to the moon and 25 ways to avoid sending something to the moon.
50 Ways to the Moon
This was pretty fun, though man, it took quite a bit to come up with all 50. Some of them are maybe plausible, some of them for sure are not
I didn't read others' answers before answering.
My favorite from my list are 1, 30, and 39
ideas I got from reading others' list:
2. slingshot
3. catapult
4. teeter totter
5. transporter beam
6. psychic projection
7. cannon
8. car ramp
9. sitting on a bomb
10. breeding a tall dinosaur
11. super tall tree
12. skyscraper
13. wait for tectonic plates to make mountains
14. bouncy chihuaha
15. geyser
16. supercollider (point it at moon)
17. asking aliens for help
18. shooting rope to moon with crossbow
19. giant tsunami
20. pile of army ants
21. wishing really hard
22. in a dream
23. centrifugal force from big rotating thing
24. quantum fluctuation
25. the man in the moon reaches down
26. pole vault
27. shoes with big springs
28. flatulence rocket
29. solar sail (and laser?)
30. giant escalator
31. redefining kansas to be part of the moon
32. giant stilts
33. take lsd
34. Wizard of Oz tornado puts house on moon
35. threaten to hold your breath until someone puts you on the moon
36. produce more atmosphere and fly there on a plane
37. call an Uber
38. medieval siege tower
39. reconstruct the tower of babel
40. practice jumping really really high
41. pass a tax break for property on the moon and wait for a rich guy to claim it
42. ask Superman to do it
43. propeller beanie on space suit
44. ejaculate really hard
45. atomic powered tennis racket and ball
46. giant beanstalk
47. giant Jenga game
48. get energetic cat. point laser at moon.
49. send it by UPS and let them figure it out
50. get punched by Jackie Gleason
(Took me 30 minutes. I was really sleepy which may have hurt or helped.)
This was a really fun exercise and i kind of feel like i cheated with some of these ones but i agree with you that this could be a great exercise for your brain to stimuli creativity. If you come up with some new activity i'll gladly get into them.
Here are my answers
I understood the prompt as "get your ass to the moon" (Buzz Aldrin reference), and there are actually quite a few solutions here that are interesting because of that extra constraint. I would suggest scrolling ahead after the obvious solutions:
Congrats on almost completing your first Babble challenge! Though as the gamemaster, I am obliged to point out that combinatorial variations (like #41-46, or #2-5) don't count, so you still have a few to go to reach 50.
Started at 22:46:30
Finished at 23:24:25
1. Chemical combustion rocketship
2. Solar sail rocketship
3. Interplanetary tether
4. Slingshot / Materials based launcher
5. Catapult / Tension based launcher
6. Cannon / Propulsion based launcher
7. Very large balloon (get to space, then release material)
8. A gun with A LOT of bullets (there is a problem with launch mass though)
9. Acoustic launcher (Similar to "Acoustic levitator" ideas)
10. Untethered tower built up from surface (the "Minecraft" technique)
11. Runway + plane + no air resistance in space
12. Jumping / Single self-contained force at surface@13. Stored tension (think of a two-state button)
14. Trebuchet / Counterweight based launcher
15. Small rocket + gravitational assist from Earth
16. Railgun / Magnetic based launcher
17. One of those things that spins rafts in lakes on its side spinning at 10,000% speed
18. VERY sturdy container and a lot of bombs
19. Harnessing hurricane/tornado energy using pulleys and tethers
20. A very high pulley, a light shuttle, and a heavy weight very high up
21. A very high pulley, a light shuttle, and a tether tied to a very fast car
22. A very high pulley, a light shuttle, and a motor that turns very fast
23. The galaxy's largest teeter-totter and a heavy weight
24. A lot of precisely arranged repelling magnets packed very closely together and an astronaut with no pacemaker
25. A mechanism that can transfer energy from a flyweight to a pole and a mechanism that can translate rotational energy into upward movement
26. A bullet train pointed up
27. "The sore arm", a terribly high ladder (made more feasible as a train rail that extends upwards all the way) (say goodbye to trees)
28. A steep decline, a high incline, 4 sets of frictionless bearings, and a skateboard
29. A **very** large flashlight
30. Every person in the world working together (thanks to levers or something equivalent in moving force a distance to coordinate)
31. A mountain, a trampoline at the Earth's core, an aerodynamic shuttle in a wingsuit that can jump straight down towards the trampoline
32. Bird harnessing machine (ditch them VERY QUICKLY as ballast once you get high enough up to push yourself into space)
33. Someone throwing a baseball straight down VERY fast
34. Portals
35. Divine intervention
36. A counterweight system set up with the help of a group already on the moon
