I have difficulty coming up with a practical example of a system such as described in the section "The Original Good Regulator Theorem". Can you provide some examples?
Here are some of the problems I have in understanding the setup.
Minimising the entropy of Z says that Z is to have a narrow distribution, but says nothing about where the mean of that distribution should be. This does not look like anything that would be called "regulation".
Time is absent from the system as described. Surely a "regulator" should keep the value of Z near constant over time?
The value of Z is assumed to be a deterministic function of S and R. Systems that operate over time are typically described by differential equations, and any instant state of S and R might coexist with any state of Z.
R has no way of knowing the value of Z. It is working in the dark. Why is it hobbled in this way?
Z is assumed to have no effect on S.
There are no unmodelled influences on Z. In practice, there are always unmodelled influences.
These problems still apply when the variables X and N are introduced.
Minimising the entropy of Z says that Z is to have a narrow distribution, but says nothing about where the mean of that distribution should be. This does not look like anything that would be called "regulation".
I wouldn't get too hung up on the word 'regulator'. It's used in a very loose way here, as in common in old cybernetics-flavoured papers. The regulator is regulating, in the the sense that it is controlling and restricting the range of outcomes.
Time is absent from the system as described. Surely a "regulator" should keep the value of Z near constant over time?
You could imagine that this is a memoryless system where the process repeats every timestep (and S/X has no memory of what Z was previously). Then, a regulator which chose a policy which minimized entropy of Z (and used the same policy each timestep) would keep the value of Z as near constant as possible. (Maybe this is closer to what you were thinking of as a 'regulator' the previous point?)
The value of Z is assumed to be a deterministic function of S and R. Systems that operate over time are typically described by differential equations, and any instant state of S and R might coexist with any state of Z.
This post deals with discrete systems where S and R happen 'before' Z. If you want something similar but for continuous systems over time, you might want to take a look at the Internal Model Principle, which is a similar kind of result, which can apply to continuous time systems modelled with differential equations.
R has no way of knowing the value of Z. It is working in the dark. Why is it hobbled in this way?
In this setup, S is just defined as the input to R. If you wanted, you could think of as S as the 'initial state' and Z as the 'final state' of the system, provided they had the same range. But this setup also allows S to have a range different to S. R can know the value of S/X, which is what it needs to know in order to affect Z. If it knows the dynamics of the setup then it can predict the outcome and doesn't need to 'see' Z.
If you are thinking of something like 'R must learn a strategy by trying out actions and observing their effect on Z' then this is beyond the scope of this post! The Good Regulator Theorem(s) concern optimal behaviour, not how that behaviour is learned.
There are no unmodelled influences on Z. In practice, there are always unmodelled influences.
If by 'unmodelled' influences, you mean 'variables that the regulator cannot see, but still affect Z', then this problem is solved in the framework with X (and implicitly N).
I wouldn't get too hung up on the word 'regulator'. It's used in a very loose way here, as in common in old cybernetics-flavoured papers.
Human slop (I'm referring to those old cybernetics papers rather than the present discussion) has no more to recommend it than AI slop. "Humans Who Are Not Concentrating Are Not General Intelligences", and that applies not just to how they read but also how they write.
If you are thinking of something like 'R must learn a strategy by trying out actions and observing their effect on Z' then this is beyond the scope of this post! The Good Regulator Theorem(s) concern optimal behaviour, not how that behaviour is learned.
What I am thinking of (as always when this subject comes up) is control systems. A room thermostat actually regulates, not merely "regulates", the temperature of a room, at whatever value the user has set, without modelling or learning anything. It, and all of control theory (including control systems that do model or adapt), fall outside the scope of the supposed Good Regulator Theorem. Hence my asking for a practical example of something that it does apply to.
Regarding your request for a practical example.
Short Answer: It's a toy model. I don't think I can come up with a practical example which would address all of your issues.
Long Answer, which I think gets at what we disagree about:
I think we are approaching this from different angles. I am interested in the GRT from an agent foundations point of view, not because I want to make better thermostats. I'm sure that GRT is pretty useless for most practical applications of control theory! I read John Wentworth's post where he suggested that the entropy-reduction problem may lead to embedded-agency problems. Turns out it doesn't but it would have been cool if it did! I wanted to tie up that loose end from John's post.
