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Fun theory is the field of knowledge occupied with studying the concept of fun (as the opposite of boredom). It tries to answer problems such as how we should quantify it, how desirable it is, and how it relates to the human living experience. It has been one of the major interests of Eliezer Yudkowsky while writing for Less Wrong.

The argument against Enlightment

While discussing transhumanism and related fields such as cryonics or lifespan extension, it has been brought up as a countering argument by conservatives that such enhancements would bring boredom and the end of fun as we know it. More specifically, if we self-improve human minds to extreme levels of intelligence, all challenges known today may bore us. Likewise, when superhumanly intelligent machines take care of our every need, it is apparent that no challenges nor fun will remain. As such, we should avoid that path of development.

The implicit open question is whether the universe will offer, or we ourselves can create, ever more complex and sophisticated opportunities to delight, entertain and challenge ever more powerful and resourceful minds....

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