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Biological Cognitive Enhancement is any modification in the biology of a person which increases his cognitive capacities 1. These modifications can be done through the use of drugs (‘smart pills’) or magnetic stimulation. The most imminent, successful and polemic method is through the use of drugs, substances that alter the functioning of our brain's neurochemistry in order to improve certain aspects of cognition. There is an increasing trend in the use of cognitive enhancement drugs among healthy individuals in schools and colleges2 3. This means this kind of enhancement technology is already in use. The overall impact of a widespread use of these kinds of drugs could be enormous 4. However, the whole set of ethical consequences is unknown and subject of on-going developments 5 6 7 8 9 10 11


Currently, there are several drugs been used as cognitive enhancers by healthy individuals, e.g.: caffeine, ritalin, aderall, modafinil and Aricept. Academic research assessing the risks and benefits of these drugs in the healthy individual have began only recently. In addition, the results of those researches are vastly ignored by most of the concerned population. Three of the most used, promising and known cognitive enhancement drugs are listed in more detail below:

  • Caffeine: Perhaps the most used and old cognitive enhancer. Caffeine has an excitatory result in the brain, by partially disabling the process that signals low availability of energy. 12. Caffeine and its metabolites also increase the serum concentration of adrenaline, thus increasing heart rate, blood pressure and stress 13. Many researchers have found a vast number of beneficial cognitive effects, as improved concentration and memory retention 14. Its beneficial effects on overall health are also documented 15. However, the American adult male's average dosage16 17 surpasses the healthy dosage fourfold. At the average ingested dosage, caffeine has strong detrimental health effects increasing the risk of heart attacks and strokes 18 19 and also possess addiction potential, with severe withdrawal symptoms such as depression, irritability, pain and narcolepsy 20.
  • Modafinil: Modafinil effects are mediated through the neurotransmitters histamine and dopamine. Histamine regulates the state of wakefulness. Dopamine has important roles on motivation, cognition, reward, attention and working memory 21. There are at least 7 studies on the cognitive enhancement properties of modafinil in healthy individuals 22 23 24 25 26 27 28. Those studies' results are:
    • Enhanced performance on tests of digit span, visual pattern recognition memory, spatial planning and stop signal reaction time 29.
    • Lower error rate in a visual spatial task30.
    • Improved fatigue levels, motivation, reaction time and vigilance31.
    • Improvement on spatial working memory, planning and decision making at the most difficult levels, as well as visual pattern recognition memory following delay and subjective ratings of enjoyment of task performance 32 .
    • Decreased impairment in vestibular function in 24h sleep deprived individuals33.
    • Decreased impairment on performance in a flight simulation test in 30h and 40h sleep deprived individuals34 35.
    • No adverse effects were reported in none of these studies, however this wasn't the target of any of them.

Many other studies in non-healthy patients have found some adverse effects36, but have confirmed its safety and - so far - no addiction potential profile. However, research on its long-term safety is deeply needed....

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