Why do I care about entropy reduction at all?
I am interested in the GRT from an agent foundations point of view, not because I want to make better thermostats.
An agent with a goal needs to use the means available to it in whatever way will achieve that goal. That is practically the definition of a control system. So you do actually want to build better thermostats, even if you haven't realised it.
I'm sure that GRT is pretty useless for most practical applications of control theory!
I'm sure that GRT is pretty useless, period.
Reducing entropy is often a necessary (but not sufficient) condition for achieving goals. A thermostat can achieve an average temperature of 25C by ensuring that the room temperature comes from a uniform distribution over all temperatures between 75C and -25C. But a better thermostat will ensure that the temperature is distributed over a narrower (lower entropy) distribution around 25C .
A worse thermostat will achieve an equally low entropy distribution around 40C. Reaching the goal is what matters, not precisely hitting the wrong target.
I think we probably agree that the Good Regulator Theorem could have a better name (the 'Good Entropy-Reducer Theorem'?). But unfortunately, the result is most commonly known using the name 'Good Regulator Theorem'. It seems to me that 55 years after the original paper was published, it is too late to try to re-brand.
I decided to use that name (along with the word 'regulator') so that readers would know which theorem this post is about. To avoid confusion, I made sure to be clear (right in the first few paragraphs) about the specific way that I was using the word 'regulator'. This seems like a fine compromise to me.
This post was written during the agent foundations fellowship with Alex Altair funded by the LTFF. Thanks to Alex for reading and commenting on the draft.
Abstract: We prove a version of the Good Regulator Theorem for a regulator with imperfect knowledge of its environment aiming to minimize the entropy of an output.
The Original Good Regulator Theorem
The original Good Regulator Theorem (from the 1970 paper of Conant and Ashby) concerns a setup involving three random variables: a 'System' S, an 'Output' Z and a 'Regulator' R. They are related by the following Bayes net:
The regulator receives an input from the system S and then takes an action which is represented by the random variable R. This action interacts with the system variable S to produce the output Z. The function which maps the (R,S) pair to Z is assumed to be deterministic. The aim of the regulator is to minimize the entropy of the output Z. In order to do this, it must use a 'policy' which is characterized by a conditional probability distribution P(R|S). When discussing the regulator policy, we often anthropomorphize the regulator and talk about it 'choosing' actions, but this is just used as an intuitive way of discussing the conditional probability distribution P(R|S). For example, we might say 'the regulator will always choose action rA when presented with system state sA' which means that P(R=rA|S=sA)=1.
The theorem shows that a regulator which achieves the lowest output entropy and is not 'unnecessarily complex' must be a deterministic function of the System ie. the conditional probabilities P(R|S) must all be 0 or 1. If you want more details, I have written an explainer of the theorem.
The setup used in the original Good Regulator Theorem is restrictive in two important ways.
Firstly, it assumes that the regulator has perfect knowledge of the system state. In other words, it assumes that the regulator can assign an action (or probabilistic policy) for every possible system state si. This means that the theorem does not cover cases where the regulator does not have full information about the system state. For example, if the system state was a bit string of length ten, but the regulator could only 'see' the first five bits of the string, this setup would not be covered by the original Good Regulator Theorem. For the setup to be covered by the original theorem, the regulator would have to be able to 'see' the full ten bits of the system and choose an action (or probabilistic mixture of actions) for each unique system string.
Secondly, the setup assumes that the output Z is a deterministic function of R and S, leaving no room for randomness anywhere in the whole Bayes net, except for the initial probability distribution over values of S.
Both of these restrictions can be lifted by considering an alternative setup:
In this setup, the variable X represents the part of the environment that the regulator can observe, which may not be the full environment. This variable feeds into the system state S, but with some randomness, allowing for other, unobserved variables to affect the system state. Finally, the output Z is determined by S and R. While the original Good Regulator theorem assumed that the Z was a deterministic function of S and R, the proof presented here does not require that assumption, so represents a further generalisation. The outcome distribution over Z can have randomness and can be determined by a conditional probability distribution P(Z|S,R). In the case where all elements of P(Z|S,R) either equal zero or one, Z is a deterministic function of S and R, otherwise Z depends on S and R in a non-deterministic way [1].
