I know that many people on LessWrong want nothing to do with "neoreaction."  It does seem strange that a website commonly associated with techno-futurism, such as LessWrong, would end up with even the most tangential networked association with an intellectual current, such as neoreaction, that commonly includes nostalgia for absolute monarchies and other avatistic obessions.


Perhaps blame it on Yvain, AKA Scott Alexander of slatestarcodex.com for attaching this strange intellectual node to LessWrong. ; ) That's at least how I found out about neoreaction, and I doubt that I am alone in this.


Certainly many on LessWrong would view any association with "neoreaction" as a Greek gift to be avoided. I understand the concept of keeping "well-kept gardens" and of politics being the "mind-killer," although some at LessWrong have argued that some of the most important questions humanity will face in the next decades will be questions that are unavoidably "political" in nature. Yes, "politics is hard mode," but so is life itself, and you don't get better at hard mode without practicing in hard mode.


LessWrong proclaims itself as a community devoted to refining the art of rationality. One aspect of the art of rationality is locating the true sources of disagreement between two parties who want to communicate with each other, but who can't help but talk past each other in different languages due to having radically different pre-existing assumptions.


I believe that this is the problem that any discourse between neoreaction and progressivism currently faces.


Even if you have no interest at all in neoreaction or progressivism as ideologies, I invite you to read this analysis as a case study in locating sources of disagreement between ideologies that have different unspoken assumptions. I will try to steelman neoreaction as much as I can, despite the fact that I am more sympathetic to the progressivist point of view.


In particular, I am interested in the following question:  to what extent do neoreactionary and progressive disagreements stem from judgments that merely differ in degree?  (For example, being slightly more or less pessimistic about X, Y, and Z propositions).  Or to what extent do neoreactionary and progressive disagreements stem from assumptions that are qualitatively different?


Normative vs. descriptive assumptions

"Normative" statements are "ought" statements, or judgments of value. "Descriptive" statements are "is" statements, or depictions of reality. While neoreaction and progressivism have a lot of differing descriptive assumptions, there is really only one fundamental normative disagreement, which I will address first.


Normative disagreement #1: Progressivism's subjective values vs. Neoreaction's objective[?] values

As I see it, Progressivism says, "Our subjective values are worth pursuing in and of themselves just because it makes us feel good. It does not particularly matter where our values come from. Perhaps we are Cartesian dualists—unmoved movers with free will—who invent our values in an act of existential creation. Or perhaps our values are biological programming—spandrels manufactured by Nature, or as the neoreactionaries personify it, "Gnon." It doesn't matter. In principle, if we could rewire our reward circuits to give us pleasure/fun/novelty/happiness/sadness/tragedy/suffering/whatever we desire* in response to whatever Nature had the automatic (or modified) disposition to offer us, then those good feelings would be just as worthwhile as anything else. (This is why neoreactionaries perceive progressive values as "nihilistic.")


According to this formulation, most LessWrongers, being averse to wireheading in principle, are not full-fledged progressives at this most fundamental level.  (Perhaps this explains some of the counter-intuitive overlap between the LessWrong and neoreactionary thoughtsphere....) 


[Editorial:  In my view, coming to terms with the obvious benefit of wireheading is the ultimate "red pill" to swallow. I am a progressive who would happily wirehead as long as I had concluded beforehand that I had adequately secured its completely automatic perpetuation even in the absence of any further input from me...although an optional override to shut it down and return me to the non-wireheaded state would not be unwelcome, just in case I had miscalculated and found that the system did not attend to my every wish as anticipated.]


*Note that I am aware that our subjective values are complex and that we are "Godshatter." Nevertheless, this does not seem to me to be a fundamental impediment to wireheading. In principle, we should be able to dissect every last little bit of this "Godshatter" and figure out exactly what we want in all of its diversity...and then we can start designing a system of wireheading to give it to us. Is this not what Friendly AI is all about? Doesn't Friendly AI = Wireheading Done "Right"? Alternatively, we could re-wire ourselves to not be Godshatter, and to have a very simple list of things that would make us feel good. I am open to either one. LessWrongers, being neoreactionaries at heart (see below), would insist on maintaining our human complexity, our Godshatter values, and making our wireheading laboriously work around that. Okay, fine. I'll compromise...as long as I get my wireheading in some form. ; )


Neoreaction says, "There is objective value in the principle of "perpetuating biological and/or civilizational complexity" itself*; the best way to perpetuate biological and/or civilizational complexity is to "serve Gnon" (i.e. devote our efforts to fulfilling nature's pre-requisites for perpetuating our biologial and/or civilizational complexity); our subjective values are spandrels manufactured by natural selection/Gnon; insofar as our subjective values motivate us to serve Gnon and thereby ensure the perpetuation of biological and/or civilizational complexity, our subjective values are useful. (For example, natural selection makes sex a subjective value by making it pleasurable, which then motivates us to perpetuate our biological complexity). But, insofar as our subjective values mislead us from serving Gnon (such as by making non-procreative sex still feel good) and jeopardize our biological/civilizational perpetuation, we must sacrifice our subjective values for the objective good of perpetuating our biological/civilizational complexity" (such as by buckling down and having procreative sex even if one would personally rather not enjoy raising kids).


*Note that different NRx thinkers might have different definitions about what counts as biological or civilizational "complexity" worthy of perpetuating...it could be "Western Civilization," "the White Race," "Homo sapiens," "one's own genetic material," "intelligence, whether encoded in human brains or silicon AI," "human complexity/Godshatter," etc. This has led to the so-called "neoreactionary trichotomy"—3 wings of the neoreactionary movement: Christian traditionalists, ethno-nationalists, and techno-commercialists. 


Most LessWrongers probably agree with neoreactionaries on this fundamental normative assumption, with the typical objective good of LessWrongers being "human complexity/Godshatter," and thus the "techno-commercialist" wing of neoreaction being the one that typically finds the most interest among LessWrongers.


[Editorial:  pesumably, each neoreactionary is choosing his/her objective target of allegiance (such as "Western Civilization") because of the warm fuzzies that the idea elicits in him/herself. Has it ever occurred to neoreactionaries that humans' occasional predilection for being awed by a system bigger than themselves (such as "Western Civilization") and sacrificing for that system is itself a "mere" evolutionary spandrel?]


Now, in an attempt to steelman neoreaction's normative assumption, I would characterize it thus: "In the most ultimate sense, neoreactionaries find the pursuit of subjective values just as worthwhile as progressives do. However, neoreactionaries are aware that human beings are short-sighted creatures with finite discount windows. If we tell ourselves that we should pursue our subjective values, we won't end up pursuing those subjective values in a farsighted way that involves, for example, maintaining a functioning civilization so that people continue to follow laws and don't rob or stab each other. Instead, we will invariably party it up and pursue short-term subjective values to the detriment of our long-term subjective values. So instead of admitting to ourselves that we are really interested in subjective value in the long run, we have to tell ourselves a noble lie that we are actually serving some higher objective purpose in order to motivate our primate brains to stick to what will happen to be good for subjective values in the long run."


Indeed, I have found some neoreactionary writers muse on the problem of wanting to believe in God because it would serve as a unifying and motivating objective good, and lamenting the fact that they cannot bring themselves to do so.


Now, onto the descriptive disagreements....


Descriptive assumption #1: Humanity can master nature (progressivism) vs. Nature will always end up mastering humanity (neoreaction).

