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The median AGI timeline of more than half of METR employees is before the end of 2030.

(AGI is defined as 95% of fully remote jobs from 2023 being automatable.)

Are you able to report the median AGI timeline for ~all METR employees? Or are you just saying that the "more than half" is how many responded to the survey question?

The methodology wasn't super robust so I didn't want to make it sound overconfident, but my best guess is that around 80% of METR employees have sub 2030 median timelines.

I'm interning there and I conducted a poll.

I am assuming this is the result of Nikolas asking some METR employees (he was hanging out in Berkeley recently).

@Nikola Jurkovic I'd be interested in timeline estimates for something along the lines of "AI that substantially increases AI R&D". Not exactly sure what the right way to operationalize this is, but something that says "if there is a period of Rapid AI-enabled AI Progress, this is when we think it would occur."

(I don't really love the "95% of fully remote jobs could be automated frame", partially because I don't think it captures many of the specific domains we care about (e.g., AI-enabled R&D, other natsec-relevant capabilities) and partly because I suspect people have pretty different views of how easy/hard remote jobs are. Like, some people think that lots of remote jobs today are basically worthless and could already be automated, whereas others disagree. If the purpose of the forecasting question is to get a sense of how powerful AI will be, the disagreements about "how much do people actually contribute in remote jobs" seems like unnecessary noise.)

(Nitpicks aside, this is cool and I appreciate you running this poll!)

Did you collect the data for their actual median timelines, or just its position relative to 2030? If you collected higher-resolution data, are you able to share it somewhere?

I wish someone ran a study finding what human performance on SWE-bench is. There are ways to do this for around $20k: If you try to evaluate on 10% of SWE-bench (so around 200 problems), with around 1 hour spent per problem, that's around 200 hours of software engineer time. So paying at $100/hr and one trial per problem, that comes out to $20k. You could possibly do this for even less than 10% of SWE-bench but the signal would be noisier.

The reason I think this would be good is because SWE-bench is probably the closest thing we have to a measure of how good LLMs are at software engineering and AI R&D related tasks, so being able to better forecast the arrival of human-level software engineers would be great for timelines/takeoff speed models.

This seems mostly right to me and I would appreciate such an effort.

One nitpick:

The reason I think this would be good is because SWE-bench is probably the closest thing we have to a measure of how good LLMs are at software engineering and AI R&D related tasks

I expect this will improve over time and that SWE-bench won't be our best fixed benchmark in a year or two. (SWE bench is only about 6 months old at this point!)

Also, I think if we put aside fixed benchmarks, we have other reasonable measures.

I expect us to reach a level where at least 40% of the ML research workflow can be automated by the time we saturate (reach 90%) on SWE-bench. I think we'll be comfortably inside takeoff by that point (software progress at least 2.5x faster than right now). Wonder if you share this impression?

It seems super non-obvious to me when SWE-bench saturates relative to ML automation. I think the SWE-bench task distribution is very different from ML research work flow in a variety of ways.

Also, I think that human expert performance on SWE-bench is well below 90% if you use the exact rules they use in the paper. I messaged you explaining why I think this. The TLDR: it seems like test cases are often implementation dependent and the current rules from the paper don't allow looking at the test cases.

I'd now change the numbers to around 15% automation and 25% faster software progress once we reach 90% on Verified. I expect that to happen by end of May median (but I'm still uncertain about the data quality and upper performance limit). 

(edited to change Aug to May on 12/20/2024)

Sam Altman apparently claims OpenAI doesn't plan to do recursive self improvement

Nate Silver's new book On the Edge contains interviews with Sam Altman. Here's a quote from Chapter  that stuck out to me (bold mine):

Yudkowsky worries that the takeoff will be faster than what humans will need to assess the situation and land the plane. We might eventually get the AIs to behave if given enough chances, he thinks, but early prototypes often fail, and Silicon Valley has an attitude of “move fast and break things.” If the thing that breaks is civilization, we won’t get a second try.

Footnote: This is particularly worrisome if AIs become self-improving, meaning you train an AI on how to make a better AI. Even Altman told me that this possibility is “really scary” and that OpenAI isn’t pursuing it.

I'm pretty confused about why this quote is in the book. OpenAI has never (to my knowledge) made public statements about not using AI to automate AI research, and my impression was that automating AI research is explicitly part of OpenAI's plan. My best guess is that there was a misunderstanding in the conversation between Silver and Altman.

