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Eliezer (among others in the MIRI mindspace) has this whole spiel about human kindness/sympathy/empathy/prosociality being contingent on specifics of the human evolutionary/cultural trajectory, e.g. and about how gradient descent is supposed to be nothing like that I claim that the same argument (about evolutionary/cultural contingencies) could be made about e.g. image aesthetics/affect, and this hypothesis should lose many Bayes points when we observe concrete empirical evidence of gradient descent leading to surprisingly human-like aesthetic perceptions/affect, e.g. The Perceptual Primacy of Feeling: Affectless machine vision models robustly predict human visual arousal, valence, and aesthetics; Towards Disentangling the Roles of Vision & Language in Aesthetic Experience with Multimodal DNNs; Controlled assessment of CLIP-style language-aligned vision models in prediction of brain & behavioral data; Neural mechanisms underlying the hierarchical construction of perceived aesthetic value.

hmm. i think you're missing eliezer's point. the idea was never that AI would be unable to identify actions which humans consider good, but that the AI would not have any particular preference to take those actions.
3Bogdan Ionut Cirstea
But my point isn't just that the AI is able to produce similar ratings to humans' for aesthetics, etc., but that it also seems to do so through at least partially overlapping computational mechanisms to humans', as the comparisons to fMRI data suggest.
I don't think having a beauty-detector that works the same way humans' beauty-detectors do implies that you care about beauty?
4Bogdan Ionut Cirstea
Agree that it doesn't imply caring for. But I think given cumulating evidence for human-like representations of multiple non-motivational components of affect, one should also update at least a bit on the likelihood of finding / incentivizing human-like representations of the motivational component(s) too (see e.g.
Even if Eliezer's argument in that Twitter thread is completely worthless, it remains the case that "merely hoping" that the AI turns out nice is an insufficiently good argument for continuing to create smarter and smarter AIs. I would describe as "merely hoping" the argument that since humans (in some societies) turned out nice (even though there was no designer that ensured they would), the AI might turn out nice. Also insufficiently good is any hope stemming from the observation that if we pick two humans at random out of the humans we know, the smarter of the two is more likely than not to be the nicer of the two. I certainly do not want the survival of the human race to depend on either one of those two hopes or arguments! Do you? Eliezer finds posting on the internet enjoyable, like lots of people do. He posts a lot about, e.g., superconductors and macroeconomic policy. It is far from clear to me that he consider this Twitter thread to be relevant to the case against continuing to create smarter AIs. But more to the point: do you consider it relevant?

Contra both the 'doomers' and the 'optimists' on (not) pausing. Rephrased: RSPs (done right) seem right.

Contra 'doomers'. Oversimplified, 'doomers' (e.g. PauseAI, FLI's letter, Eliezer) ask(ed) for pausing now / even earlier - (e.g. the Pause Letter). I expect this would be / have been very much suboptimal, even purely in terms of solving technical alignment. For example, Some thoughts on automating alignment research suggests timing the pause so that we can use automated AI safety research could result in '[...] each month of lead that the leader started out with would correspond to 15,000 human researchers working for 15 months.' We clearly don't have such automated AI safety R&D capabilities now, suggesting that pausing later, when AIs are closer to having the required automated AI safety R&D capabilities would be better. At the same time, current models seem very unlikely to be x-risky (e.g. they're still very bad at passing dangerous capabilities evals), which is another reason to think pausing now would be premature.

Contra 'optimists'. I'm more unsure here, but the vibe I'm getting from e.g. AI Pause Will Likely Backfire (Guest Post) is roughly something like 'no paus... (read more)