Whereas progressives tend to have optimism that humankind can incrementally master the laws of nature (not change them, but master them, as in intelligently work around them, much like how we have worked around but not changed gravitation by inventing airplanes), neoreactionaries have a dour pessimism that humankind under-estimates the extent to which the laws of nature constantly pull our puppet strings.  Far from being able to ever master nature, humankind will always be mastered by nature, by nature's command to "race to the bottom" in order to out-reproduce, out-compete one's rivals, even if that means having to sacrifice the nice things in life.


For specific ways in which nature threatens to master humanity unless humanity somehow finds a way to exert tremendous efforts at collective coordination against nature, see Scott Alexander's "Meditations on Moloch."


Most progressives presumably hold out hope that we can collectively coordinate to overcome Moloch.  If nature and its incentives threaten humanity with the strongest and most ruthless conquering the weak and charitable, perhaps we create a world government to prevent that.  If nature and its incentives drive down wages to subsistence level, perhaps we create a global minimum wage.  If humanity is threatened with dysgenic decline, perhaps a democratic world government organizes a eugenics program. 


Descriptive assumption #2:  On average, people have, or can be trained to have, far-sighted discount functions (progressivism), vs. people typically have short-sighted discount functions (neoreaction). 

Part of the progressive assumption about humanity being able to master nature is that ordinary people are rational enough to see the big picture and submit to such controls if they are needed to avoid the disasters of Moloch.  Part of the neoreactionary assumption about nature always mastering humanity is that, except for some bright outliers, most people are short-sighted primates who will insist on trading long-term well-being for short-term frills.


Descriptive assumption #3: Culture is a variable mostly dependent on material conditions (progressivism) vs. Culture is an independent variable with respect to material conditions (neoreaction).

Neoreactionaries often claim that life seems so much better in modern times in comparison to, say, 400 years ago, only because of our technological advancement since then has compensated for, and hidden, how our culture has rotted in the meantime. Neoreactionaries argue that, if one could combine our modern technology with, let's say, an absolute monarchy, then life would be so much better. This assumption of being able to mix & match material conditions and political systems, or material conditions and culture, depends on an assumption that culture and social institutions are essentially independent variables. Perhaps with enough will, we can try to make any set of technologies work well with any set of cultural and social institutions.


Progressives, whether they realize it or not, are probably subtly influenced, instead, by the "historical materialist" (AKA Marxist) view of society which argues that certain material conditions and material incentives tend to automatically generate certain cultural and social responses.


For example, to Marx, increased agricultural productivity in the late middle ages and Renaissance due to better agricultural technologies was a pre-requisite for the "Acts of Enclosure" in England, which booted the "surplus" farmers off of the farms and into the cities as propertyless proletarians who would be willing to work for a wage. Likewise, technologies like steam power were pre-requisites for providing an unprecedentedly profitable way of employing these proletarians to make a profit. (Otherwise, the proletarians might have just been left to rot on the street unemployed, with their numbers dwindling in Malthusian fashion). And because there were new avenues for making a profit, the people who stood to gain from chasing these new profit incentives produced new cultural habits and laws that would enable them to pursue these incentives more effectively. One of these new sets of laws was "laissez-faire" economics. Another was liberal democracy.


To a progressive, the proposition that we could, even theoretically, run our modern technological society through an absolute monarchy would probably seem preposterous. It is not even an option. Our modern society is too complex, with too many conflicting interests to reconcile through any system that prohibits the peaceful discovery and negotiation of these varied interests through a democratic process involving "voice." In reality, people are not content with being able only to exercise the "right of exit" from institutions or governments that they don't like. Perhaps the powerless have no choice but to immigrate. But elites have, historically, more often chosen to stand and fight rather than gracefully exit. Hence, feudalism, civil wars brought on by crises of royal succession, Masonic orders, factions, political parties, "special interest groups," and so on.


Progressives would say, "Do you honestly think that you can tame these beasts, when even a dictator like Hitler was just as much beholden to juggling interest groups and power blocs around him as he was the real dictator of events?" Ah, but the neoreactionaries will say, "Hitler's Nazism was still "demotist." It made the mistake of trying to justify itself to the public, if not through elections, then at least implicitly. We won't do that." To which progressives might say, "You might not want to justify yourself to the rabble and to elite power blocs, but they will demand it—and not because they are all infected by some mysterious mental virus called the "Cathedral," but because they see a way to gain an advantage through politics, and in the modern era they have the means and coordination to effectively fight for it."


These are just examples. The take-away point is that, for progressives, culture appears to be more of a dependent variable, not a variable that is independent of material conditions. So, according to progressives, you can't say, "Let's just combine today's technology with absolute monarchy, and voilà!"


Descriptive assumption #4: Western society is currently anabolic/ascendant (progressivism) vs. catabolic/decadent (neoreaction).

Neoreaction often gets caricatured as claiming that "things are getting worse" or "have been getting worse for the past x number of years." This paints a weak straw-man of neoreaction because, on the surface, things seem so much "obviously" better now than ever. However, this isn't quite what neoreactionaries claim.


Neoreactionaries actually claim that Western society is decaying (note the subtle difference). Western society is gradually weakening its ability to reproduce itself. It is, to use a farming metaphor, eating up its seed-corn on present consumption, on insant gratification, which causes things to seem really swell on the surface...for now. However, according to neoreactionaries, conditions might not yet be getting worse on average (although they will point to inner city violence and other signs that conditions already have started to get worse in some places), but Western society's "capital stock" is getting worse, is already dwindling.


Envisioned more broadly, a society's "capital" is not just its money. It is its entire basket of tangible and intangible assets that help it reproduce and expand itself. So a society's "capital" would also include things like its citizens, its birth rates, its habits of harmonious gender relations, its education, its habits of civil propriety, its sustaining myths (such as patriotism or religion), its infrastructure, its environmental health [although NRxers tend to not focus on this], etc.


Another term for "decadence" might be "catabolic collapse." A catabolic collapse is when an organism starts consuming its own muscles, its own seed-corn, if you will, in a last-ditch effort to stay alive. By contrast, an "anabolic" process is one that builds muscle—one that saves up capital, if you will. (Hence, "anabolic" steroids).


Neoreactionaries believe that Western society is currently headed for a "catabolic collapse."  (See John Michael Greer, author of "How Civilizations Fall: A Theory of Catabolic Collapse."  Oddly enough, John Michael Greer started out 10 years ago as a trendy name in anarcho-primitivist intellectual circles.  Now his ideas have been embraced by some neoreactionaries such as Nick Land, which makes me ponder whether anarcho-primitivism is really of the "left" or "right" to begin with...)


When it comes to progressives, most, I think, would argue that Western society is not currently catabolic/decadent. Granted, they would point to some problems with "unsustainability," especially with regards to environmental pollution, resource depletion, and maybe public debt levels (especially worrisome to the libertarian-minded). But on the whole, progressives are still optimistic that these problems can be overcome without rolling back liberal democracy.


Now, let's look at some specific worries that neoreaction has about Western decadence....


Descriptive Assumption #5: Our biggest population threat is overshoot and the attendant resource depletion, environmental pollution, and immiseration of living standards (progressivism) vs. Our biggest population threat is a demographic death spiral (neoreaction).

One thing I have noticed when looking at neoreactionary websites is that they are really obsessed with birth rates! They argue that countries with fertility below replacement level are on the road to annihilation. I found this interesting because my first impulse is to feel like this globe is getting too damn crowded.