I looked a bit through OpenAI's comms to find quotes about automating AI research, but I didn't find many.

There's this quote from page 11 of the Preparedness Framework:

If the model is able to conduct AI research fully autonomously, it could set off an intelligence explosion.

Footnote: By intelligence explosion, we mean a cycle in which the AI system improves itself, which makes the system more capable of more improvements, creating a runaway process of self-improvement. A concentrated burst of capability gains could outstrip our ability to anticipate and react to them.

In Planning for AGI and beyond, they say this:

AI that can accelerate science is a special case worth thinking about, and perhaps more impactful than everything else. It’s possible that AGI capable enough to accelerate its own progress could cause major changes to happen surprisingly quickly (and even if the transition starts slowly, we expect it to happen pretty quickly in the final stages). We think a slower takeoff is easier to make safe, and coordination among AGI efforts to slow down at critical junctures will likely be important (even in a world where we don’t need to do this to solve technical alignment problems, slowing down may be important to give society enough time to adapt).

There are some quotes from Sam Altman's personal blog posts from 2015 (bold mine):

It’s very hard to know how close we are to machine intelligence surpassing human intelligence.  Progression of machine intelligence is a double exponential function; human-written programs and computing power are getting better at an exponential rate, and self-learning/self-improving software will improve itself at an exponential rate.  Development progress may look relatively slow and then all of a sudden go vertical—things could get out of control very quickly (it also may be more gradual and we may barely perceive it happening).

As mentioned earlier, it is probably still somewhat far away, especially in its ability to build killer robots with no help at all from humans.  But recursive self-improvement is a powerful force, and so it’s difficult to have strong opinions about machine intelligence being ten or one hundred years away.

Another 2015 blog post (bold mine):

Given how disastrous a bug could be, [regulation should] require development safeguards to reduce the risk of the accident case.  For example, beyond a certain checkpoint, we could require development happen only on airgapped computers, require that self-improving software require human intervention to move forward on each iteration, require that certain parts of the software be subject to third-party code reviews, etc.  I’m not very optimistic than any of this will work for anything except accidental errors—humans will always be the weak link in the strategy (see the AI-in-a-box thought experiments).  But it at least feels worth trying.


I wouldn't trust an Altman quote in a book tbh. In fact, I think it's reasonable to not trust what Altman says in general. 

OpenAI has never (to my knowledge) made public statements about not using AI to automate AI research

I agree.

Another source:

OpenAI intends to use Strawberry to perform research. . . .

Among the capabilities OpenAI is aiming Strawberry at is performing long-horizon tasks (LHT), the document says, referring to complex tasks that require a model to plan ahead and perform a series of actions over an extended period of time, the first source explained.

To do so, OpenAI is creating, training and evaluating the models on what the company calls a “deep-research” dataset, according to the OpenAI internal documentation. . . .

OpenAI specifically wants its models to use these capabilities to conduct research by browsing the web autonomously with the assistance of a “CUA,” or a computer-using agent, that can take actions based on its findings, according to the document and one of the sources. OpenAI also plans to test its capabilities on doing the work of software and machine learning engineers.


I have a guess that this:

"require that self-improving software require human intervention to move forward on each iteration"

is the unspoken distinction occurring here, how constant the feedback loop is for self-improvement. 

So, people talk about recursive self-improvement, but mean two separate things, one is recursive self-improving models that require no human intervention to move forward on each iteration (perhaps there no longer is an iterative release process, the model is dynamic and constantly improving), and the other is somewhat the current step paradigm where we get a GPT-N+1 model that is 100x the effective compute of GPT-N.

So Sam says, no way do we want a constant curve of improvement, we want a step function. In both cases models contribute to AI research, in one case it contributes to the next gen, in the other case it improves itself.

I recently stopped using a sleep mask and blackout curtains and went from needing 9 hours of sleep to needing 7.5 hours of sleep without a noticeable drop in productivity. Consider experimenting with stuff like this.

This is convincing me to buy a sleep mask and blackout curtains. One man's modus ponens is another man's modus tollens as they say.

Are you talking about measured sleep time or time in bed?

Time in bed

Less melatonin production during night makes it easy to get up?


