
TerminalAwareness (+47)
Paul Crowley (+5/-7) utilons -> utils
steven0461 (+159/-314)
Vladimir_Nesov (+25) /* See also */
steven0461 (+4/-5)
diotimajsh (+1248/-22) Fleshed out the definition quite a bit more, added an example of usage, and introduced the slightly less common term "dolor" as the opposite of a hedon.
Vladimir_Nesov (-70)
Vladimir_Nesov (+98/-79)
admin 1 revision: migrate_wiki.py script
PeerInfinity (+116) New page: A fundamental unit of hedonism aka [[Fuzzies]] see See http://lesswrong.com/lw/6z/purchase_fuzzies_and_utilons_separately/ [[Category:Concepts]] [[Category:Jargon]] {{stub}}

AnThe unit philosophers use to quantify pleasure. Hedons are abstract unit of pleasure, used by philosophers as a convenient means to "quantify" the pleasure which might result from an event or circumstance. As one might expect, there isunits with no standardized metric for the hedon:metric: the assignment of hedons to experiences is typically very broad, loose, subjective, and case dependent. Negative hedons can be used to indicate pain or that whichstand for whatever detracts from a pleasurable experience. (Alternatively,experience, or for pain -- though sometimes the term "dolor" is sometimesunit used for a corresponding unit of suffering)pain is the "dolor".

Utilitarians often employ hedons to compare the expected net outcome of pleasure for a given scenario. Hedonism is an ethical theory whichthat sees the maximization of hedons (and the minimization of dolors) as the most desirable good.

A fundamentalAn abstract unit of pleasure, used by philosophers as a convenient means to "quantify" the pleasure which might result from an event or circumstance. As one might expect, there is no standardized metric for the hedon: the assignment of hedons to experiences is typically very broad, loose, subjective, and case dependent. Negative hedons can be used to indicate pain or that which detracts from a pleasurable experience. (Alternatively, the term "dolor" is sometimes used for a corresponding unit of suffering).

For example, we might say that eating an ice cream cone yields 3 hedons to a normal individual, while solving an intensely difficult logic puzzle yields 15 hedons. The frustration undergone in the course of figuring out the puzzle might be judged as -20 hedons (or 20 dolors), depending on the puzzle's difficulty and the individual's temperament. The specific numbers chosen are generally not too important; the main point is to give a rough sketch of how the enjoyment of one experience relates to others.

Utilitarians often employ hedons to compare the expected net outcome of pleasure for a given scenario. hedonismHedonism. is an ethical theory which sees the maximization of hedons (and the minimization of dolors) as the most desirable good.