Perhaps neoreactionaries envision the birth rates to stay below replacement level from here on out—that this is a permanent change. Perhaps they foresee world population following a sort of bell-shaped curve. My naive progressive assumption is that our population is already in a slight overshoot beyond what can be sustained at our current level of technology, and that any present declines in birth rates are probably just enough to bring us into the oscillating plateau of a typical S-shaped popoulation curve, and that better economic prospects could easily reverse the trend. My naive progressive assumption is that raising kids will remain sufficiently fun and interesting to a large enough pool of adults that, given enough of a feeling of economic security, people will happily continue having kids in sufficient numbers to prevent a die-off of Homo sapiens. In other words, most progressives like myself would not see the need to roll back gender norms in Western society at the present time for the sake of popping out more babies.


Perhaps what worries neoreactionaries, though, is not so much the fear of a global planetary baby shortage, but rather a localized baby shortage among Westerners or Whites. Maybe they fear that all babies are not created equal....


Descriptive assumption #6: "Immigrants are OK" (progressivism) vs. "Immigrants will jeopardize Western Civilization/the White Race/intelligent human complexity/etc." (neoreaction)

Progressives say, "It is not a big deal if Western society has to import some immigrants to keep its population topped off. Immigrant cultures will eventually blend with the "nativist" culture. Historically, this has turned out OK, despite xenophobic fears every time that it will end in disaster. The immigrants will mostly assimilate into the nativist culture. The nativist culture will pick up a few new habits from the immigrants (some of them helpful, some of them harmful, but on the balance nothing disastrous). Nor will the immigrants dirty the nativist gene pool with bad genes. As far as we can tell so far, no significant genetic differences in intelligence and/or physical vigor exist between immigrants and non-immigrants."


Neoreactionaries say, "It is a very big deal if Western society has to import some immigrants to keep its population topped off. Immigrant cultures will not assimilate with the nativist culture. Immigrant cultures will end up imparting a net influene of bad habits on the native culture. Civil decency will be eroded. Crime and societal dysfunction will increase. The native gene pool will also be dirtied with lower-intelligence immigrant genes. (And the only reason we can't see this is because the progressive Establishment AKA the "Cathedral" has systematically distorted the research and discourse around IQ). At worst, Western cities will act as "IQ Shredders." Any intelligent immigrants who seize economic opportunities in wealthy Western cities will see their fertility rates plummet, and the idiots will inherit the Earth à la the movie "Idiocracy"."


More to come in subsequent parts....

"NRx" vs. "Prog" Assumptions: Locating the Sources of Disagreement Between Neoreactionaries and Progressives (Part 1)
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Perhaps blame it on Yvain, AKA Scott Alexander of slatestarcodex.com for attaching this strange intellectual node to LessWrong. ; )

This is just wrong. Neoreaction has had a presence on LessWrong since before it existed; back in the days of Overcoming Bias, Moldbug used to comment under the handle "Mencius." Vladimir_M, Aurini, and sam0345 were reactionary LW users who made their last comments in 2012; Dr. Alexander's "Nutshell" essay was posted in March of 2013. Hell, at one point, Multi got so annoyed that he wrote a post called "I've had it with those dark rumours about our culture rigorously suppressing opinions."

Good times.

Good to know! It would be interesting for someone to write an "Intellectual History of LessWrong." I know there was this: http://slatestarcodex.com/2014/03/13/five-years-and-one-week-of-less-wrong/ But, as nice as this summary is, it focuses more on the questions that got solved and the culminating successes, and is less of a balance "history" that follows every trend, fad, and intellectual dead end (not to imply that neoreaction is necessarily a "dead end," but it doesn't make the list in this account).
I'll say. There is nothing about UFAI.
There was a moratorium on discussions about artificial intelligence the first couple months after LW was launched.

The history of LW and NR is older than Scott's posts on the subject.

The plausible connection between LW and NR is that both have an underlying premise that life can be improved by taking a fairly abstract approach.

There were several active NR posters. They decided LW wasn't where they wanted to hang out, and some of them can be found at More Right..

More specifically, I thought the main connection was (a) Moldbug frequenting OB (b) Mike Anissimov as the transhumanist neoreactionary. Was there more I've missed? (I know lots more of such showed up later.)

LessWrong primes you to suspect social consensus with people are crazy, the world is mad, teaches that you have to actually grapple with difficult stuff in detail instead of grabbing the closest cliche to end the discussion, and then introduces a Really Important Thing that relies on us being able to understand the mechanics of intelligence better than anyone has done before. It's not a long jump to go looking into human intelligence as the best existing model for intelligence we have, and then it turns out you don't need to dig very far into the research on human intelligence to hit stuff only the Dark Enlightenment folk seem to be openly talking about, while the rest of the world seems to be happy with S. J. Gould's final word.

I didn't know or had forgotten about) the OB connection. In any case, when I was talking about a connection, I meant to explain why there would be a enough similarity of ideas and temperament that NRx would be active members of LW rather than exploring the historical connection.

It's certainly possible to come up with explanations -- Moldbug commented on OB; the DE seems fringe due to memetic immune disorders to statements generally accepted as true around LW; LW primes you to suspect social consensus; etc. -- but are explanations necessary?

Not many LWers identified as NRx on the survey, and not many NRx writers post on LW. I would not be surprised if the overlap between LW and, say, conlangers turned out to be about as large as the overlap between LW and NRx.

There is also a non-negligible overlap between NRx and conlangers, which is why I used that example, and also why I don't think there's anything more going on here than "there are only so many Americans who will join groups of people who do complicated things involving words on the internet".

Here's a big one that's sort of up a meta-level from a lot of the descriptive beliefs:

Older societies/cultures are optimized (NR) vs. older societies/cultures are chaotic messes (prog)

NRs expect older structures to be very well adapted to their conditions close to ideal, or at least far better than anything progressives would invent from a blank slate. Progressives tend to see older structures as arising from a very complicated, often Moloch-driven set of interactions that optimizes only very weakly for things like social stability and doesn't optimize at all for, say, most members' happiness. There are separate but related questions about whether history optimized societies for the right things and how effectively it optimized them.

This is essentially summarizable as level of belief in Chesterton's Fence. A neoreactionary thinks the fence must be there for a damn good reason, whereas a progressive figures there are lots of stupid reasons the fence could end up there.

And when we start from the blank slate, NRs expect the right answer to look a lot like traditional societies, whereas progressives believe human cognition should be able to drastically outperform historical evolutionary forces.


An argument I think I've heard from some of the smarter progressives (but I may have built it myself as a steelman) is that older societies/cultures may have been optimized for older conditions, but technological change has far-reaching social consequences that make those optimizations no longer viable.

The typical example seems to be birth control making sex outside marriage viable, but I must have heard it in a different context, since it clearly fails in that one. (STDs. Drug resistance is likely soon.)