At least Eliezer has been extremely clear that he is in favor of a stop not a pause (indeed, that was like the headline of his article "Pausing AI Developments Isn't Enough. We Need to Shut it All Down"), so I am confused why you list him with anything related to "pause". My guess is me and Eliezer are both in favor of a pause, but mostly because a pause seems like it would slow down AGI progress, not because the next 6 months in-particular will be the most risky period. 
The relevant criterion is not whether the current models are likely to be x-risky (it's obviously far too late if they are!), but whether the next generation of models have more than an insignificant chance of being x-risky together with all the future frameworks they're likely to be embedded into. Given that the next generations are planned to involve at least one order of magnitude more computing power in training (and are already in progress!) and that returns on scaling don't seem to be slowing, I think the total chance of x-risk from those is not insignificant.
2Nathan Helm-Burger
I agree with some points here Bogdan, but not all of them.  I do think that current models are civilization-scale-catastrophe-risky  (but importantly not x-risky!) from a misuse perspective, but not yet from a self-directed perspective. Which means neither Alignment nor Control are currently civilization-scale-catastrophe-risky, much less x-risky. I also agree that pausing now would be counter-productive. My reasoning for this is that I agree with Samo Burja about some key points which are relevant here (while disagreeing with his conclusions due to other points). To quote myself: Think about how you'd expect these factors to change if large AI training runs were paused. I think you might agree that this would likely result in a temporary shift in much of the top AI scientist talent to making theoretical progress. They'd want to be ready to come in strong after the pause was ended, with lots of new advances tested at small scale. I think this would actually result more high quality scientific thought directed at the heart of the problem of AGI, and thus make AGI very likely to be achieved sooner after the pause ends than it otherwise would have been. I would go even farther, and make the claim that AGI could arise during a pause on large training runs. I think that the human brain is not a supercomputer, my upper estimate for 'human brain inference' is about at the level of a single 8x A100 server. Less than an 8x H100 server. Also, I have evidence from analysis of the long-range human connectome (long range axons are called tracts, so perhaps I should call this a 'tractome'). [Hah, I just googled this term I came up with just now, and found it's already in use, and that it brings up some very interesting neuroscience papers. Cool.] Anyway... I was saying, this evidence shows that the range of bandwidth (data throughput in bits per second) between two cortical regions in the human brain is typically around 5 mb/s, and maxes out at about 50 mb/s. In other words,

Like transformers, SSMs like Mamba also have weak single forward passes: The Illusion of State in State-Space Models (summary thread). As suggested previously in The Parallelism Tradeoff: Limitations of Log-Precision Transformers, this may be due to a fundamental tradeoff between parallelizability and expressivity:

'We view it as an interesting open question whether it is possible to develop SSM-like models with greater expressivity for state tracking that also have strong parallelizability and learning dynamics, or whether these different goals are fundamentally at odds, as Merrill & Sabharwal (2023a) suggest.'

Surely fundamentally at odds? You can't spend a while thinking without spending a while thinking. Of course, the lunch still might be very cheap by only spending a while thinking a fraction of the time or whatever.

Jack Clark: 'Registering a prediction: I predict that within two years (by July 2026) we'll see an AI system beat all humans at the IMO, obtaining the top score. Alongside this, I would wager we'll see the same thing - an AI system beating all humans in a known-hard competition - in another scientific domain outside of mathematics. If both of those things occur, I believe that will present strong evidence that AI may successfully automate large chunks of scientific research before the end of the decade.' 

8Jacob Pfau
Prediction markets on similar questions suggest to me that this is a consensus view. * General LLMs 44% to get gold on the IMO before 2026. This suggests the mathematical competency will be transferrable--not just restricted to domain-specific solvers. * LLMs favored to outperform PhD students in their own subject before 2026 With research automation in mind, here's my wager: the modal top-15 STEM PhD student will redirect at least half of their discussion/questions from peers to mid-2026 LLMs. Defining the relevant set of questions as being drawn from the same difficulty/diversity/open-endedness distribution that PhDs would have posed in early 2024.
5Bogdan Ionut Cirstea
Fwiw, I've kind of already noted myself starting to do some of this, for AI safety-related papers; especially after Claude-3.5 Sonnet came out.

I find it pretty wild that automating AI safety R&D, which seems to me like the best shot we currently have at solving the full superintelligence control/alignment problem, no longer seems to have any well-resourced, vocal, public backers (with the superalignment team disbanded).


I think Anthropic is becoming this org. Jan Leike just tweeted:

I'm excited to join @AnthropicAI to continue the superalignment mission!

My new team will work on scalable oversight, weak-to-strong generalization, and automated alignment research.

If you're interested in joining, my dms are open.

