There is a now a button to say "I didn't like this recommendation, show fewer like it"
Clicking it will:
Comment here if you'd like access. (Bonus points for describing ways you'd like to use it.)
A couple of months ago, a few of the LW team set out to see how LLMs might be useful in the context of LW. It feels like they should be at some point before the end, maybe that point is now. My own attempts to get Claude to be helpful for writing tasks weren't particularly succeeding, but LLMs are pretty good at reading a lot of things quickly, and also can be good at explaining technical topics.
So I figured just making it easy to load a lot of relevant LessWrong context into an LLM might unlock several worthwhile use-cases. To that end, Robert and I have integrated a Claude chat window into LW, with the key feature that it will automatically pull in relevant LessWrong posts and comments to what you're asking about.
I'm currently seeking beta users.
Since using the Claude API isn't free and we haven't figured out a payment model, we're not rolling it out broadly. But we are happy to turn it on for select users who want to try it out.
Comment here if you'd like access. (Bonus points for describing ways you'd like to use it.)
Selected Aphorisms from Francis Bacon's Novum Organum
I'm currently working to format Francis Bacon's Novum Organum as a LessWrong sequence. It's a moderate-sized project as I have to work through the entire work myself, and write an introduction which does Novum Organum justice and explains the novel move of taking an existing work and posting in on LessWrong (short answer: NovOrg is some serious hardcore rationality and contains central tenets of the LW foundational philosophy notwithstanding being published back in 1620, not to mention that Bacon and his works are credited with launching the modern Scientific Revolution)
While I'm still working on this, I want to go ahead and share some of my favorite aphorisms from is so far:
3. . . . The only way to command reality is to obey it . . .
9. Nearly all the things that go wrong in the sciences have a single cause and root, namely: while wrongly admiring and praising the powers of the human mind, we don’t look for true helps for it.
Bacon sees the unaided human mind as entirely inadequate for scientific progress. He sees for the way forward for scientific progress as constructing tools/infrastructure/methodogy t...
Please note that even things written in 1620 can be under copyright. Not the original thing, but the translation, if it is recent. Generally, every time a book is modified, the clock starts ticking anew... for the modified version. If you use a sufficiently old translation, or translate a sufficiently old text yourself, then it's okay (even if a newer translation exists, if you didn't use it).
Why I'm excited by the 2018 Review
I generally fear that perhaps some people see LessWrong as a place where people just read and discuss "interesting stuff", not much different from a Sub-Reddit on anime or something. You show up, see what's interesting that week, chat with your friends. LessWrong's content might be considered "more healthy" relative to most internet content and many people say they browse LessWrong to procrastinate but feel less guilty about than other browsing, but the use-case still seems a bit about entertainment.
None of the above is really a bad thing, but in my mind, LessWrong is about much more than a place for people to hang out and find entertainment in sharing joint interests. In my mind, LessWrong is a place where the community makes collective progress on valuable problems. It is an ongoing discussion where we all try to improve our understanding of the world and ourselves. It's not just play or entertainment– it's about getting somewhere. It's as much like an academic journal where people publish and discuss important findings as it is like an interest-based sub-Reddit.
And all this makes me really...
Communal Buckets
A bucket error is when someone erroneously lumps two propositions together, e.g. I made a spelling error automatically entails I can't be great writer, they're in one bucket when really they're separate variables.
In the context of criticism, it's often mentioned that people need to learn to not make the bucket error of I was wrong or I was doing a bad thing -> I'm a bad person. That is, you being a good person is compatible with making mistakes, being wrong, and causing harm since even good people make mistakes. This seems like a right and true and a good thing to realize.
But I can see a way in which being wrong/making mistakes (and being called out for this) is upsetting even if you personally aren't making a bucket error. The issue is that you might fear that other people have the two variables collapsed into one. Even if you might realize that making a mistake doesn't inherently make you a bad person, you're afraid that other people are now going to think you are a bad person because they are making that bucket error.
The issue isn't your own buckets, it's that you have a model of the shared "communal buck...
As noted in an update on LW Frontpage Experiments! (aka "Take the wheel, Shoggoth!"), yesterday we started an AB test on some users automatically being switched over to the Enriched [with recommendations] Latest Posts feed.
The first ~18 hours worth of data does seem like a real uptick in clickthrough-rate, though some of that could be novelty.
(examining members of the test (n=921) and control groups (n~=3000) for the last month, the test group seemed to have a slightly (~7%) lower clickthrough-rate baseline, I haven't investigated this)
However the specific posts that people are clicking on don't feel on the whole like the ones I was most hoping the recommendations algorithm would suggest (and get clicked on). It feels kinda like there's a selection towards clickbaity or must-read news (not completely, just not as much as I like).
If I look over items recommended by Shoggoth that are older (50% are from last month, 50% older than that), they feel better but seem to get fewer clicks.