You've probably both heard and invented it; it's one horn of what we might call the Progressive's Trilemma: "If traditional structures are not optimal, they must be either a) insufficiently optimized, b) optimized for the wrong values, or c) optimized for the wrong conditions". I doubt you'll find many progressives who don't believe some measure of each of these depending on the issue. (EDIT: You could call it the Chesterton's Fence trilemma: If the fence shouldn't be there, then either it was put there by an idiot, it was put there by a bandit, or it was put there when the road ahead was flooded. Or something.) a) is my point above and b) is related to OP's Normative Assumption #1. c) is a bit related to OP's Descriptive Assumption #3, but might warrant its own statement: There has been so much rapid change recently that something working in the premodern past is scant evidence that it will work today (prod) vs. the lessons of the past mostly hold true today (NR). This one is fun because it lets you say " was indeed wise to counsel thus, but is a fool to apply that advice today". Perhaps ironically, this has a cultural-relativist-ish appeal to progressives. (But having a motivation doesn't make it a bad argument)
cf. Han Feizi's attack on the Confucians
Progs are somewhat biased in neglecting the combined possibilities that 1 the fence was placed there for a reason 2 it was well optimized for the reason 3 the reason is still valid 4 it is still well optimized ....but the NRs are much more biased, because they are assuming that all of 1..4 are correct. The odds are strongly in favour of the prog assumption that one went wrong.
Having a non-zero downside is not the same thing as being nonviable. There's a nonzero downside to everything .NRs like, since there is to everything.
IIRC that's more or less what Scott said near the end of his anti-reactionary FAQ. (That's also my position, except in most cases I'd weaken it to ‘probably no longer optimal’.) Whut? Is northern sub-replacement fertility just because people aren't having sex? Condoms.
Condoms have existed since ancient Egypt so they aren't new technology that the culture hasn't had a chance to adept to yet. In fact the way cultures tend to adept to condoms is by proscribing their use.
How recent are STD-preventing condoms? (Not that condoms can prevent all STDs, of course: "A greater level of protection is provided for the diseases transmitted by genital secretions. A lesser degree of protection is provided for genital ulcer diseases or HPV because these infections also may be transmitted by exposure to areas (e.g., infected skin or mucosal surfaces) that are not covered or protected by the condom." (source))
And not society has ever really practiced 100% for-life monogamy. Everybody has abundant evidence that the world is an imperfect place, and everything in it, but we still keep coming up with these black-and-white theories.
But many societies have held 100% for-life monogamy as something you should do. To put it another way, no society has ever had a murder rate of 0%, but that doesn't mean we should declare murder acceptable.
I was responding to a point about viability.
Don't know, although I don't see why cotton or sheepskin condoms would be significantly less effective than modern ones. If the condom can stop the sperm, it can stop whatever else is in the semen.

No, a sperm cell is very substantially larger than a virus particle. Lambskin condoms have not been shown to be effective at blocking virus transmission.

Not that I don't believe you, but would you happen to have a source I could use for further reference?
Failing to find an actual paper that does more than mention in passing that they-re not shown effective - it just gets treated as common knowledge. Wikipedia's condom article references "Boston Women's Health Book Collective (2005). Our Bodies, Ourselves: A New Edition for a New Era. New York, NY: Touchstone. p. 333. ISBN 0-7432-5611-5." Here's a nifty visualization of the scales involved: Cell Size and Scale
There's no clear definition of "blank slate"...low technology ? Low population? Traditional societies might have been adapted for those conditions., but they are not our conditions. Claiming that you could have designed ancient societies better is not exactly a core belief of prog.
Sorry, I meant 'designing the ideal modern society from a blank slate', i.e. sitting down and thinking about what modern society should be like.
It's not necessarily organic adaptation versus design ... progressives can argue that modern societies are an organic cause and consequence of rapid technological change.

As I see it, Progressivism says, "Our subjective values are worth pursuing in and of themselves just because it makes us feel good.

Citation needed. I don't think that's what Progressivism is about (especially given how the context here is explicitly political). In particular, progressives are not libertarians.

From a normative point of view, there are a LOT of differences between the progressive value system and the neoreactionary value system.

In general, what you describe as progressivism (humanity can master nature, humans have far-sighted discount functions, etc.) is quite different from what I see progressives say and do on the US political arena.

It's an apt description of liberalism, of which progressivism is a species, which is defined by an open pluralism regarding what counts as the good. Progressives add a belief in systemic oppression - i.e., oppression by cultural norms and values, which they try to alleviate, but the goal is the same as classical liberalism: liberty from perceived oppression. Regardless, if you conceive of society as a power-structure, whether you take the classical liberal belief that we're oppressed by state and church, the socialist belief that we're oppressed by class structure or the modern progressive belief that we're oppressed by sexism, racism, etc, then you want to alleviate those harms and typically the only way to do so is to use existing power structures.
That's classical liberalism and I don't count contemporary progressives, at least in the US, as belonging to it. The contemporary progressives have very... fixed ideas about what counts as good and are quite intolerant of people who dare to think otherwise. Not to mention that they have a love affair with state power.

All three projects - liberalism, socialism and progressivism - are related by common commitments that have their origins in Enlightenment political philosophy. Because progressives believe in systemic oppression, they have to alleviate systemic oppression in order to achieve liberty: we won't be truly free until we're free from racism, sexism, etc. They're still committed to value pluralism. All three projects faced the (paradoxical) issue of having to attain state power in order to enforce their vision. Liberal democracy was often created on the back of violent revolution, for example.

Libertarians typically identify with classical liberalism and decry progressivism as statist and oppressive, it's true, but that doesn't mean that progressives aren't committed to liberty and value pluralism on their own terms. They have a different notion of what those things mean, they don't reject them.

