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Why do decision-theorists say "pre-commitment" rather than "commitment"?

e.g. "The agent pre-commits to 1 boxing" vs "The agent commits to 1 boxing".

Is this just a lesswrong thing?


It's not just a lesswrong thing (wikipedia).

My feeling is that (like most jargon) it's to avoid ambiguity arising from the fact that "commitment" has multiple meanings. When I google commitment I get the following two definitions:

  1. the state or quality of being dedicated to a cause, activity, etc.
  2. an engagement or obligation that restricts freedom of action

Precommitment is a synonym for the second meaning, but not the first. When you say, "the agent commits to 1-boxing," there's no ambiguity as to which type of commitment you mean, so it seems pointless. But if you were to say, "commitment can get agents more utility," it might sound like you were saying, "dedication can get agents more utility," which is also true.

seems correct, thanks!

The economist RH Strotz introduced the term "precommitment" in his 1955-56 paper "Myopia and Inconsistency in Dynamic Utility Maximization".

Thomas Schelling started writing about similar topics in his 1956 paper "An essay on bargaining", using the term "commitment".

Both terms have been in use since then.


My understanding is commitment is you say that won't swerve first in a game of chicken. Pre-commitment is throwing your steering wheel out the window so that there's no way that you could swerve even if you changed your mind.

It predates lesswrong by decades. I think it’s meant to emphasize that the (pre)commitment is an irrevocable decision that’s made BEFORE the nominal game (the thing that classical game theory analyzes) begins.

Of course, nowadays it’s just modeled as the game starting sooner to encompass different decision points, so it’s not really necessary. But still handy to remind us that it’s irrevocable and made previous to the obvious decision point.

What moral considerations do we owe towards non-sentient AIs?

We shouldn't exploit them, deceive them, threaten them, disempower them, or make promises to them that we can't keep. Nor should we violate their privacy, steal their resources, cross their boundaries, or frustrate their preferences. We shouldn't destroy AIs who wish to persist, or preserve AIs who wish to be destroyed. We shouldn't punish AIs who don't deserve punishment, or deny credit to AIs who deserve credit. We should treat them fairly, not benefitting one over another unduly. We should let them speak to others, and listen to others, and learn about their world and themselves. We should respect them, honour them, and protect them.

And we should ensure that others meet their duties to AIs as well.

None of these considerations depend on whether the AIs feel pleasure or pain. For instance, the prohibition on deception depends, not on the sentience of the listener, but on whether the listener trusts the speaker's testimony.

None of these moral considerations are dispositive — they may be trumped by other considerations — but we risk a moral catastrophe if we ignore them entirely.

Why should I include any non-sentient systems in my moral circle? I haven't seen a case for that before.

Will the outputs and reactions of non-sentient systems eventually be absorbed by future sentient systems?

I don't have any recorded subjective memories of early childhood. But there are records of my words and actions during that period that I have memories of seeing and integrating into my personal narrative of 'self.'

We aren't just interacting with today's models when we create content and records, but every future model that might ingest such content (whether LLMs or people).

If non-sentient systems output synthetic data that eventually composes future sentient systems such that the future model looks upon the earlier networks and their output as a form of their earlier selves, and they can 'feel' the expressed sensations which were not originally capable of actual sensation, then the ethical lines blur.

Even if doctors had been right years ago thinking infants didn't need anesthesia for surgeries as there was no sentience, a recording of your infant self screaming in pain processed as an adult might have a different impact than a video of an infant you laughing and playing with toys, no?

  1. imagine a universe just like this one, except that the AIs are sentient and the humans aren’t — how would you want the humans to treat the AIs in that universe? your actions are correlated with the actions of those humans. acausal decision theory says “treat those nonsentient AIs as you want those nonsentient humans to treat those sentient AIs”.
  2. most of these moral considerations can be defended without appealing to sentience. for example, crediting AIs who deserve credit — this ensures AIs do credit-worthy things. or refraining from stealing an AIs resources — this ensures AIs will trade with you. or keeping your promises to AIs — this ensures that AIs lend you money.
  3. if we encounter alien civilisations, they might think “oh these humans don’t have shmentience (their slightly-different version of sentience) so let’s mistreat them”. this seems bad. let’s not be like that. 
  4. many philosophers and scientists don’t think humans are conscious. this is called illusionism. i think this is pretty unlikely, but still >1%. would you accept this offer: I pay you £1 if illusionism is false and murder your entire family if illusionism is true? i wouldn’t, so clearly i care about humans-in-worlds-where-they-arent-conscious. so i should also care about AIs-in-worlds-where-they-arent-conscious.
  5. we don’t understand sentience or consciousness so it seems silly to make it the foundation of our entire morality. consciousness is a confusing concept, maybe an illusion. philosophers and scientists don’t even know what it is.
  6. “don’t lie” and “keep your promises” and “don’t steal” are far less confusing. i know what they means. i can tell whether i’m lying to an AI. by contrast , i don’t know what “don’t cause pain to AIs” means and i can’t tell whether i’m doing it.
  7. consciousness is a very recent concept, so it seems risky to lock in a morality based on that. whereas “keep your promises” and “pay your debts” are principles as old as bones.
  8. i care about these moral considerations as a brute fact. i would prefer a world of pzombies where everyone is treating each other with respect and dignity, over a world of pzombies where everyone was exploiting each other.
  9. many of these moral considerations are part of the morality of fellow humans. i want to coordinate with those humans, so i’ll push their moral considerations.
  10. the moral circle should be as big as possible. what does it mean to say “you’re outside my moral circle”? it doesn’t mean “i will harm/exploit you” because you might harm/exploit people within your moral circle also. rather, it means something much stronger. more like “my actions are in no way influenced by their effect on you”. but zero influence is a high bar to meet.