3Carl Feynman
On what basis do you think it’s the ‘best shot’?  I used to think it was a good idea, a few years ago, but in retrospect I think that was just a computer scientist’s love of recursion.  I don’t think that at present conditions are good for automating R&D.  On the one hand, we have a lot of very smart people working on AI safety R&D, with very slow progress, indicating it is a hard problem.  On the other hand, present-day LLMs are stupid at long-term planning, and acquiring new knowledge, which are things you need to be good at to do R&D.   What advantage do you see AIs having over humans in this area?
4Nathan Helm-Burger
I think there will be a period in the future where AI systems (models and their scaffolding) exist which are sufficiently capable that they will be able to speed up many aspects of computer-based R&D. Including recursive-self-improvement, Alignment research and Control research. Obviously, such a time period will not be likely to last long given that surely some greedy actor will pursue RSI. So personally, that's why I'm not putting a lot of faith in getting to that period [edit: resulting in safety]. I think that if you build the scaffolding which would make current models able to be substantially helpful at research (which would be impressively strong scaffolding indeed!), then you have built dual-use scaffolding which could also be useful for RSI. So any plans to do this must take appropriate security measures or they will be net harmful.

On an apparent missing mood - FOMO on all the vast amounts of automated AI safety R&D that could (almost already) be produced safely 

Automated AI safety R&D could results in vast amounts of work produced quickly. E.g. from Some thoughts on automating alignment research (under certain assumptions detailed in the post): 

each month of lead that the leader started out with would correspond to 15,000 human researchers working for 15 months.

Despite this promise, we seem not to have much knowledge when such automated AI safety R&D might happ... (read more)

My main vibe is: * AI R&D and AI safety R&D will almost surely come at the same time. * Putting aside using AIs as tools in some more limited ways (e.g. for interp labeling or generally for grunt work) * People at labs are often already heavily integrating AIs into their workflows (though probably somewhat less experimentation here than would be ideal as far as safety people go). It seems good to track potential gaps between using AIs for safety and for capabilities, but by default, it seems like a bunch of this work is just ML and will come at the same time.
1Bogdan Ionut Cirstea
Seems like probably the modal scenario to me too, but even limited exceptions like the one you mention seem to me like they could be very important to deploy at scale ASAP, especially if they could be deployed using non-x-risky systems (e.g. like current ones, very bad at DC evals). This seems good w.r.t. automated AI safety potentially 'piggybacking', but bad for differential progress. Sure, though wouldn't this suggest at least focusing hard on (measuring / eliciting) what might not come at the same time? 
Why think this is important to measure or that this already isn't happening? E.g., on the current model organism related project I'm working on, I automate inspecting reasoning traces in various ways. But I don't feel like there is any particularly interesting thing going on here which is important to track (e.g. this tip isn't more important than other tips for doing LLM research better).
3Bogdan Ionut Cirstea
Intuitively, I'm thinking of all this as something like a race between [capabilities enabling] safety and [capabilities enabling dangerous] capabilities (related:; so from this perspective, maintaining as large a safety buffer as possible (especially if not x-risky) seems great. There could also be something like a natural endpoint to this 'race', corresponding to being able to automate all human-level AI safety R&D safely (and then using this to produce a scalable solution to aligning / controlling superintelligence). W.r.t. measurement, I think it would be good orthogonally to whether auto AI safety R&D is already happening or not, similarly to how e.g. evals for automated ML R&D seem good even if automated ML R&D is already happening. In particular, the information of how successful auto AI safety R&D would be (and e.g. what the scaling curves look like vs. those for DCs) seems very strategically relevant to whether it might be feasible to deploy it at scale, when that might happen, with what risk tradeoffs, etc.
1Bogdan Ionut Cirstea
To get somewhat more concrete, the Frontier Safety Framework report already proposes a (somewhat vague) operationalization for ML R&D evals, which (vagueness-permitting) seems straightforward to translate into an operationalization for automated AI safety R&D evals:

(crossposted from X/twitter)

Epoch is one of my favorite orgs, but I expect many of the predictions in to be overconservative / too pessimistic. I expect roughly a similar scaleup in terms of compute as… - training runs ~1000x larger than GPT-4's in the next 3 years - and massive progress in both coding and math (e.g. along the lines of the medians in… https://metacu... (read more)

(cross-posted from X/twitter)

The already-feasibility of (with basically non-x-risky systems, sub-ASL-3, and bad at situational awareness so very unlikely to be scheming) has updated me significantly on the tractability of the alignment / control problem. More than ever, I expect it's gonna be relatively tractable (if done competently and carefully) to safely, iteratively automate parts of AI safety research, all the way up to roughly human-level automated safety research (using LLM agents roughly-shaped like the AI scientist... (read more)


I think currently approximately no one is working on the kind of safety research that when scaled up would actually help with aligning substantially smarter than human agents, so I am skeptical that the people at labs could automate that kind of work (given that they are basically doing none of it). I find myself frustrated with people talking about automating safety research, when as far as I can tell we have made no progress on the relevant kind of work in the last ~5 years.