Yes, the common thread is the Enlightenment. See my response to Lumifer regarding who are the "progressives" I am talking about. They are not necessarily the people in America who flock to the Democratic Party. I don't think neoreactionaries are just complaining about democrats when they go after "progressivism." They have a far more broad target in mind—the Enlightenment, I guess, more or less.
No need to guess, rejecting the Enlightenment is one of the big NR themes...
It's also a big thing in modern Progressivism on the grounds that the Enlightenment was a bunch of dead white men. The difference, and this is the reason why it's so easy to get confused by the relationship between the Enlightenment and Progressivism, is that modern Progressives seek to reject the Enlightenment in the name of the Enlightenment.
Agreed. The only way I can see that progressivism relates to pursuing subjective values is in sexual politics, supporting gay sex and birth control and thereby saying sex has value 'just because it feels good' rather than for the more objective purpose of reproduction. I suppose that pushing back against the objective values found in religion could be argued as well, except that many progressives are religious.
The inevitable has happened: The NRx definition of Progressive as "not reactionary" has got confused with the common meaning.
I am not trying to describe the value system of American progressives (whom I would call "social democrats" to use terminology that is consistent with European nomenclature). I am using the word "progressive" in a much broader, more philosophical sense—close to the sense in which neoreactionaries use the term. I know that that game of re-defining terms sounds like a cop-out, but there's not really another word I could use to describe this worldview that I am trying to sketch and compare with neoreaction.
So, um, who do you call "progressives", then? Can you point to a few of such people, maybe link to their defining works/rants/manifestos?
Good question. I think the best representative of "progressivism" in the sense that I am using it would be Karl Marx. When Marx says at the end of chapter 2 of the Communist Manifesto, "In place of the old bourgeois society, with its classes and class antagonisms, we shall have an association, in which the free development of each is the condition for the free development of all." he is painting a picture of a society where each individual will have the freedom and ability to pursue the things that he/she subjectively values (insofar as it is compatible with others doing likewise). The novel thing about Marx is, the idea that this would be a good state of affairs needs no justification beyond itself. Marx just says, "Wouldn't this be nice?" He does not say, "This is the perfection of man that God commands." He does not say, "This is what Natural Law commands." (Of course, Marx did not trust such appeals to universal absolutes, always seeing class motivations lurking underneath such language.) Marx just says, "Doesn't this sound nice? Let's do it." You can find this idea among other Enlightenment thinkers. I guess the closest synonym to "progressivism" would be "the Enlightenment." For example, Thomas Jefferson's "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness." Yes, I know that Jefferson is justifying this by appealing to a "Creator," but that's him throwing a bone to the religious of his time to make it more palatable. Did Jefferson really believe that his Deist version of the "Creator" would have any bearing on this stuff? No. Earlier he says that these truths are "self-evident," which I think is Jefferson's real justification. Once again, subjectivism. And I know that "pursuit of happiness" is a last minute replacement for "property," which sounded to petty and narrow. Even so, the idea that life is a
Interesting. Would it mean, then, that marxists would be the prototypical progressives? I am also not sure that Marx (late Marx, in particular) is that keen on everyone going off doing his own personal thing. He does seem to stress the class consciousness and doesn't like bourgeois pursuits much. Other people of his time -- like Proudhon, for example -- were much more individualistic/anarchist since that's the side you're focusing on. Well, your whole post is devoted to comparing progressives and neoreactionaries. Who represents the progressives -- now, in the XXI century? We can easily point to leading neoreactionaries starting with Moldbug. You're comparing them with whom? not with Karl Marx, hopefully?
I would say that the most full-blooded "progressives" around today would be communists. No, not the Confucian Mandarins in China that try to pass themselves off as "communists" nowadays. I'm talking about communists who were / are at least as vaguely connected to the actual writings of Marx and Engels as the Soviet communists were. They are the ones who wanted / want to make "heaven on Earth." They are the ones who had / have the most supreme confidence in humankind's ability to eventually "master nature" in principle. They are the ones who had / have the most confidence in their designs to re-engineer human society and "lift the world." They are the ones neoreactionaries truly loathe. As much as neoreactionaries wail about the decline of Western Civilization now, imagine what they would be like if the Soviet Union had won the Cold War...if they had subverted all Western governments and the U.S. was now run by a communist Poliburo. I think neoreactionaries' heads would explode. That said, the numbers of real fire-breathing communists in the West nowadays is minuscule, so that is probably why neoreactionaries do not frame them as their ultimate enemy. Instead, neoreactionaries focus on ideologically combating the social justice types, who usually hail from a slightly less extreme part of the left associated with "democratic" socialism, social democracy, and maybe the left wing of the Democratic Party. They are less-extreme "progressives" in that they do not push the whole philosophy of "progressivism" to its most extreme conclusions, but because they are more numerous and more of a threat, they are who gets tarred with the label "progressivist," and that is why neoreactionaries talk about "progressivism" rather than "Enlightenment-ism" or "communism," and hence why I have chosen to use the label "progressivism" in this thread. Edit: Also, one might object that communists talk a great deal about "serving the people" and not being selfish and all that. Surely they w
Right. No sacrifice was too great for that noble goal. From being shot into the head at close range, yes, probably. Well, that's where we started -- I said that your description of progressivism in the OP didn't sound much like the American progressives and you agreed. But now it seems that you do have them in mind, too. Can you clarify?
Yes...I think American progressives (what Europe would call our "social democrats") share most of the assumptions that I've highlighted in this thread, as do communists. But American progressives aren't as willing to be frank with themselves or others about following the assumptions towards their icily-logical endpoints. American progressives are more likely to have some conflicting sentimental attachments to religious ideas of objective value, or ideas of "human rights" being a pseudo-objective value (I say "pseudo-objective" because, unless they are arguing from religion, the only basis they really have for asserting that such-and-such is an objective "human right" is their own moral intuition (in other words, what makes them feel good or icky, which is back to subjectivism even if they don't realize it. Like I said, they don't always follow their thoughts to the logical conclusion)). So, American social democrats are not as "full-blooded progressives" as communists are, but their ideas lead in the same direction.
In particular, modern progressives are perfectly willing to invent new human rights and declare them "objectively" good (e.g. gay marriage) or take rights that have been considered human rights for centuries and demote them (e.g. free speech).
Gay marriage is a straightforward simplification of marriage.
If you think of marriage as merely a database entry or XML tag with no connection to how the participants act or should act in the real word, yes.
I was trying to draw a comparison to Transhumanism as Simplified Humanism - Universal Marriage as simplified Hetero Marriage.
Could you spell out the connection, I don't see it. Eliezers essay looks at humanism, looks at the reasons for it and than argues that those reasons apply to transhumanism. The article you linked to starts with a model of marriage that has already abstracted away all the reasons for it existing in the first place and goes from there.
Eliezer's essay then makes the case that transhumanism is preferable because it lacks special rules. By analogy: "Love is good. Isolation is bad. If two people are in love, they can marry. It's that simple. You don't have to look at anybody's gender." Elegant program designs imply elegant (occam!) rules.
Um, marriage isn't just about love, also the nature of heterosexual and homosexual "love" is very different. From the article I linked above:
If you think if words as having intrinsic connections to Platinum Forms..

Fascinating project you've taken on!

Let me try to add one, though I'm no expert:

Domination is terrible (prog) vs. domination can be eudaimonic (NR) I often see neoreactionaries contend that dominated members of traditional societies were happy, even those progressives would identify as most oppressed. The argument goes roughly that peasants, slaves, battered wives, and so on who accepted their lot in life would mentally adapt and be able to be perfectly happy. Progressivism/liberalism/the Cthedral has either destroyed our capacity to thrive in these arrangements or caused us to dishonestly claim we would hate them.

The standard modern assumption, on the other hand, is that this kind of domination is a horrible thing to inflict on any human, that peasants, slaves and battered wives suffered immensely, and that it's essential to eradicate even the shade of this kind of treatment.

Note that this particular NRx view comes directly from Aristotle, who wrote in "Politics" that some people are slaves by nature and it's better for them to be ruled.

Interesting dichotomy. Yes, I think you may be on to something here.

The argument goes roughly that peasants, slaves, battered wives, and so on who accepted their lot in life would mentally adapt and be able to be perfectly happy. Progressivism/liberalism/the Cthedral has either destroyed our capacity to thrive in these arrangements or caused us to dishonestly claim we would hate them.

One way to test this hypothesis would be to locate a place in the world today, or a place and time in history, where the ideas of the "Cathedral" has not / had not penetrated, and give the "oppressed" a chance to state their true opinions in a way where they know that they don't need to censor themselves in front of the master.

For example, if we went back to 1650 in Virginia (surely before any abolitionist sentiment or Cathedralization of that society's discourse...) and found a secret diary of a slave that said, "Oh lawd, I sho' love slavin' fo' da massah evryday," then that would support the neoreactionary hypothesis. On the other hand, many discoveries of secret slave diaries in that context saying, "Bein' slaves is awful bad" would suggest the opposi... (read more)

I believe that Putin currently has something like 85% approval rating in Russia...
Wars will do that. See eineteen eighty four.
The opinions of ordinary North Koreans might be a good test.
Seventh quote here: http://radishmag.wordpress.com/2013/01/25/slavery-reconsidered/
If only that were satire.
(Knowledge of) acceptance isn't much use without (knowledge of) alternatives.
Bingo. We have a winner. Yes, in the absence of any other clues this seems to me to be the way to differentiate between political left and right, although it breaks down in certain atypical cases such as Stalinism on the left and certain highly liberal strands of capitalism advocacy, on the right. (If this is a necro post, then it's only because yours was a comment worth reviving.)

One old commonality is LW's wariness of conventional democracy, emerging from its singularitarian background. The singularitarian worry is that a society of many wholly self-determining agents will end up in a destructive multipolar trap. Bostrom had already published an argument on these lines back in 2004. SIAI/MIRI has always been different from most of the techno-progressivism milieu it's in with by considering extreme technological autonomy as a very probable future existential risk instead of an important political value to fight for.

The neoreaction connection is pretty clear here. Neoreactionaries denounce democracy as a present-day massive coordination failure instead of a future enabler of existential risk, but they're biting the bullet and openly talking about abandoning democracy for a system that could do the sort of global coordination MIRI presents as its endgame.

