A friend gave me Kingdom http://www.lamemage.com/kingdom/ a few years ago, and I thought it was quite good for just this purpose. He used it for his kids; I'm planning on using it for mine and to generate stories for them.
I like that it is a roleplaying system in which mind modelling takes a high priority. It is story-driven, communication oriented, and based upon having a community. I really like it. Here are some examples of play. There are no dice.
Haven't played it myself, but this seems related: https://slatestarcodex.com/2013/02/22/dungeons-and-discourse-third-edition-the-dialectic-continues/
Roll For Shoes is an exceedingly simple system. Like most, it relies on reading and writing skills, but I'm sure it could be adapted to work with simple drawings or even stickers.
To paraphrase:
That's the whole system, and the website has some settings that could be adapted to your kid's level of storytelling ability with a little creativity. I haven't been able to try this out with my almost-four-year-old yet since he hasn't been interested in cooperative storytelling so far, but I'm certain he could handle the mechanics provided we went to pictographic representations for the skills. You could even manage all the skill cards yourself if it's more fun for your kid that way.
Good luck with this, and I'm curious what else you come up with!
Thanks, that's stupid simple, love it. It seems that the little one likes cooperative storytelling a lot, but she doesn't understand the dices and the concept of opposing checks very well. I still do some hoping she picks up, eventually...
For story inspiration, check out AI Dungeon 2. It's basically GPT-2 trained on second-person text adventures.
Thanks, that's pretty interesting, it's good to get some inspiration from it and then replace "inappropriate" words by something from her vocabulary (like princesses, dogs, cats instead of murderer, undead, zombie, ...) :-D . We'll get there, eventually.
my daughter is about 3 and a half year old and we have been enjoying some interactive story telling where she is manipulating the story somehow.
When I was ~18, I played tabletop RPG with my friends (for about a year). I really enjoyed it and I think I would really enjoy something like that with my daughter too. So far I have been making things up as we go and sometimes I just get stuck, so I am trying to create some plot and ideas, print out/draw some graphics, maps around the area where we live...
...and I think it's a great playground and opportunity to try to slowly incorporate some of the rationality-related ideas (or simply "those stuff I learned about the world which makes me happier or stronger"). Thins like:
Anyone knows about some nice plots, materials, stories, tools, game settings and systems or whatever to get some inspiration? It doesn't matter if it's for the older kids, I can slowly get there or adjust it for the current age. I would also appreciate if the game system was quite light-weight (she can't grasp anything more than talking right now anyway) and combat or aggression wasn't the main focus. E.g. Ryuutama type of games.