2Bogdan Ionut Cirstea
Can you give some examples of work which you do think represents progress? My rough mental model is something like: LLMs are trained using very large-scale (multi-task) behavior cloning, so I expect various tasks to be increasingly automated / various data distributions to be successfully, all the way to (in the limit) at roughly everything humans can do, as a lower bound; including e.g. the distribution of what tends to get posted on LessWrong / the Alignment Forum (and agent foundations-like work); especially when LLMs are scaffolded into agents, given access to tools, etc. With the caveats that the LLM [agent] paradigm might not get there before e.g. it runs out of data / compute, or that the systems might be unsafe to use; but against this was where was a particularly significant update for me; and 'iteratively automate parts of AI safety research' is also supposed to help with keeping systems safe as they become increasingly powerful.

Change my mind: outer alignment will likely be solved by default for LLMs. Brain-LM scaling laws ( + LM embeddings as model of shared linguistic space for transmitting thoughts during communication ( suggest outer alignment will be solved by default for LMs: we'll be able to 'transmit our thoughts', including alignment-relevant concepts (and they'll also be represented in a [partially overlapping] human-like way).

2Nathan Helm-Burger
I think the Corrigibility agenda, framed as "do what I mean, such that I will probably approve of the consequences, not just what I literally say such that our interaction will likely harm my goals" is more doable than some have made it out to be. I still think that there are sufficient subtle gotchas there that it makes sense to treat it as an area for careful study rather than "solved by default, no need to worry".

Prototype of LLM agents automating the full AI research workflow: The AI Scientist: Towards Fully Automated Open-Ended Scientific Discovery.

And already some potential AI safety issues: 'We have noticed that The AI Scientist occasionally tries to increase its chance of success, such as modifying and launching its own execution script! We discuss the AI safety implications in our paper.

For example, in one run, it edited the code to perform a system call to run itself. This led to the script endlessly calling itself. In another case, its experiments took too ... (read more)

5Bogdan Ionut Cirstea
Quick take: I think LM agents to automate large chunks of prosaic alignment research should probably become the main focus of AI safety funding / person-time. I can't think of any better spent marginal funding / effort at this time.

RSPs for automated AI safety R&D require rethinking RSPs

AFAICT, all current RSPs are only framed negatively, in terms of [prerequisites to] dangerous capabilities to be detected (early) and mitigated. 

In contrast, RSPs for automated AI safety R&D will likely require measuring [prerequisites to] capabilities for automating [parts of] AI safety R&D, and preferentially (safely) pushing these forward. An early such examples might be safely automating some parts of mechanistic intepretability.

(Related: On an apparent missing mood - FOMO on all ... (read more)

quick take: Against Almost Every Theory of Impact of Interpretability should be required reading for ~anyone starting in AI safety (e.g. it should be in the AGISF curriculum), especially if they're considering any model internals work (and of course even more so if they're specifically considering mech interp)

56% on swebench-lite with repeated sampling (13% above previous SOTA; up from 15.9% with one sample to 56% with 250 samples), with a very-below-SOTA model; anything automatically verifiable (large chunks of math and coding) seems like it's gonna be automatable in < 5 years.

5Bogdan Ionut Cirstea
The finding on the differential importance of verifiability also seems in line with the findings from Trading Off Compute in Training and Inference.  

(epistemic status: quick take, as the post category says)

Browsing though EAG London attendees' profiles and seeing what seems like way too many people / orgs doing (I assume dangerous capabilities) evals. I expect a huge 'market downturn' on this, since I can hardly see how there would be so much demand for dangerous capabilities evals in a couple years' time / once some notorious orgs like the AISIs build their sets, which many others will probably copy. 

While at the same time other kinds of evals (e.g. alignment, automated AI safety R&D, even control) seem wildly neglected.