I always thought it was interesting that SIAI/MIRI seems to have a very libertarian bias in terms of present-day politics, but its endgame puts all power in a singleton, who divides resources according to CEV, weighting each person's preferences equally, i.e. totalitarian communism, which is the diametrical opposite of libertarianism. Not that I'm saying this is a contradiction or hypocrisy, as different situations do require different politics - if anything, it shows a great deal of cognitive flexibility.
I don't really see a contradiction here. The idea is that perfectly rational agents would choose to merge into a singleton that maximizes a combination of their utility functions, instead of wasting resources on competition. CEV is not the only mechanism that can achieve that, also see Carl's paper on superorganisms. Humans can't quite do that yet because we don't have good technologies for cooperation, precommitment or self-modification, and also because we don't have good enough math on bargaining which is necessary for merging.

I find Neoreaction interesting for several reasons. One, it has roots in the beginnings of Western philosophy, which makes it hard to dismiss as a novelty and fad for geeks who live in their parents' basements and read too much fantasy growing up. Plato and Aristotle differed on the details, but they both agreed that human nature finds its fulfillment in extended families (a condition of undiversity, in other words) who live in small city-states where the population sorts itself into local organic hierarchies and the natural, patriarchal aristocracy that emerges gets to run things.

This puts the modern liberal-progressive intelligentsia in an awkward spot, because educated leftists have to admit that Plato and Aristotle founded Western philosophy. If Plato and Aristotle anticipated today's Neoreactionaries, well, you can't exactly call Neoreaction an unhistorical, ungrounded, fringe view, can you?

Two, I've read a few books lately about the Enlightenment (if you have the attention span, try Jonathan Israel's), which doesn't make me an expert by any means. But I get the impression that the so-called radical branch of the Enlightenment, which historians can trace to a specific social ... (read more)

If Plato and Aristotle anticipated today's Neoreactionaries, well, you can't exactly call Neoreaction an unhistorical, ungrounded, fringe view, can you?

I'm not sure what "unhistorical" is supposed to mean, here, but you can definitely call it ungrounded and fringe. Fringe is obvious; look around at political philosophers of all stripes, and find as many Neoreactionaries as you can; it will be at most a tiny fraction of the population. Which is exactly what is meant by 'fringe view'.

In terms of claiming ancient views as demonstrating solid grounding for a belief: people long ago believed many things which we know now to be wrong and baseless (given adequate data). Plato and Aristotle themselves inherited from predecessors like Zeno, Thales, and Anaximenes, who all believed things we now know are indisputably wrong. (The paradoxes of impossibility of motion, everything being composed of forms of water, and everything being composed of air, respectively.)

The grounds that Plato and Aristotle had to believe those positions were that their society looked approximately like that, and, to their (probably biased) eyes, looked like it was doing much better than anyone else around. If we look around now, we don't see any society that has that form, and those historical societies that did didn't do well in the long term. The grounding has been lost, and claiming 'this used to be well-grounded' as grounding now doesn't obtain.

Unless I haven't found where to look yet, the literature on this period seems to lack good expositions which lay out the case in defense of the traditional social system that the philosophes mocked and rejected. Jonathan Israel references now obscure books written by the philosophes' contemporaries which respond to the Enlightenment's propaganda with anti-philosophie, but because these men, mostly Catholic clergymen and theologians, allegedly lost the historical argument to the philosophes, lots of luck finding accessible versions of that literature now, and in English translation.

Your comment has brought up a possibility that had never occurred to me before: perhaps one of the weaknesses of the anti-philosophes is that they felt obliged to defend their particular brand of traditionalism (Christian traditionalism) and therefore didn't have the cognizance to give the best general defense for traditionalism as such. Basically, the Enlightenment thinkers got to strawman traditionalism as Christian traditionalism, whereas in the least convenient possible world they would have had to argue against the 18th century equivalents of our neoreactionaries—which, even if you don't totally buy into their arguments, you have to at least admit that they would have made for more formidable intellectual opponents than...a Church that was shot through with a recent history of internal divisions (Protestant Reformation, religious wars) and corruption (selling of indulgences, corrupt popes, etc.).

SF writers might perhaps just like feudalism because it's...yknow, colourful.
Feudalism has a lot of advantages in sf. It's familiar, but it's not what we're doing at the moment. Because it's familiar, the titles and such have emotional resonance. Most of us feel superior to it, but many of us are still kind of fond of it. And it's simpler than democracy, or at least can be presented as simpler, and it has fewer boring details. Logically, societies with larger populations will be more complex, especially if they're dependent on complex infrastructure, but that's a lot of weight for fiction to carry.
Feudalism had a lot of boring details about rights and privileges
Well, you should be sure to look at the failure of the Greek City-States (even before being conquered, several of them essentially tried to form empires) and the failure of traditional monarchies throughout the 19th century as pretty strong empirical evidence against them. I wouldn't say that the world we live in is the progressive vision; more of a neoliberal one (which is roughly classical liberal + large hegemonic institutions [note the contradictions]). However, it's certainly not like the 18th century.
Republic of Venice is of interest.
Could you clarify what you mean?
We look to both negative and positive examples of what we want for information on how to obtain it. In this case we want positive examples of civilizations providing stability and meeting human needs well. Stability is a key parameter which is why we spend so much time looking at long lived civilizations. The Republic of Venice is notable for being extremely long lived, and relatively neglected by people studying history/using historical examples to support political theories. I agree that traditional monarchies don't have a very good base rate of success BTW.
A different case could be made that Plato was the first progressive, i.e., in The Republic he attempted to design an ideal society from scratch based on the premise that the elites must continuously lie to the population.
What's progressive about that?
You need to read Moldbugg to find out what Progressives think. Querying your own mind won't work because PROGRESSIVES LIE TO THEMSELVES!!!

This should be an acceptable hypothesis to the LW population. c.f. "I'm considering getting my facial expressions analysed, so I'll know what I'm thinking".

Jokes aside, I think that's a great idea. I've often wished to have extra eyes and ears on my hands, in addition to the ones on my head, so I can perceive more things, in particular about myself.
Two behaviorists are having sex. When they are done, one of them turns to the other and says "well, that was good for you, how was it for me?" ---------------------------------------- Moldbug is a high verbal demagogue. He's not actually interested in truth-seeking (for instance by engaging with critics). He's too cool for critics. The problem with the mini-cults that this type of demagogue establishes is that occasionally they grow up and kill a lot of people. ---------------------------------------- I advocate a "conciseness/clarity" status marker for smarts, not obscurantism or demagoguery.
Um, do you even know what the word "demagogue" means?
Real argument is when you use "data." Real truth-seeking is when you engage with your critics. Real communication is when you try to be concise and clear. Does Moldbug do any of this? He tries to be persuasive, but not by any of these means. ---------------------------------------- Your attempt to be persuasive so far consisted of a status attack. Is that a trick you learned from Moldbug? Moldbug said of Scott Alexander: "Again, the constant embarrassment of life in Pontus is that you wish for better critics than you have. I really ought to give this thing [anti-reactionary FAQ] the thorough reaming it deserves. But in general, it's not bad enough to be funny and not good enough to be interesting. I'm a busy guy and my motivation does flag." Content-free status attack.
This post has served its purpose and is not needed any more.
Done, thanks.
The core of neoreaction is a different value system. There is no truth in values, so I'm not sure what kind of truth-seeking do you have in mind.
Voted up because even though this is outrageous if meant seriously, it's a very succinct statement of the point of view. Idea from a very valuable essay-- the specific content is just ordinary good, but the idea that people generally believe everyone else is deluded is worth hanging on to.

Thinking about it, one way to describe the difference between Progressives and NRx is how much they trust human reason versus other optimization processes.