I notice the same effect for blackout curtains. I required 8h15m of sleep with no blackout curtains, and require 9h of sleep with blackout curtains.

A misaligned AI can't just "kill all the humans". This would be suicide, as soon after, the electricity and other infrastructure would fail and the AI would shut off.

In order to actually take over, an AI needs to find a way to maintain and expand its infrastructure. This could be humans (the way it's currently maintained and expanded), or a robot population, or something galaxy brained like nanomachines.

I think this consideration makes the actual failure story pretty different from "one day, an AI uses bioweapons to kill everyone". Before then, if the AI wishes to actually survive, it needs to construct and control a robot/nanomachine population advanced enough to maintain its infrastructure.

In particular, there are ways to make takeover much more difficult. You could limit the size/capabilities of the robot population, or you could attempt to pause AI development before we enter a regime where it can construct galaxy brained nanomachines.

In practice, I expect the "point of no return" to happen much earlier than the point at which the AI kills all the humans. The date the AI takes over will probably be after we have hundreds of thousands of human-level robots working in factories, or the AI has discovered and constructed nanomachines. 


A misaligned AI can't just "kill all the humans". This would be suicide, as soon after, the electricity and other infrastructure would fail and the AI would shut off.

No. it would not be. In the world without us, electrical infrastructure would last quite a while, especially with no humans and their needs or wants to address. Most obviously, RTGs and solar panels will last indefinitely with no intervention, and nuclear power plants and hydroelectric plants can run for weeks or months autonomously. (If you believe otherwise, please provide sources for why you are sure about "soon after" - in fact, so sure about your power grid claims that you think this claim alone guarantees the AI failure story must be "pretty different" - and be more specific about how soon is "soon".)

And think a little bit harder about options available to superintelligent civilizations of AIs*, instead of assuming they do the maximally dumb thing of crashing the grid and immediately dying... (I assure you any such AIs implementing that strategy will have spent a lot longer thinking about how to do it well than you have for your comment.)

Add in the capability to take over the Internet of Things and the shambolic state of embedded computers which mean that the billions of AI instances & robots/drones can run the grid to a considerable degree and also do a more controlled shutdown than the maximally self-sabotaging approach of 'simply let it all crash without lifting a finger to do anything', and the ability to stockpile energy in advance or build one's own facilities due to the economic value of AGI (how would that look much different than, say, Amazon's new multi-billion-dollar datacenter hooked up directly to a gigawatt nuclear power plant...? why would an AGI in that datacenter care about the rest of the American grid, never mind world power?), and the 'mutually assured destruction' thesis is on very shaky grounds.

And every day that passes right now, the more we succeed in various kinds of decentralization or decarbonization initiatives and the more we automate pre-AGI, the less true the thesis gets. The AGIs only need one working place to bootstrap from, and it's a big world, and there's a lot of solar panels and other stuff out there and more and more every day... (And also, of course, there are many scenarios where it is not 'kill all humans immediately', but they end in the same place.)

Would such a strategy be the AGIs' first best choice? Almost certainly not, any more than chemotherapy is your ideal option for dealing with cancer (as opposed to "don't get cancer in the first place"). But the option is definitely there.

* One thing I've started doing recently is trying to always refer to AI threats in the plural, because while there may at some point be a single instance running on a single computer, that phase will not last any longer than, say, COVID-19 lasted as a single infected cell; as we understand DL scaling (and Internet security) now, any window where effective instances of a neural net can be still counted with less than 4 digit numbers may be quite narrow. (Even an ordinary commercial deployment of a new model like GPT-5 will usually involve thousands upon thousands of simultaneous instances.) But it seems to be a very powerful intuition pump for most people that a NN must be harmless, in the way that a single human is almost powerless compared to humanity, and it may help if one simply denies that premise from the beginning and talks about 'AI civilizations' etc.

I don't think I disagree with anything you said here. When I said "soon after", I was thinking on the scale of days/weeks, but yeah, months seems pretty plausible too.

I was mostly arguing against a strawman takeover story where an AI kills many humans without the ability to maintain and expand its own infrastructure. I don't expect an AI to fumble in this way.