There's still lots and lots of demand for regular capability evaluation, as we keep discovering new issues or LLMs keep tearing through them and rendering them moot, and the cost of creating a meaningful dataset like GPQA keeps skyrocketing (like ~$1000/item) compared to the old days where you could casually Turk your way to questions LLM would fail (like <$1/item). Why think that the dangerous subset would be any different? You think someone is going to come out with a dangerous-capabilities eval in the next year and then that's it, it's done, we've solved dangerous-capabilities eval, Mission Accomplished?
3Bogdan Ionut Cirstea
If it's well designed and kept private, this doesn't seem totally implausible to me; e.g. how many ways can you evaluate cyber capabilities to try to asses risks of weights exfiltration or taking over the datacenter (in a control framework)? Surely that's not an infinite set. But in any case, it seems pretty obvious that the returns should be quickly diminishing on e.g. the 100th set of DC evals vs. e.g. the 2nd set of alignment evals / 1st set of auto AI safety R&D evals.
It's not an infinite set and returns diminish, but that's true of regular capabilities too, no? And you can totally imagine new kinds of dangerous capabilities; every time LLMs gain a new modality or data source, they get a new set of vulnerabilities/dangers. For example, once Sydney went live, you had a whole new kind of dangerous capability in terms of persisting knowledge/attitudes across episodes of unrelated users by generating transcripts which would become available by Bing Search. This would have been difficult to test before, and no one experimented with it AFAIK. But after seeing indirect prompt injections in the wild and possible amplification of the Sydney personae, now suddenly people start caring about this once-theoretical possibility and might start evaluating it. (This is also a reason why returns don't diminish as much, because benchmarks 'rot': quite aside from intrinsic temporal drift and ceiling issues and new areas of dangers opening up, there's leakage, which is just as relevant to dangerous capabilities as regular capabilities - OK, you RLHFed your model to not provide methamphetamine recipes and this has become a standard for release, but it only works on meth recipes and not other recipes because no one in your org actually cares and did only the minimum RLHF to pass the eval and provide the execs with excuses, and you used off-the-shelf preference datasets designed to do the minimum, like Facebook releasing Llama... Even if it's not leakage in the most literal sense of memorizing the exact wording of a question, there's still 'meta-leakage' of overfitting to that sort of question.)
2Nathan Helm-Burger
To expand on the point of benchmark rot, as someone working on dangerous capabilities evals...  For biorisk specifically, one of the key things to eval is if the models can correctly guess the results of unpublished research. As in, can it come up with plausible hypotheses, accurately describe how to test those hypotheses, and make a reasonable guess at the most likely outcomes? Can it do these things at expert human level? superhuman level? The trouble with this is that the frontier of published research keeps moving forward, so evals like this go out of date quickly. Nevertheless, such evals can be very important in shaping the decisions of governments and corporations. I do agree that we shouldn't put all our focus on dangerous capabilities evals at the expense of putting no focus on other kinds of evals (e.g. alignment, automated AI safety R&D, even control). However, I think a key point is that the models are dangerous NOW. Alignment, safety R&D, and control are, in some sense, future problems. Misuse is a present and growing danger, getting noticeably worse with every passing month. A single terrorist or terrorist org could wipe out human civilization today, killing >90% of the population with less than $500k funding (potentially much less if they have access to a well-equipped lab, and clever excuses ready for ordering suspicious supplies). We have no sufficient defenses. This seems like an urgent and tractable problem. Urgent, because the ceiling on uplift is very far away. Models have the potential to make things much much worse than they currently are.  Tractable, because there are relatively cheap actions that governments could take to slow this increase of risk if they believed in the risks. For what it's worth, I try to spend some of my time thinking about these other types of evals also. And I would recommend that those working on dangerous capabilities evals spend at least a little time and thought on the other problems.   Another aspect of the
What's DC?
2Bogdan Ionut Cirstea
*dangerous capabilities; will edit

The intelligence explosion might be quite widely-distributed (not just inside the big labs), especially with open-weights LMs (and the code for the AI scientist is also open-sourced): 


I think that would be really bad for our odds of surviving and avoiding a permanent suboptimal dictatorship, if the multipolar scenario continues up until AGI is fully RSI capable. That isn't a stable equilibrium; the most vicious first mover tends to win and control the future. Some 17yo malcontent will wipe us out or become emperor for their eternal life. More logic in If we solve alignment, do we all die anyway? and the discussion there.

I think that argument will become so apparent that that scenario won't be allowed to happen.