Progressives tend to elevate human reason above all else. Notice how Yvain's reaction to Moloch is to flinch in horror and attempt to defeat it by the power of human reason.

NRx (and reactionaries and conservatives) believe that Gnon is frequently better than human reason. Notice that Nyan's reaction is attempt to capture Gnon by analyzing it. Notice also that of the four components of Gnon, the one n... (read more)

Gnon, the forces of nature, can't be a substitute for reason. Gnon doesn't tell you what to do. Gnon just kills you if you get it wrong. NRxs can't use reason to infer gnons wishes, because that's what progs do. (Its the progs who want to placate Gnon for putting too much CO2 into His atmosphere). NRxs can't use Burkean wisdom-of-the-ages, because of rapid technological change. Perhaps you need a special priesthood to interpret Gnon wishes. That was popular in the past.
Hence why Nyan talks of capturing Gnon, not worshiping him.
A problem I'm seeing with that view (which may be a good summary of NRx, I'm not sure), is that modern societies have broken tradition. Trying to a modern society resemble a traditional society will be just another example of imposing top-down theory.
Yvain does believe in reason but if you look at contemporary left thought do you think it elevates human reason above all else?
I said human reason not human rationality. (And maybe even "reason" wasn't the right work.) A lot of contemporary progressivism is a theme park version of this position, namely the alief that one can change oneself and reality through sheer force of will.
Who do you mean with "contemporary progressivism"? Libertarians? A lot of people on the left don't think that the poor can change themselves through force of will and therefore need help from the government.
No, but they believe that the poor can be changed through force of will, or by using the latest progressive educational theories or the latest anti-poverty initiative (never mind that the previous ~100 progressive education theories or anti-poverty initiatives didn't accomplish anything and arguably make things worse).
The poor have been changed. They have gone from 0% literacy to 90%+ literacy.
Interestingly that happened before progressives started seriously meddling in education.
Oh for fucks sake, The world can be, has been, and continuously is made better by political action and policy. This is obvious because the west exists. . There is many, many ways to govern badly, but that does not mean good governance does not exist. Obvious current events example: Police brutality can be addressed by building life-logs into police uniforms. This has been established by pilot programs with results way, way past the .05 sigma treshhold, and this will become common policy very shortly because the arguments against are just bloody well embarrassing in a world where minimum wage cashiers have to put up with being recorded on the job. Far to many people confuse cynicism and pessimism with understanding. Is there a name for that fallacy?
Firstly, that's a technological solution not a political one. Also it's interesting that the example of "police brutality" currently in the headlines consists of a police officer shooting a black thug who had just robbed a convenience store and was charging the officer and grabbing for his pistol when he was shot.

To put it mildly, what led up to the shooting is disputed. It would be good to have a visual record rather than deductions.

Which is the point - The pilot programs are recording rather mind-boggling decreases in the number of complaints against the police. It's of course unknowable which fraction of that is "bullshit complaints becoming impossible" and which "Police who are on camera behave better" but it doesn't matter. As a social and political problem, it goes away. That should have positive long term social impacts, especially in neighborhoods where the police are currently little trusted, but that is speculative. The direct effect is certain. And will spread. As other very-high efficiency social/political innovations have before.

Thats how it works - Most social reforms proposed don't do anything and never get off the ground or are repealed. The ones that do become a part of the background of existence. Like having a police force to begin with. Labor laws preventing employers from taking absurd risks with the health and lives of their employees, wages that do more than just barely keep body and soul together and so on and so forth.

Virtually all political solutions have an aspect of technology to them. The doctors in a single-payer health care system don't heal via the laying on of hands and prayer. It doesn't mean making use of that technology in a particular way is not a political decision.

That it would, but the distinction between political and technological solutions can't be ignored within the context of neoreaction, which says that technological advances have masked political decline. Also, comparable past experiences have to be taken into account here. Benjamin Crump, the Brown family's lawyer, was also the lawyer for Trayvon Martin's family -- and he was involved with the media narrative around the Marco McMillian case. The McMillian case (gay black mayoral candidate got murdered) was a hilarious misfire since the real murderer (who was black and probably gay) had already been caught and had already confessed when media outlets started declaring it a probable hate crime, but the Martin case was a lot like the Brown case, and the entire narrative turned out to be false. That's not a promising record.
What do you mean? The technology to do that already exist and has existed for a while; the reasons why we aren't doing that yet are political AFAICT. That's in a first-world country; there presumably are places in the world where worse examples of police brutality are so common that they don't even make it into the headlines.
I think that's very far from removed from the current political discourse. When looking at an issue such as black people getting payed less, then the modern leftist doesn't think about how to change black people. He thinks about how to change society in a way so that black people are payed more by passing anti-discrimination laws and instituting quotas. The whole notion that the black person is to be changed just isn't there.
In other words they want to fix things by a combination of force of will and legislative fiat. While pretending that the underlying cause, racial differences in ability, doesn't exist.
It's still a very different philosophy than the one you spoke about above. When you treat all kind of different philosophies the as being the same you can't meaningful talk about them.
Or they have evidence that that isn't the problem.
Maybe LW progressives do. In general, isn't it libertarians who tend to be the coldly calculating ones?
Compared to neoreaction, libertarianism and liberalism are virtually twins, as children of the Enlightenment.
I've heard it said that neoreaction is libertarianism meeting reality. This seems paradoxical, but under certain monarchys the state actually was smaller and interfered with people's lives less.
Well, that's the Moldbug's explanation for his evolution from libertarianism to neoreaction.
Got a link on hand? (I don't disbelieve you, I was wondering how he worded it.)
This is his explanation at its most explicit: www.unqualified-reservations.blogspot.com/2010/02/from-mises-to-carlyle-my-sick-journey.html
As I understand their position, Neoreactionaries view the classical liberalism which evolved into modern libertarianism as just an earlier stage of leftism. Advocates of classical liberalism made the case for breaking down traditional, hierarchical societies into collections of atomistic individuals who interact mainly through the market, and not through traditional social relationships like that between a serf and his feudal lord. Socialists came along later to push this idea to its reductio ad absurdum by promoting the idea of complete human fungibility. Ironically, while the socialist view of "equality" treats humans like commodities, in their private lives I notice that progressives in the U.S. like eating differentiated foods produced locally and organically, and sold in farmers' markets. Apparently they feel that they have the right to Notice differences in the characteristics of the organisms which go into the foods they eat that they deny in their interactions with members of their own species.
This fails to distinguish British from French liberalism, as usual. Burke and, later, Chesterton were able to make the distinction between the defense of individual rights and the notion that society could be rewritten into utopia through the application of the reason of clever statesmen and the obedience of the masses to their ideology. For a current (and perhaps less bloody) analogy to the French Revolution, see Munroe.
Burke and Chesterton also based their notion of liberty on British traditions. The problem is that modern liberalism is a lot closer to the utopian French than the traditionalist British approach.
Oddly enough, it proceeds more like the traditional British approach (polemic, lawsuits, and the occasional street protest) and less like the utopian French approach (mass beheadings of defeated leaders; storming of prisons; literal backstabbing of opposing faction members).
But the way they decide on their goals is a lot closer to the French method.
The American Civil War being a dramatic exception. (They deserved it!)
Libertarians trust the free market, what Nyan called Mammon, over the reasoning abilities of individual humans. At least that's the traditional libertarian position. When libertarians started focusing on non-economic issues and de-emphasizing the importance of the free market, the group that would become neoreaction broke with them.

This is a good start. I'd be interested to see what you (or commenters) think a neoreactionary (or progressive) narrative would look like.