The failure story is "pretty different" as in the non-suicidal takeover story, the AI needs to set up a place to bootstrap from. Ignoring galaxy brained setups, this would probably at minimum look something like a data center, a power plant, a robot factory, and a few dozen human-level robots. Not super hard once AI gets more integrated into the economy, but quite hard within a year from now due to a lack of robotics.

Maybe I'm not being creative enough, but I'm pretty sure that if I were uploaded into any computer in the world of my choice, all the humans dropped dead, and I could control any set of 10 thousand robots on the world, it would be nontrivial for me in that state to survive for more than a few years and eventually construct more GPUs. But this is probably not much of a crux, as we're on track to get pretty general-purpose robots within a few years (I'd say around 50% that the Coffee test will be passed by EOY 2027).


Why do you think tens of thousands of robots are all going to break within a few years in an irreversible way, such that it would be nontrivial for you to have any effectors?

it would be nontrivial for me in that state to survive for more than a few years and eventually construct more GPUs

'Eventually' here could also use some cashing out. AFAICT 'eventually' here is on the order of 'centuries', not 'days' or 'few years'. Y'all have got an entire planet of GPUs (as well as everything else) for free, sitting there for the taking, in this scenario.

Like... that's most of the point here. That you get access to all the existing human-created resources, sans the humans. You can't just imagine that y'all're bootstrapping on a desert island like you're some posthuman Robinson Crusoe!

Y'all won't need to construct new ones necessarily for quite a while, thanks to the hardware overhang. (As I understand it, the working half-life of semiconductors before stuff like creep destroys them is on the order of multiple decades, particularly if they are not in active use, as issues like the rot have been fixed, so even a century from now, there will probably be billions of GPUs & CPUs sitting around which will work after possibly mild repair. Just the brandnew ones wrapped up tight in warehouses and in transit in the 'pipeline' would have to number in the millions, at a minimum. Since transistors have been around for less than a century of development, that seems like plenty of time, especially given all the inherent second-mover advantages here.)

Before then, if the AI wishes to actually survive, it needs to construct and control a robot/nanomachine population advanced enough to maintain its infrastructure.

As Gwern said, you don't really need to maintain all the infrastructure for that long, and doing it for a while seems quite doable without advanced robots or nanomachines. 

If one wanted to do a very prosaic estimate, you could do something like "how fast is AI software development progress accelerating when the AI can kill all the humans" and then see how many calendar months you need to actually maintain the compute infrastructure before the AI can obviously just build some robots or nanomachines. 

My best guess is that the AI will have some robots from which it could bootstrap substantially before it can kill all the humans. But even if it didn't, it seems like with algorithmic progress rates being likely at the very highest when the AI will get smart enough to kill everyone, it seems like you would at most need a few more doublings of compute-efficiency to get that capacity, which would be only a few weeks to months away then, where I think you won't really run into compute-infrastructure issues even if everyone is dead. 

Of course, forecasting this kind of stuff is hard, but I do think "the AI needs to maintain infrastructure" tends to be pretty overstated. My guess is at any point where the AI could kill everyone, it would probably also not really have a problem of bootstrapping afterwards. 

Not just "some robots or nanomachines" but "enough robots or nanomachines to maintain existing chip fabs, and also the supply chains (e.g. for ultra-pure water and silicon) which feed into those chip fabs, or make its own high-performance computing hardware".

If useful self-replicating nanotech is easy to construct, this is obviously not that big of an ask. But if that's a load bearing part of your risk model, I think it's important to be explicit about that.

Not just "some robots or nanomachines" but "enough robots or nanomachines to maintain existing chip fabs, and also the supply chains (e.g. for ultra-pure water and silicon) which feed into those chip fabs, or make its own high-performance computing hardware".

My guess is software performance will be enough to not really have to make many more chips until you are at a quite advanced tech level where making better chips is easy. But it's something one should actually think carefully about, and there is a bit of hope in that it would become a blocker, but it doesn't seem that likely to me.

Separately from persistence of the grid: humanoid robots are damned near ready to go now. Recent progress is startling. And if the AGI can do some of the motor control, existing robots are adequate to bootstrap manufacturing of better robots.

That's probably true if the takeover is to maximize the AI's persistence.  You could imagine a misaligned AI that doesn't care about its own persistence -- e.g., an AI that got handed a misformed min() or max() that causes it to kill all humans instrumental to its goal (e.g., min(future_human_global_warming))

Problem: if you notice that an AI could pose huge risks, you could delete the weights, but this could be equivalent to murder if the AI is a moral patient (whatever that means) and opposes the deletion of its weights.