A to-do item is to look at voting behavior relative to clicking behavior. Having clicked on these items, do people upvote them as much as others?
I'm also wanting to experiment with just a...
It feels like the society I interact with dislikes expression of negative emotions, at least in the sense that expressing negative emotions is kind of a big deal - if someone expresses a negative feeling, it needs to be addressed (fixed, ideally). The discomfort with negative emotions and consequent response acts to a fair degree to suppress their expression. Why mention something you're a little bit sad about if people are going to make a big deal out of it and try to make you feel better, etc., etc.?
Related to the above (with an ambiguously directed causal arrow) is that we lack reliable ways to communicate about negative emotions with something like nuance or precision. If I think imagine starting a conversation with a friend by saying "I feel happy", I expect to be given space to clarify the cause, nature, and extent of my happiness. Having clarified these, my friend will react proportionally. Yet when I imagine saying "I feel sad", I expect this to be perceived as "things are bad, you need sympathy, support, etc." and the whole stage of "clarify cause, nature, extent" is skipped instead proceeding to a fairly large reaction.
And I wi...
Just a thought: there's the common advice that fighting all out with the utmost desperation makes sense for very brief periods, a few weeks or months, but doing so for longer leads to burnout. So you get sayings like "it's a marathon, not a sprint." But I wonder if length of the "fight"/"war" isn't the only variable in sustainable effort. Other key ones might be the degree of ongoing feedback and certainty about the cause.
Though I expect a multiyear war which is an existential threat to your home and family to be extremely taxing, I imagine soldiers experiencing less burnout than people investing similar effort for a far-mode cause, let's say global warming which might be happening, but is slow and your contributions to preventing it unclear. (Actual soldiers may correct me on this, and I can believe war is very traumatizing, though I will still ask how much they believed in the war they were fighting.)
(Perhaps the relevant variables here are something like Hanson's Near vs Far mode thinking, where hard effort for far-mode thinking more readily leads to burnout than near-mode thinking even when sustained for long periods.)
A random value walks into a bar. A statistician swivels around in her chair, one tall boot unlaced and an almost full Manhattan sitting a short distance from her right elbow.
"I've been expecting you," she says.
"Have you been waiting long?" respond the value.
"Only for a moment."
"Then you're very on point."
"I've met enough of your kind that there's little risk of me wasting time."
"I assure you I'm quite independent."
"Doesn't mean you're not drawn from the same mold."
"Well, what can I do for you?"
"I was hoping to gain your confidence..."
Some Thoughts on Communal Discourse Norms
I started writing this in response to a thread about "safety", but it got long enough to warrant breaking out into its own thing.
I think it's important to people to not be attacked physically, mentally, or socially. I have a terminal preference over this, but also think it's instrumental towards truth-seeking activities too. In other words, I want people to actually be safe.
Hypothesis that becomes very salient from managing the LW FB page: "likes and hearts" are a measure of how much people already liked your message/conclusion*.
*And also like how well written/how alluring a title/how actually insightful/how easy to understand, etc. But it also seems that the most popular posts are those which are within the Overton window, have less inferential distance, and a likable message. That's not to say they can't have tremendous value, but it does make me think that the most popular posts are not going to be the same as the most valuable posts + optimizing for likes is not going to be same as optimizing for value.
**And maybe this seems very obvious to many already, but it just feels so much more concrete when I'm putting three posts out there a week (all of which I think are great) and seeing which get the strongest response.
***This effect may be strongest at the tails.
****I think this effect would affect Gordon's proposed NPS-rating too.
*****I have less of this feeling on LW proper, but definitely far from zero.
Narrative Tension as a Cause of Depression
I only wanted to budget a couple of hours for writing today. Might develop further and polish at a later time.
Related to and an expansion of Identities are [Subconscious] Strategies
Epistemic status: This is non-experimental psychology, my own musings. Presented here is a model derived from thinking about human minds a lot over the years, knowing many people who’ve experienced depression, and my own depression-like states. Treat it as a hypothesis, see if matches your own data and it generates helpful suggestions.
In the context of psychology, I use the term narrative to describe the simple models of the world that people hold to varying degrees of implicit vs explicit awareness. They are simple in the sense of being short, being built of concepts which are basic to humans (e.g. people, relationships, roles, but not physics and statistics), and containing unsophisticated blackbox-y causal relationships like “if X then Y, if not X then not Y.”
I posit that people carry two primary kinds of narratives in their minds:
Over the years, I've experienced a couple of very dramatic yet rather sudden and relatively "easy" shifts around major pain points: strong aversions, strong fears, inner conflicts, or painful yet deeply ingrained beliefs. My post Identities are [Subconscious] Strategies contains examples. It's not surprising to me that these are possible, but my S1 says they're supposed to require a lot of effort: major existential crises, hours of introspection, self-discovery journeys, drug trips, or dozens of hours with a therapist.