The main flaw I see is that your account of progressivism is emic and you seem to be far outside the progressive norm. "If humanity is threatened with dysgenic decline, perhaps a democratic world government organizes a eugenics program." You're missing some very important disgust responses, comrade! And is wireheading really a core principle of progressivism?

That whole normative disagreement seems to be the wr... (read more)

Here's my idea of the core progressive narrative: What exactly changed and in the Enlightenment and how is a very good question, and I don't think there's anything like a consensus Progressive answer. And I was going to write my vision of the NR narrative but I realized I'd mostly just be paraphrasing Scott Alexander's Nutshell.
It's interesting that in your idea of the core progressive narrative the word corporation and democracy doesn't appear. Homesexuality got outlawed after the enlightment in the 19th century by progressives who wanted to improve the morality of society.
Um, Justinian's legal code prescribed the death penalty for sodomy, and people were being tried and sometimes executed for it during the Middle Ages and Renaissance.
That doesn't change that laws were passed in the 19th century by progressives to punish homosexuality that weren't punished directly beforehand.
It's probably my own idiosyncrasy that these are less salient for me, but it's not hard to see where they fit in. Corporations are, to most progressives, the primary modern incarnation of exploitative strength. Democracy was a powerful blow against the old political exploitation system; most progressives I encounter will tell you how many problems still remain but nevertheless prefer democracy to any alternative. I think it's fair to say this fact doesn't fit well with the core progressive narrative. I don't know the history of that movement, but to explain it I think you'd have to either contest the premise that progressives were really the ones behind it, or temper the narrative by acknowledging at least some downsides to the progressive memeplex.
I don't know if that's a very coherent position: corporations are a way for "little people" to be small-time capitalists, to put their savings to productive use. I think progressives dislike corporations because they don't want anyone to be powerful -- except for the government they are running.
Somewhat true, but it's not like this is a terminal value. Progressives believe that most entities will use power for selfish ends, and that government is less likely to do so (excessive faith in this proposition is indeed a failure mode of less thoughtful progressives). There are a number of ways to square the fact that "little people" can own small parts of corporations with the belief that corporations are exploitative. You could argue that corporations are run by and for their executives and shareholders aren't coordinated enough to do anything about it; you could also argue that the exploitative power of the corporation benefits its shareholders but in a negative-sum way, so that shareholders are better off than they would be if the company didn't exploit but worse off than if no companies exploited. Also, it's worth noting that progressives tend to oppose 'big business' rather than corporations per se--they wouldn't be any happier with a giant multinational proprietorship.
It is for certain people. Who, not quite coincidentally, end up in power on occasion. Which, of course, flies in the face of the entire human history... X-) Yes, that's true, though many use the words interchangeably.
Maybe the general anti-reactionary narrative is more or less my narrative above; the left-progressive addendum is and the libertarian addendum is I actually agree with both addenda.
Corporations are very much children of the enlightenment. I think the idea that there hasn't been any gain in wealth for the lowest of society in the last three decades is part of the progressive narrative. Various progressives do complain about a loss of civil rights. When it comes to minorities, languages of majorities are still dying. A lot of minority culture gets lost. Various progressives do complain about globalisation and don't see it as a force that brings justice everywhere.
Something like that, except modern progressives are uncomfortable with it because the Enlightenment consisted mostly of dead white men.
That's like saying that modern progressives are against airplanes because they were invented by dead white man. Progressives don't actually hold it against white men that they are white or men. It's easier to think about stuff (such as: How should the world work?) if you are in a position of power. It's completely reasonable that the Enlightenment consisted mostly of white men, since those were the people with the access to education, the time to think and the ability to publish ideas. Progressives don't ignore past power-structures. They might not agree with them, but that's something else entirely. (I don't think that single comment is a great example to generalize from.)
There's probably some progressive at some university (probably in some grievance studies department) writing about how we need a feminist and non-racist theory of aerodynamics. Yes, I agree that's a reasonable argument, although there's still the question of why nobody outside Europe developed it. It didn't stop progressives from removing the western canon from university education on the grounds that it was all "dead white men".
Well, aerodynamics is based on Newtonian mechanics, and Newton's principa mathematica is a rape manual, and aeroplanes are kinda phallic.
To be fair, the Western cannon doesn't have a good reputation on LW either.
By "Western cannon" I mean the cultural currents that lead to things like science. What do you mean by it?
I think that he is alluding to your spelling of "canon" as "cannon"
Thanks, fixed.
Alternatively what's wrong with rail? Isn't rail a lot more green if you power it via solar cells? Airplanes are also a core feature of globalism.
Let's see: it's slower except for short distances, doesn't work across continents, and most importantly is less flexible since your limited to pre-built tracks.
And that somehow implies the current theory of aerodynamics is false?
I think you might have read an ironic sentence as being more serious than it was.
Sarcasm doesn't work on the internet.
That's an argument for conservatism, not reaction.
That's an argument for reaction once society starts to fall.
Correction: elites are a major cause of societal collapse, so it's an argument for egalitarianism. http://www.theguardian.com/environment/earth-insight/2014/mar/14/nasa-civilisation-irreversible-collapse-study-scientists
No it means we need better elites.
Such as?
Such as Azathoth123 of course! Just kidding, I actually support Scott Alexander for world dictator.

Well written essay - I realise what I've written below seems a little critical, but that's because I'd rather discuss the bits I dont agree with.

It doesn't matter. In principle, if we could rewire our reward circuits to give us pleasure/fun/novelty/happiness/sadness/tragedy/suffering/whatever we desire* in response to whatever Nature had the automatic (or modified) disposition to offer us, then those good feelings would be just as worthwhile as anything else. (This is why neoreactionaries perceive progressive values as "nihilistic.") According

... (read more)
And failed.
Humans are around and doing fine. Are you sure you don't mean "evolved"?
The transition from traditional to progressive societies has been painful most of the times (mainly in the form of revolutions). It is possible to say that Ivan's Russia evolved into Nicolas's Russia, but claiming that Nicolas's Russia evolved into Stalin's Russia is stretching the meaning of "evolve" too much. Rather, "went extinct and had its niche occupied by a fitter competitor" is an apter description. (Remember I'm talking about social systems here; the fact that the old regime's grandchildren are alive today does not mean the social system didn't go extinct.) Edited to add: I'm in no way claiming that Stalin's Russia was a progressive society. I'm noticing that debating with neoreactionaries tends to blur categories that shouldn't be confused.
For Imperial Russia (and China), maybe. For the US or the United Kingdom, not at all. For much of Western Europe or, say, Japan, not really. In fact, Soviet Russia and Mao's China are also good examples of societies which "went extinct and had its niche occupied by a fitter competitor" :-)
Failed in what way? In that it has given way to modern society? It has still survived a lot longer.
Yes, as Nick Szabo explains in his essay on objective versus intersubjective truth:
This has been tried in many places, the results are generally not encouraging.
The best financial incentives for childrearing are ones that remove the financial deficits caused by having a stay at home mom.
And yet fertility is inversely correlated with income. So it appears that the "people are too poor to raise a family" theory doesn't hold up.
I'd guess by “financial deficits” mayonesa meant opportunity costs, which are higher for a prospective mother in an upper-class career than for one in a welfare trap.
I can only think of two general ways of removing the financial difference between the mother not working and the mother working: a subsidy for the former or laws against the latter. Do you favour either of these, or some other incentive?
Do you mean "between the mother not working and the mother working and hiring a nanny"?
I mean between the mother not working and the mother working and getting the childcare done somehow — or, for that matter, not. Why?