If we wish to explicitly represent some 'noise' variable feeding into S, we could draw the diagram like this:
but we will keep the noise variable implicit by allowing for some randomness in the X→S dependency. Similarly, we will allow for randomness in the S→Z and R→Z dependencies, keeping any noise affecting those variables implicit.
Wentworth's 'Little Less Silly' Good Regulator Theorem
Using the 'imperfect knowledge' framework described by the diagram above (where the regulator has knowledge of X but not S), John Wentworth proved his 'Little Less Silly' version of the Good Regulator Theorem. Instead of considering entropy minimization as the target of optimization, he used expected utility maximization (where the utility function is defined over the outcomes Z). He showed that, in this setup, a regulator which maximized expected utility and contained no unnecessary randomness was a deterministic function of the conditional posterior distribution P(S|X=x)[2]. In other words, the regulator's action would be a deterministic function of X, with the added condition that it would pick the same action for two X-values x1 and x2 if they lead to the same posterior distribution of system values (ie. P(S|X=x1)=P(S|X=x2)). The regulator would only pick different actions for two X-values if they lead to different posterior distributions. This allows you to say that a regulator which maximizes expected utility and is not unnecessarily complex is in some sense equivalent to a regulator which calculates (or 'models') the distribution P(S|X).
Note that this theorem is behavioural; it concerns the relationship between the inputs and outputs of the regulator. It is not structural; ie. it does not tell us anything about what the internal structure of the regulator must be, except that the internal structure must be compatible with the input-output behaviour. I mention this because the Good Regulator Theorem is sometimes discussed in the context of the Agent-like Structure Problem which asks 'does agent-like behaviour imply agent-like structure?'. While the theorem might help us to characterise agent-like behaviour, on its own it does not tell us anything about structure. This is true of the original Good Regulator Theorem, Wentworth's 'little less silly' version, and the version presented in this post.
In his post, after proving this theorem, John Wentworth then makes the following note:
He then leaves this hanging before going on to prove the more complex result which people have have called the 'Gooder Regulator' theorem.
Here's the issue he is pointing at, as I understand it. With utility maximization, one can choose a policy which maximizes expected utility in each 'branch' of possible outcomes and this policy will maximize the overall expected utility. However, for entropy minimization, this is not the case. You can 'mix' several low entropy distributions and get an overall distribution which is high entropy. This means that an entropy minimization policy must take into account its actions in other 'branches' in a way that utility maximization does not need to. Having said this, I don't think that this is an insurmountable obstacle. After all, the original Good Regulator Theorem concerns entropy minimization and this setup is only a small adjustment to the one used in the original paper.
As far as I can tell, no-one has written down a Good Regulator Theorem for minimizing entropy with imperfect knowledge of the system state[3]. I think it's do-able without running into any embedded-agency-like problems. Here's my attempt.
Theorem Statement
Consider a regulator operating the in the 'imperfect knowledge' setup described above.
Call a regulator 'good' if it satisfies the two following criteria:
The term 'unnecessary complexity' is used by the authors of the original Good Regulator paper to mean unnecessary randomness. If a regulator randomizes between two actions which lead to the same result, then this is considered unnecessary randomness.
We will prove that a good regulator R will be a deterministic function of its input X. Furthermore, if two X-values x1 and x2 lead to the same posterior distribution over S, ie. P(S|X=x1)=P(S|X=x2), then a good regulator will choose the same action for those two inputs. In other words: a good regulator chooses a different R-value for two X-values only if the two X-values lead to different posterior distributions over S. We can say that such a regulator is a deterministic function of P(S|X=x). In this sense, we can say that a good regulator is equivalent (in terms of input-output behaviour) to one which is modelling the distribution over system states P(S|X).
Proof Sketch
This proof follows approximately the same structure as the original Good Regulator Theorem and is sketched out below.