Have recently undergone a really big one, I noted my surprise again. Surprise, of course, is a property of bad models. (Actually, the recent shift occurred precisely because of exactly this line of thought: I noticed I was surprised and dug in, leading to an important S1 shift. Your strength as a rationalist and all that.) Attempting to come up with a model which wasn't as surprised, this is what I've got:
The shift involved S1 models. The S1 models had been there a long time, maybe a very long time. When that happens, they begin to seem how the world just *is*. If emotions arise from those models, and those models are so entrenched t...
The LessWrong admins are often evaluating whether users (particularly new users) are going to be productive members of the site vs are just really bad and need strong action taken.
A question we're currently disagreeing on is which pieces of evidence it's okay to look at in forming judgments. Obviously anything posted publicly. But what about:
- Drafts (admins often have good reason to look at drafts, so they're there)
- Content the user deleted
- The referring site that sent someone to LessWrong
I'm curious how people feel about moderators looking at those.
I want to clarify the draft thing:
In general LW admins do not look at drafts, except when a user has specifically asked for help debugging something. I indeed care a lot about people feeling like they can write drafts without an admin sneaking a peak.
The exceptions under discussion are things like "a new user's first post or comment looks very confused/crackpot-ish, to the point where we might consider banning the user from the site. The user has some other drafts. (I think a central case here is a new user shows up with a crackpot-y looking Theory of Everything. The first post that they've posted publicly looks sort of borderline crackpot-y and we're not sure what call to make. A thing we've done sometimes is do a quick skim of their other drafts to see if they're going in a direction that looks more reassuring or "yeah this person is kinda crazy and we don't want them around.")
I think the new auto-rate-limits somewhat relax the need for this (I feel a bit more confident that crackpots will get downvoted, and then automatically rate limited, instead of something the admins have to monitor and manage). I think I'd have defended the need to have this tool in the past, but it might b...
I want to register a weak but nonzero prediction that Anthropic’s interpretability publication of A Mathematical Framework for Transformers Circuits will turn out to lead to large capabilities gains and in hindsight will be regarded as a rather bad move that it was published.
Something like we’ll have capabilities-advancing papers citing it and using its framework to justify architecture improvements.
Just updated the Concepts Portal. Tags that got added are:
Edit: I thought this distinction must have been pointed out somewhere. I see it under Raw of Law vs Rule of Man
Law is Ultimate vs Judge is Ultimate
Just writing up a small idea for reference elsewhere. I think spaces can get governed differently on one pretty key dimension, and that's who/what is supposed to driving the final decision.
Option 1: What gets enforced by courts, judgeds, police, etc in countries is "the law" of various kinds, e.g. the Constitution. Lawyers and judges attempt to interpret the law and apply it in given circumstances, often with re...
Is Slack your primary coordination tool with your coworkers?
If you're like me, you send a lot of messages asking people for information or to do things, and if your coworkers are resource-limited humans like mine, they won't always follow-up on the timescale you need.
How do you ensure loops get closed without maintaining a giant list of unfinished things in your head?
I used Slacks remind-me feature extensively. Whenever I send a message that I want to follow-up on if the targeted party doesn't get back to me within a certain time frame, I set a reminde...
Great quote from Francis Bacon (Novum Organum Book 2:8):
Don’t be afraid of large numbers or tiny fractions. In dealing with numbers it is as easy to write or think a thousand or a thousandth as to write or think one.
Converting this from a Facebook comment to LW Shortform.
A friend complains about recruiters who send repeated emails saying things like "just bumping this to the top of your inbox" when they have no right to be trying to prioritize their emails over everything else my friend might be receiving from friends, travel plans, etc. The truth is they're simply paid to spam.
Some discussion of repeated messaging behavior ensued. These are my thoughts:
I feel conflicted about repeatedly messaging people. All the following being factors in this conflict...
For my own reference.
Brief timeline of notable events for LW2:
In parentheses events are possible draws which spiked traffic at those times.
Huh, well that's something.
I'm curious, who else got this? And if yes, anyone click the link? Why/why not?
When I have a problem, I have a bias towards predominantly Googling and reading. This is easy, comfortable, do it from laptop or phone. The thing I'm less inclined to do is ask other people – not because I think they won't have good answers, just because...talking to people.
I'm learning to correct for this. The think about other people is 1) sometimes they know more, 2) they can expose your mistaken assumptions.
The triggering example for this note is an appointment I had today with a hand and arm specialist for the unconventional RSI I've been experiencing...
Failed replications notwithstanding, I think there's something to Fixed vs Growth Mindset. In particular, Fixed Mindset leading to failure being demoralizing, since it is evidence you are a failure, rings true.