On o3: for what feels like the twentieth time this year, I see people freaking out, saying AGI is upon us, it's the end of knowledge work, timelines now clearly in single-digit years, etc, etc. I basically don't buy it, my low-confidence median guess is that o3 is massively overhyped. Major reasons:
I just spent some time doing GPQA, and I think I agree with you that the difficulty of those problems is overrated. I plan to write up more on this.
@johnswentworth Do you agree with me that modern LLMs probably outperform (you with internet access and 30 minutes) on GPQA diamond? I personally think this somewhat contradicts the narrative of your comment if so.
Ok, so sounds like given 15-25 mins per problem (and maybe with 10 mins per problem), you get 80% correct. This is worse than o3, which scores 87.7%. Maybe you'd do better on a larger sample: perhaps you got unlucky (extremely plausible given the small sample size) or the extra bit of time would help (though it sounds like you tried to use more time here and that didn't help). Fwiw, my guess from the topics of those questions is that you actually got easier questions than average from that set.
I continue to think these LLMs will probably outperform (you with 30 mins). Unfortunately, the measurement is quite expensive, so I'm sympathetic to you not wanting to get to ground here. If you believe that you can beat them given just 5-10 minutes, that would be easier to measure. I'm very happy to bet here.
I think that even if it turns out you're a bit better than LLMs at this task, we should note that it's pretty impressive that they're competitive with you given 30 minutes!
So I still think your original post is pretty misleading [ETA: with respect to how it claims GPQA is really easy].
I think the models would beat you by more at FrontierMath.
Generalizing the lesson here: the supposedly-hard benchmarks for which I have seen a few problems (e.g. GPQA, software eng) turn out to be mostly quite easy, so my prior on other supposedly-hard benchmarks which I haven't checked (e.g. FrontierMath) is that they're also mostly much easier than they're hyped up to be
Daniel Litt's account here supports this prejudice. As a math professor, he knew instantly how to solve the low/medium-level problems he looked at, and he suggests that each "high"-rated problem would be likewise instantly solvable by an expert in that problem's subfield.
And since LLMs have eaten ~all of the internet, they essentially have the crystallized-intelligence skills for all (sub)fields of mathematics (and human knowledge in general). So from their perspective, all of those problems are very "shallow". No human shares their breadth of knowledge, so math professors specialized even in slightly different subfields would indeed have to do a lot of genuine "deep" cognitive work; this is not the case for LLMs.
GPQA stuff is even worse, a literal advanced trivia quiz that seems moderately resistant to literal humans literally googling things, but not to the way the kno...
[...] he suggests that each "high"-rated problem would be likewise instantly solvable by an expert in that problem's subfield.
This is an exaggeration and, as stated, false.
Epoch AI made 5 problems from the benchmark public. One of those was ranked "High", and that problem was authored by me.
On the other hand, I don't think the problem is very hard insight-wise - I th...
I'm not confident one way or another.
I think my key crux is that in domains where there is a way to verify that the solution actually works, RL can scale to superhuman performance, and mathematics/programming are domains that are unusually easy to verify/gather training data for RL performance, so with caveats it can become rather good at those specific domains/benchmarks like millennium prize evals, but the important caveat is I don't believe this transfers very well to domains where verifying isn't easy, like creative writing.
I'm bearish on that. I expect GPT-4 to GPT-5 to be palatably less of a jump than GPT-3 to GPT-4, same way GPT-3 to GPT-4 was less of a jump than GPT-2 to GPT-3. I'm sure it'd show lower loss, and saturate some more benchmarks, and perhaps an o-series model based on it clears FrontierMath, and perhaps programmers and mathematicians would be able to use it in an ever-so-bigger number of cases...
I was talking about the 1 GW systems that would be developed in late 2026-early 2027, not GPT-5.
That's the opposite of my experience. Nearly all the papers I read vary between "trash, I got nothing useful out besides an idea for a post explaining the relevant failure modes" and "high quality but not relevant to anything important". Setting up our experiments is historically much faster than the work of figuring out what experiments would actually be useful.
There are exceptions to this, large projects which seem useful and would require lots of experimental work, but they're usually much lower-expected-value-per-unit-time than going back to the whiteboard, understanding things better, and doing a simpler experiment once we know what to test.
Actually, I've changed my mind, in that the reliability issue probably does need at least non-trivial theoretical insights to make AIs work.
I am unconvinced that "the" reliability issue is a single issue that will be solved by a single insight, rather than AIs lacking procedural knowledge of how to handle a bunch of finicky special cases that will be solved by online learning or very long context windows once hardware costs decrease enough to make one of those approaches financially viable.
If I were to think about it a little, I'd suspect the big difference that LLMs and humans have is state/memory, where humans do have state/memory, but LLMs are currently more or less stateless today, and RNN training has not been solved to the extent transformers were.
One thing I will also say is that AI winters will be shorter than previous AI winters, because AI products can now be sort of made profitable, and this gives an independent base of money for AI research in ways that weren't possible pre-2016.