Suppose we have a regulator which achieves the minimum possible entropy for some setup. We then prove the following: if, for a given X-value (call it x0) the regulator takes two different actions with non-zero probability (say P(R=ra|X=x0)>0 and P(R=rb|X=x0)>0), then both of those R-values must lead to the same posterior distribution over Z, conditional on x0. A corollary of this is that if both of the R-values do not lead to the same posterior distribution over Z, conditional on x0, then we can construct a regulator which achieves a lower entropy. Then, we invoke the requirement that a good regulator must contain no unnecessary complexity to show that a good regulator must be a deterministic function of its input X. Finally, we show why a good regulator must be a deterministic function not only of X, but of the posterior distribution P(S|X=x). If a regulator is a deterministic function of X but not of the posterior distribution, then it is either 'unnecessarily complex' or fails to achieve minimal entropy.
This is analogous to structure of the original Good Regulator Theorem. In the original paper, the main lemma states that if for a given S-value an entropy-minimizing regulator takes two different actions with non-zero probability then both actions (along with that S-value) lead to the same Z-value. The difference here is that Z is a probabilistic, not a deterministic function of X (the regulator input) and R (the regulator output).
The original Good Regulator authors make the assumption that the entropy-minimizing distribution of Z is unique to simplify the proof. As far as I can tell, this assumption is unnecessary and the proof presented below does not require it. The proof below shows something like: 'If R is not a deterministic function of X, then it does not achieve minimal entropy. Furthermore if R is not also a deterministic function of P(S|X=x), then it is unnecessarily complex'. This statement is true even if there are multiple possible entropy-minimizing policies or Z-distributions
Suppose we have a regulator as described above which takes two different actions ra and rb each with non-zero probability when presented with the X-value x0. We will not concern ourselves with exactly what the regulator does when presented with a different X-value but we will assume it has a well-defined policy. We can write the overall probability distribution over outputs as:
P(Z)=P(Z|X=x0)P(X=x0)+P(Z|X≠x0)P(X≠x0).Based on the Bayes Net of the setup, we can break down the P(Z|X=x0) to explicitly represent all variable dependencies:
P(Z|X=x0)=qP(Z|X=x0,R=ra)+(1−q)P(Z|X=x0,R=rb),where q=P(R=ra|X=x0) and P(Z|X=x0,R=ra) is obtained by summing over S-values:
P(Z|X=x0,R=ra)=∑iP(Z|X=x0,R=ra,S=si)P(S=si|X=x0)with a similar expression for P(Z|X=x0,R=rb).
To reduce the size of our equations let us write Pa(Z)=P(Z|X=x0,R=ra) and Pb(Z)=P(Z|X=x0,R=rb). We can then write the overall distribution as:
P(Z)=P(Z|X≠x0)P(X≠x0)+[qPa(Z)+(1−q)Pb(Z)]P(X=x0).If we write P(X=x0) as Px and P(X≠x0)as (1−Px), we can now re-group this expression as follows:
P(Z)=q[P(Z|X≠x0)(1−Px)+Pa(Z)Px]+(1−q)[P(Z|X≠x0)(1−Px)+Pb(Z)Px].This equation is cumbersome but has a fairly straightforward interpretation. The distribution over Z can be be viewed as a mixture of two probability distributions. With probability q, Z is drawn from a distribution which itself is a mixture of P(Z|X≠x0) and Pa(Z). With probability (1−q), Z is drawn from a distribution which is a mixture of Pb(Z) and P(Z|X≠x0). To simplify equations, let us write:
Qa(Z)=P(Z|X≠x0)(1−Px)+Pa(Z)Px,Qb(Z)=P(Z|X≠x0)(1−Px)+Pb(Z)Px.This allows us to write the overall distribution as a mixture in a much clearer way:
P(Z)=qQa(Z)+(1−q)Qb(Z).Now, we invoke the concavity of entropy, which tells us that the overall entropy of P(Z) must be greater than or equal to the weighted sum of the entropies of Qa(Z) and Qb(Z). Recall q=P(R=ra|X=x0) is the probability that the regulator chooses action ra when presented with observation x0 and that is to find the regulator policy which minimizes the output entropy of Z. With this in mind, we can consider a few different possibilities:
By considering the four exhaustive cases above, we have therefore proved that that a regulator can only achieve minimum entropy by randomizing between actions if both of those actions lead to the same distribution over Z. Furthermore, we can enforce the condition that the regulator policy should contain no 'unnecessary' complexity or randomness. Then, even in the case where Qa(Z) and Qb(Z) are the same, the regulator would choose a deterministic policy.