37. A rope tied to the moon's surface that you can grab onto
38. The bouncy ball formally known as the Eastern Hemisphere
39. A very strong laser pointed down (can be equivalent to a hot air balloon if it's a good enough laser, but different in that the material is not part of the craft)
40. Everyone in the world making a technically/physically/culturally improbable human pyramid
41. Someone throwing a shuttle straight up VERY fast (See 33)
42. A very large magnet on the room and some iron spacesuits
43. Some cheatcodes for the simulation that the universe is in for the purposes of this list item
44. Some large rockets on the other side of the Earth (it gets our object closer to them moon, it just moves the other things)
45. A harpoon gun on the moon and a VERY good aim
46. Matter scanner, radio, and matter replicator (the "hard scifi teleporter" method)
47. A very strong wind (you might need one of those nice bladeless fans)
48. A very strong wave and a sailboat (we're going for escape velocity here)
49. A racecar that can go very fast and a road that happens to be aligned with the moon
50. A balloon under pressure with the soon-to-be-open end pointed straight up in a line that intersects our shuttle and the moon
51. Something with gyroscopes (This is #51, I'm allowed a joke)
Note: For the purposes of this challenge, I largely assumed we are capable of perfect coordination. That is, reaching space = reaching the moon. I understand this is not feasible, but the prompt said "Bird with spacesuit" is fine, so I think I'm in the clear here.
Your initial spoiler didn't work, so I edited it to insert the spoiler protection.
Kudos on your submission!
This is an exercise, and as such is a bit different from your ordinary question post...
Come up with 50 ways of sending something to the moon. In less than 1 hour.
I don’t care how stupid they are. My own list included “Slingshot”, “Massive trampoline” and “Bird with spacesuit”.
What matters is that you actually hit 50. I want you to have the experience of thinking that you’re out of ideas, but nonetheless deciding to push yourself, and finding your best idea thus far.
This regularly happens to me when I do this exercise. I’ll feel stuck. I’ll feel like giving up. But I force myself to say three more stupid things… “mega tall tree”, “super boomerang”, “railgun” ... and, all of sudden, I have a fourth idea that’s actually not that shabby.
Why do this?
1) Becoming more creative.
Coming up with ideas is a bottleneck for me personally. I want to become stronger.
I have a very simple model for how to improve. My brain will start generating more ideas if I A) force myself to have ideas, even if they’re bad, and B) reward myself for having them.
The act of filtering for actually good ideas is a second, different step. First you babble. And only then you prune. I claim that you can train each of those “muscles” separately.
I think that in the past my creativity has been held back by excessive self-criticism. I now think it should be possible to improve by separating the creative and the evaluative step -- at least for practice purposes.
2) Building a culture of practice on LessWrong
LessWrong currently feels like an unusually intellectual bar. You pop in and grab a drink; instead of watching a stand-up comedian someone does a PowerPoint presentation; and the ensuing conversation is great. That’s a fine thing.
But what if part of LessWrong was more like a gym? Or a dojo?
You come in, bow to the sensei, and then you start practicing. Together. Each of you focusing all your attention on your movements, pushing yourselves to your limits, and trying deliberately to become stronger.
I want us to have that, but for rationality.
That’s the babble challenge. We’re here to work hard.
This is really important. Sharing babble in public is a scary experience. I don’t want people to leave this having back-chained the experience “If I am creative, people will look down on me”. So be generous with those upvotes.
If you comment on someone else’s post, focus on making exciting, novel ideas work -- instead of tearing apart worse ideas.
Reward people for babbling -- don’t punish them for not pruning.
I might remove comments that break this rule.
Man, I barely know anything about going to the moon. Yet I did come up with 50 ideas.
“Bird with spacesuit” is fine. I have some intuition where making these ideas actually helps me become creative. I try to track that intuition.
If you spend 5 min agonising over not having anything to say, you’re doing it wrong. You’re being too critical. Just lower your standards and say something, anything. Soon enough you’ll be back on track.
This is really, really important. It’s the only way I’m able to complete these exercises (and I’ve done a few of them in the last few days).
Now, go forth and babble! 50 ways of sending something to the moon!