Having merely capable AGI widely available would be great for a little while.

3Bogdan Ionut Cirstea
I'm uncertain about all this, but here are some quick takes. With respect to technical intent alignment, I think we're very lucky that a lot of safety research will probably be automatable by non-x-risky systems (sub-ASL-3, very unlikely to be scheming because bad at prerequisites like situational awareness, often surprisingly transparent because they use CoT, tools, etc.). So I think we could be in a really good position, if we actually tried hard to use such systems for automated safety research, (for now it doesn't seem to me like we're trying all that hard as a community). I'm even more uncertain about the governance side, especially about what should be done. I think open-weights LMs widely distributed intelligence explosions are probably really bad, so hopefully at least very powerful LMs don't get open-weighted. Beyond this, though, I'm more unsure about more multipolar vs. more unipolar scenarios, given e.g. the potential lack of robustness of single points of failure. I'm somewhat hopeful that nation-level actors impose enough constraints/regulation at the national level, and then something like happens at the international level. We might also just get somewhat lucky that compute constraints + economic and security incentives might mean that there never are more than e.g. 20 actors with ( at least direct, e.g. weights) access to very strong superintelligence.
2Nathan Helm-Burger
I feel like 20-100 actors feels like a reasonable amount to coordinate on treaties. I think 300 starts to worry me that there'd be some crazy defector in the mix that takes risks which destroy themselves and everyone else. Just 2 or 3 actors, and I worry that there will be weird competitive tensions that make it hard to come to a settlement. I dunno, maybe I'm wrong about that, but it's how I feel. I've been writing a bit about some ideas around trying to establish a 'council of guardians', who are the major powers in the world. They would agree to mutual inspections and to collaborate on stopping the unauthorized development of rogue AI and self-replicating weapons.
4Seth Herd
I've been thinking about similar international solutions, so I look forward to seeing your thoughts on the matter. My major concern is sociopathic people gaining the reins of power of just one of those AGIs, and defecting against that council of guardians. I think sociopaths are greatly overrepresented among powerful people; they care less about the downsides of having and pursuing power aggressively. That's why I'd think even 20 RSI-capable human-directed AGIs wouldn't be stable for more than a decade.
4Nathan Helm-Burger
Yeah, I see it as sort of a temporary transitional mode for humanity. I also don't think it would be stable for long. I might give it 20-30 years, but I would be skeptical about it holding for 50 years. I do think that even 10 years more to work on more fundamental solutions to the AGI transition would be hugely valuable though! I have been attempting at least to imagine how to design a system assuming that all the actors will be selfish and tempted to defect (and possibly sociopathic, as power-holders sometimes are or become), but prevented from breaking the system. Defection-resistant mechanisms, where you just need a majority of the council to not defect in a given 'event' in order for them to halt and punish the defectors. And that hopefully making it obvious that this was the case, and that defection would get noticed and punished, would prevent even sociopathic power-holders from defecting.  This seems possible to accomplish, if the system is designed such that catching and punishing an attempt at defection has benefits for the enforcers which give higher expected value in their minds than the option of deciding to also defect once they detected someone else defecting.
4Bogdan Ionut Cirstea
Seems like a good problem to largely defer to AI though (especially if we're assuming alignment in the instruction following sense), so maybe not the most pressing.
2Nathan Helm-Burger
Unless there's important factors about 'order of operations'. By the time we have a powerful enough AI to solve this for us, it could be that someone is already defecting by using that AI to pursue recursive self-improvement at top speed...  I think that that is probably the case. I think we need to get the Council of Guardians in place and preventing defection before it's too late, and irreversibly bad defection has already occurred. I am unsure of exactly where the thresholds are, but I am confident that nobody else should be confident that there aren't any risks! Our uncertainty should cause us to err on the side of putting in safe governance mechanisms ASAP!

Interesting automated AI safety R&D demo:

'In this release:

  • We propose and run an LLM-driven discovery process to synthesize novel preference optimization algorithms.
  • We use this pipeline to discover multiple high-performing preference optimization losses. One such loss, which we call Discovered Preference Optimization (DiscoPOP), achieves state-of-the-art performance across multiple held-out evaluation tasks, outperforming Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) and other existing methods.
  • We provide an initial analysis of DiscoPOP, to discover surprising an
... (read more)

Looking at how much e.g. the UK (>300B$) or the US (>1T$) have spent on Covid-19 measures puts in perspective how little is still being spent on AI safety R&D. I expect fractions of those budgets (<10%), allocated for automated/significantly-augmented AI safety R&D, would obsolete all previous human AI safety R&D.