Thus, we have proved that any regulator which achieves minimum entropy and contains no unnecessary randomness will be a deterministic function of its input X. This is analogous to the original good regulator theorem.
In what sense is this a 'model'?
The authors of the original Good Regulator Theorem claim that it shows that a regulator must be 'modelling' its environment. In what sense is this true for the theorem we have just proved?
Firstly, there is the (slightly trivial) sense in which the regulator must be taking in information from its environment and using it to choose an action. We could think of this as the regulator modelling the part of the environment represented by the variable X. But this is not very satisfying, since the deterministic function which the 'good' regulator applies may be very trivial (for example, in some setups a 'good' regulator might just be a function which maps all X-values to the same regulator output).
Then, in closer analogy to John Wentworth's work we could say that a good regulator is equivalent to a regulator which is a deterministic function of the posterior probability distribution P(S|X). In other words, a good regulator is equivalent to a one which, upon observing X=xi, calculates the distribution P(S|X=xi) and throws away information about X and makes its decision purely based on the distribution P(S|X=xi). We will unpack this idea a little bit more in the next section.
A Deterministic Function of the Posterior Distribution
We have already shown that a good regulator is a deterministic function of is input X. Furthermore, the posterior distribution P(S|X=xi) is also a deterministic function[4] of xi (though S itself is not necessarily a deterministic function of xi). Now, suppose that the regulator was a deterministic function of X, but not equivalent to a deterministic function of P(S|X=xi). The only way this could be the case would be if there are some xi-values which lead to the same posterior distributions (eg. P(S|X=x1)=P(S|X=x2) ) but the regulator chooses different R-values for each X-value. If choosing different R-values for each X-value with the same posterior S-distribution leads to different output Z-distribution, then this regulator cannot be optimal, due to a concavity of entropy argument, similar to the one in the above section. If choosing different R-values for each X-value with the same posterior S-distribution does not lead to different output Z-distributions, then we can argue that choosing different R-values constitutes 'unnecessary complexity' and require that a 'good' regulator chooses one R-value consistently for upon observing both X=x1 and X=x2. This regulator would therefore be equivalent to one which received xi as a input and calculated/modelled the distribution P(S|X=xi) and then made its decision purely based on this distribution, instead of the xi value it received.
An earlier version of this post said that the proof presented required the assumption that Z was a deterministic function of S and R. In fact, the proof is more general than this and does not require this assumption.
In this post we will use the phrase 'posterior distribution' to refer to the conditional probability distribution P(S|X=x). This follows John Wentworth's use of this phrase in his Good Regulator Theorem post. The word 'posterior' is usually used in the context of Bayesian updating and has the connotation that the regulator is 'updating its belief' about the system distribution, given the observation X=x. While it is certainty possible that the regulator has a 'belief' which it is 'updating', this is not necessary for the theorem to hold. You can safely think of the 'posterior' distribution P(S|X=x) as just a conditional distribution without missing anything important.
John Wentworth correctly points out that the proof of the original Good Regulator Theorem (with entropy minimization) holds for an imperfect knowledge setup like this, provided that S is a deterministic function of X (ie. X contains all information needed to perfectly reconstruct S). This is true, but does not cover the more interesting case, covered here, where S cannot be fully reconstructed from X alone. From 'Fixing the Good Regulator Theorem':
There are a couple of functions with different type signatures discussed in this paragraph so I'll briefly clarify them here. When I say that the distribution is a function of X, what I mean is that there is a function f(x)=P(S|X=x) whose domain contains all possible X-values and whose output is the distribution P(S|X=x). Later, when we talk about R being a deterministic function of the distribution P(S|X=x), this means that R=g(Q) where the domain of g includes the distributions P(S|X=x) for all x and the range of g is the set of possible R-values (or 'actions').