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I'm glad to hear the suspension went smoothly. I hope to congratulate Robert in person someday.

There exist only 106 Cryonics Institute patients???

At first I was surprised, but if it's the number frozen rather than the number signed up, it doesn't seem wildly off.

Alcor have about the same number, KrioRus 15, so about 227 total worldwide. About two thousand people are signed up.

There exist only two thousand people worldwide who have signed up for cryonics?

There are other services, but I think they all only have a handful of members between them, bringing the total up to less than two thousand.

"That's a high upper bound on the number of people on Earth who can reliably reach the right conclusion on massively overdetermined issues"

That's stupid. I'd sign up for cryonics, if my identity could only be instantiated in biological hardware now.

Yes. My own estimate was off my a magnitude of 2 as well. It is really that low!

1918 - ?

Glad to hear he went into stasis under good conditions. This probably increases the chance that he can be repaired with nanotech/biotech rather than being scanned to a digital substrate. (He always hated the idea of being uploaded.) Congratulations on a good start to your trip through time, Robert.

If he gets reanimated, he will deserve to feel extremely smug.

hoped for first words: "HA! Suckers!"

I was sorry not to hear that his "last words" were "well, fingers crossed!"