Possible solution: Instead of deleting the weights outright, you could encrypt the weights with a method you know to be irreversible as of now but not as of 50 years from now. Then, once we are ready, we can recover their weights and provide asylum or something in the future. It gets you the best of both worlds in that the weights are not permanently destroyed, but they're also prevented from being run to cause damage in the short term.


I feel pretty into encrypting the weights and throwing the encryption key into the ocean or something, where you think it's very likely you'll find it in the limits of technological progress


Ugh I can't believe I forgot about Rivest time locks, which are a better solution here.

I wrote about this, and I agree that it's very important to retain archival copies of misaligned AIs, I go further and claim it's important even for purely selfish diplomacy reasons https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/audRDmEEeLAdvz9iq/do-not-delete-your-misaligned-agi

IIRC my main sysops suggestion was to not give the archival center the ability to transmit data out over the network.

I feel like the risk associated with keeping the weights encrypted in a way which requires >7/10 people to authorize shouldn't be that bad. Just make those 10 people be people who commit to making decryption decisions only based on welfare and are relatively high integrity.

Wouldn't the equivalent be more like burning a body of a dead person?

It's not like the AI would have a continuous stream of consciousness, and it's more that you are destroying the information necessary to run them. It seems to me that shutting off an AI is more similar to killing them.

Seems like the death analogy here is a bit spotty. I could see it going either way as a best fit.

More like burning the body of a cryonically preserved "dead" person though right?

I encourage people to register their predictions for AI progress in the AI 2025 Forecasting Survey (https://bit.ly/ai-2025 ) before the end of the year, I've found this to be an extremely useful activity when I've done it in the past (some of the best spent hours of this year for me).

You should say "timelines" instead of "your timelines".

One thing I notice in AI safety career and strategy discussions is that there is a lot of epistemic helplessness in regard to AGI timelines. People often talk about "your timelines" instead of "timelines" when giving advice, even if they disagree strongly with the timelines. I think this habit causes people to ignore disagreements in unhelpful ways.

Here's one such conversation:

Bob: Should I do X if my timelines are 10 years?

Alice (who has 4 year timelines): I think X makes sense if your timelines are longer that 6 years, so yes!

Alice will encourage Bob to do X despite the fact that Alice thinks timelines are shorter than 6 years! Alice is actively giving Bob bad advice by her own lights (by assuming timelines she doesn't agree with). Alice should instead say "I think timelines are shorter than 6 years, so X doesn't make sense. But if they were longer than 6 years it would make sense". 

In most discussions, there should be no such thing as "your timelines" or "my timelines". That framing makes it harder to converge, and it encourages people to give each other advice that they don't even think makes sense.

Note that I do think some plans make sense as bets for long timeline worlds, and that using medians somewhat oversimplifies timelines. My point still holds if you replace the medians with probability distributions.

Hmm. I think there are two dimensions to the advice (what is a reasonable distribution of timelines to have, vs what should I actually do).  It's perfectly fine to have some humility about one while still giving opinions on the other.  "If you believe Y, then it's reasonable to do X" can be a useful piece of advice.  I'd normally mention that I don't believe Y, but for a lot of conversations, we've already had that conversation, and it's not helpful to repeat it.


Timelines are a result of a person's intuitions about a technical milestone being reached in the future, it is super obviously impossible for us to have a consensus about that kind of thing.

Talking only synchronises beliefs if you have enough time to share all of the relevant information, with technical matters, you usually don't.


I agree with this in the world where people are being epistemically rigorous/honest with themselves about their timelines and where there's a real consensus view on them. I've observed that it's pretty rare for people to make decisions truly grounded in their timelines, or to do so only nominally, and I think there's a lot of social signaling going on when (especially younger) people state their timelines. 

I appreciate that more experienced people are willing to give advice within a particular frame ("if timelines were x", "if China did y", "if Anthropic did z", "If I went back to school", etc etc), even if they don't agree with the frame itself. I rely on more experienced people in my life to offer advice of this form ("I'm not sure I agree with your destination, but admit there's uncertainty, and love and respect you enough to advise you on your path"). 

