Effective Altruism

Effective Altruism (EA) is a movement trying to invest time and money in causes that do the most possible good per some unit investment. EA was at one point called optimal philanthropy.of effort. The label applies broadly, including a philosophy, a community, a set of organisations and set of behaviours. Likewise it also sometimes means how to donate effectively to charities, choose one's career, do the most good per $, do good in general or ensure the most good happens.  All of these different framings have slightly different implications.

The basic concept behind EA is that youone would really struggle to donate 100 times more money or time to charity than you currently do but, spending a little time researching who to donate to could have an impact on roughly this order of magnitude. The same argument works for doing good with your career or volunteer hours.

https://forum.effectivealtruism.org/posts/ZbaDmowkXbTBsxvHn/historical-ea-funding-data Spreadsheet https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1IeO7NIgZ-qfSTDyiAFSgH6dMn1xzb6hB2pVSdlBJZ88/edit#gid=771773474 
https://forum.effectivealtruism.org/posts/ZbaDmowkXbTBsxvHn/historical-ea-funding-data Spreadsheet https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1IeO7NIgZ-qfSTDyiAFSgH6dMn1xzb6hB2pVSdlBJZ88/edit#gid=771773474 


  • Sam Bankman FriedBill Gates - Vaccination is clearly an EA cause
  • Vitalik gave $100m - $1Bn in crypto to GiveWell, it's uncertain whether he's currently a Billionaire
  • Bill Gates - Vaccination is clearly an EA cause