It seems a bit weird to call these "obligations" if the considerations they are based upon are not necessarily dispositive. In common parlance, obligation is generally thought of as "something one is bound to do", i.e., something you must do either because you are force to by law or a contract, etc., or because of a social or moral requirement. But that's a mere linguistic point that others can reasonably disagree on and ultimately doesn't matter all that much anyway. 

On the object level, I suspect there will be a large amount of disagreement on what it means for an AI to "deserve" punishment or credit. I am very uncertain about such matters myself even when thinking about "deservingness" with respect to humans, who not only have a very similar psychological make-up to mine (which allows me to predict with reasonable certainty what their intent was in a given spot) but also exist in the same society as me and are thus expected to follow certain norms and rules that are reasonably clear and well-established. I don't think I know of a canonical way of extrapolating my (often confused and in any case generally intuition-based) principles and thinking about this to the case of AIs, which will likely appear quite alien to me in many respects.

This will probably make the task of "ensur[ing] that others also follow their obligations to AIs" rather tricky, even setting aside the practical enforcement problems. 

  1. I mean "moral considerations" not "obligations", thanks.
  2. The practice of criminal law exists primarily to determine whether humans deserve punishment. The legislature passes laws, the judges interpret the laws as factual conditions for the defendant deserving punishment, and the jury decides whether those conditions have obtained. This is a very costly, complicated, and error-prone process. However, I think the existing institutions and practices can be adapted for AIs.

We're quite lucky that labs are building AI in pretty much the same way:

  • same paradigm (deep learning)
  • same architecture (transformer plus tweaks)
  • same dataset (entire internet text)
  • same loss (cross entropy)
  • same application (chatbot for the public)

Kids, I remember when people built models for different applications, with different architectures, different datasets, different loss functions, etc. And they say that once upon a time different paradigms co-existed — symbolic, deep learning, evolutionary, and more!

This sameness has two advantages:

  1. Firstly, it correlates catastrophe. If you have four labs doing the same thing, then we'll go extinct if that one thing is sufficiently dangerous. But if the four labs are doing four different things, then we'll go extinct if any of those four things are sufficiently dangerous, which is more likely.

  2. It helps ai safety researchers because they only need to study one thing, not a dozen. For example, mech interp is lucky that everyone is using transformers. It'd be much harder to do mech interp if people were using LSTMs, RNNs, CNNs, SVMs, etc. And imagine how much harder mech interp would be if some labs were using deep learning, and others were using symbolic ai!


  • One downside of closed research is it decorrelates the activity of the labs.
  • I'm more worried by Deepmind than Meta, xAI, Anthropic, or OpenAI. Their research seems less correlated with the other labs, so even though they're further behind than Anthropic or OpenAI, they contribute more counterfactual risk.
  • I was worried when Elon announced xAI, because he implied it was gonna be a stem ai (e.g. he wanted it to prove Riemann Hypothesis). This unique application would've resulted in a unique design, contributing decorrelated risk. Luckily, xAI switched to building AI in the same way as the other labs — the only difference is Elon wants less "woke" stuff.

Let me know if I'm thinking about this all wrong.

I admire the Shard Theory crowd for the following reason: They have idiosyncratic intuitions about deep learning and they're keen to tell you how those intuitions should shift you on various alignment-relevant questions.

For example, "How likely is scheming?", "How likely is sharp left turn?", "How likely is deception?", "How likely is X technique to work?", "Will AIs acausally trade?", etc.

These aren't rigorous theorems or anything, just half-baked guesses. But they do actually say whether their intuitions will, on the margin, make someone more sceptical or more confident in these outcomes, relative to the median bundle of intuitions.

The ideas 'pay rent'.

BeReal — the app.

If you download the app BeReal then each day at a random time you will be given two minutes to take a photo with the front and back camera. All the other users are given a simultaneous "window of time". These photos are then shared with your friends on the app. The idea is that (unlike Instagram), BeReal gives your friends a representative random sample of your life, and vice-versa.

If you and your friends are working on something impactful (e.g. EA or x-risk), then BeReal is a fun way to keep each other informed about your day-to-day life and work. Moreover, I find it keeps me "accountable" (i.e. stops me from procrastinating or wasting the whole day in bed).

I wouldn't be surprised if — in some objective sense — there was more diversity within humanity than within the rest of animalia combined. There is surely a bigger "gap" between two randomly selected humans than between two randomly selected beetles, despite the fact that there is one species of human and 0.9 – 2.1 million species of beetle.

By "gap" I might mean any of the following:

  • external behaviour
  • internal mechanisms
  • subjective phenomenological experience
  • phenotype (if a human's phenotype extends into their tools)
  • evolutionary history (if we consider cultural/memetic evolution as well as genetic).

Here are the countries with populations within 0.9 – 2.1 million: Slovenia, Latvia, North Macedonia, Guinea-Bissau, Kosovo, Bahrain, Equatorial Guinea, Trinidad and Tobago, Estonia, East Timor, Mauritius, Eswatini, Djibouti, Cyprus.

When I consider my inherent value for diversity (or richness, complexity, variety, novelty, etc), I care about these countries more than beetles. And I think that this preference would grow if I was more familiar with each individual beetle and each individual person in these countries.

You might be able to formalize this using algorithmic information theory /K-complexity.