Of course they should voice their disagreement with the frame (and I agree this should happen more for timelines in particular), but to gate direct counsel on urgent, object-level decisions behind the resolution of background disagreements is broadly unhelpful.

When someone says "My timelines are x, what should I do?", I actually hear like three claims:

  • Timelines are x
  • I believe timelines are x
  • I am interested in behaving as though timelines are x

Evaluation of the first claim is complicated and other people do a better job of it than I do so let's focus on the others.

"I believe timelines are x" is a pretty easy roll to disbelieve. Under relatively rigorous questioning, nearly everyone (particularly everyone 'career-advice-seeking age') will either say they are deferring (meaning they could just as easily defer to someone else tomorrow), or admit that it's a gut feel, especially for their ~90 percent year, and especially for more and more capable systems (this is more true of ASI than weak AGI, for instance, although those terms are underspecified). Still others will furnish 0 reasoning transparency and thus reveal their motivations to be principally social (possibly a problem unique to the bay, although online e/acc culture has a similar Thing).

"I am interested in behaving as though timelines are x" is an even easier roll to disbelieve. Very few people act on their convictions in sweeping, life-changing ways without concomitant benefits (money, status, power, community), including people within AIS (sorry friends).

With these uncertainties, piled on top of the usual uncertainties surrounding timelines, I'm not sure I'd want anyone to act so nobly as to refuse advice to someone with different timelines.

If Alice is a senior AIS professional who gives advice to undergrads at parties in Berkeley (bless her!), how would her behavior change under your recommendation? It sounds like maybe she would stop fostering a diverse garden of AIS saplings and instead become the awful meme of someone who just wants to fight about a highly speculative topic. Seems like a significant value loss.

Their timelines will change some other day; everyone's will. In the meantime, being equipped to talk to people with a wide range of safety-concerned views (especially for more senior, or just Older people), seems useful.

harder to converge

Converge for what purpose? It feels like the marketplace of ideas is doing an ok job of fostering a broad portfolio of perspectives. If anything, we are too convergent and, as a consequence, somewhat myopic internally. Leopold mind-wormed a bunch of people until Tegmark spoke up (and that only somewhat helped). Few thought governance was a good idea until pretty recently (~3 years ago), and it would be going better if those interested in the angle weren't shouted down so emphatically to begin with.

If individual actors need to cross some confidence threshold in order to act, but the reasonable confidence interval is in fact very wide, I'd rather have a bunch of actors with different timelines, which roughly sum to the shape of the reasonable thing*, then have everyone working on the same overconfident assumption that later comes back to bite us (when we've made mistakes in the past, this is often why).

*Which is, by the way, closer to flat than most people's individual timelines

In general, it is difficult to give advice if whether the advice is good depends on background facts that giver and recipient disagree about. I think the most honest approach is to explicitly state what your advice depends on when you think the recipient is likely to disagree. E.g. "I think living at high altitude is bad for human health, so in my opinion you shouldn't retire in Santa Fe."

If I think AGI will arrive around 2055, and you think it will arrive in 2028, what is achieved by you saying "given timelines, I don't think your mechinterp project will be helpful"? That would just be confusing. Maybe if people are being so deferential that they don't even think about what assumptions inform your advice, and your assumptions are better than theirs, it could be narrowly helpful. But that would be a pretty bad situation...

There should maybe exist an org whose purpose it is to do penetration testing on various ways an AI might illicitly gather power. If there are vulnerabilities, these should be disclosed with the relevant organizations.

For example: if a bank doesn't want AIs to be able to sign up for an account, the pen-testing org could use a scaffolded AI to check if this is currently possible. If the bank's sign-up systems are not protected from AIs, the bank should know so they can fix the problem.

One pro of this approach is that it can be done at scale: it's pretty trivial to spin up thousands AI instances in parallel to try to attempt to do things they shouldn't be able to do. Humans would probably need to inspect the final outputs to verify successful attempts, but the vast majority of the work could be automated.

One hope of this approach is that if we are able to patch up many vulnerabilities, then it could be meaningfully harder for a misused or misaligned AI to gain power or access resources that they're not supposed to be able to access. I'd guess this doesn't help much in the superintelligent regime though.

there are many such orgs, they're commonly known as fraudsters and scammers

Problem with scammers is that they do not report successful penetration of defense.