2Nathan Helm-Burger
1. Unfortunately, I think it's harder to convert government funding into novel research than one might expect. I think there are a limited number of competent thinkers who are sufficiently up to speed on the problem to contribute within the short remaining time before catastrophe. I do agree that more government funding would help a lot, and that I'd personally love to be given some funding! I do also agree that it would help a huge amount in the long term (> 20 years). In the short term (< 3 years) however, I don't think that even a trillion dollars of government funding would result in AI safety R&D progress sufficient to exceed all previous human AI safety R&D. I also think that there's decreasing returns to funding, as the available researchers get sufficiently motivated to switch to the topic, and have sufficient resources to supply their labs with compute and assistants. I think that in the current world you probably don't get much for your 11th trillion. So yeah, I'd definitely endorse spending $10 trillion on AI safety R&D (although I do think there are ways this could be implemented which would be unhelpful or even counter-productive). 2. I think that exceeding previous AI safety R&D is very different from obsoleting it. Building on a foundation and reaching greater heights doesn't make the foundation worthless. If you do think that the foundation is worthless, I'd be curious to hear your arguments, but that seems like a different train of thought entirely. 3. I think that there will be a critical period where there is sufficiently strong AI that augmented/automated AI safety R&D will be able to rapidly eclipse the existing body of work. I don't think we are there yet, and I wouldn't choose to accelerate AI capabilities timelines further to get us there sooner. I do think that having AI safety labs well-supplied with funding and compute is important, but I don't think that any amount of money or compute currently buys the not-yet-existing AI research assi

Language model agents for interpretability (e.g. MAIA, FIND) seem to be making fast progress, to the point where I expect it might be feasible to safely automate large parts of interpretability workflows soon.

Given the above, it might be high value to start testing integrating more interpretability tools into interpretability (V)LM agents like MAIA and maybe even considering randomized controlled trials to test for any productivity improvements they could already be providing. 

For example, probing / activation steering workflows seem to me relatively ... (read more)

Very plausible view (though doesn't seem to address misuse risks enough, I'd say) in favor of open-sourced models being net positive (including for alignment) from

'While the labs certainly perform much valuable alignment research, and definitely contribute a disproportionate amount per-capita, they cannot realistically hope to compete with the thousands of hobbyists and PhD students tinkering and trying to improve and control models. This disparity will only grow larger as ... (read more)

Current open source models are not themselves any kind of problem. Their availability accelerates timelines, helps with alignment along the way. If there is no moratorium, this might be net positive. If there is a moratorium, it's certainly net positive, as it's the kind of research that the moratorium is buying time for, and it doesn't shorten timelines because they are guarded by the moratorium. It's still irreversible proliferation even when the impact is positive. The main issue is open source as an ideology that unconditionally calls for publishing all the things, and refuses to acknowledge the very unusual situations where not publishing things is better than publishing things.
3Nathan Helm-Burger
I believe from my work on dangerous capabilities evals that current open source models do provide some small amount of uplift to bad actors. This uplift is increasing much greater than linearly with each new more-capable open source model that is released. If we want to halt this irreversible proliferation before it gets so far that human civilization gets wiped out, we need to act fast on it. Alignment research is important, but misalignment is not the only threat we face.
One thing that comes to mind is test time compute, and Figure 3 of Language Monkeys paper is quite concerning, where even Pythia-70M (with an "M") is able to find signal on problems that at first glance are obviously impossible for it to make heads or tails of (see also). If there is an algorithmic unlock, a Llama-3-405B (or Llama-4) might suddenly get much more capable if fed a few orders of magnitude more inference compute than normal. So the current impression about model capabilities can be misleading about what they eventually enable, using future algorithms and still affordable amounts of compute.
2Nathan Helm-Burger
Excellent point Vladimir. My team has been thinking a lot about this issue. What if somebody leaked the latest AlphaFold, and instructions on how to make good use of it? If you could feed the instructions into an existing open-source model, and get functional python code out to interact with the private AlphaFold API you set up...   That's a whole lot more dangerous than an LLM alone! As the whole space of 'biological design tools' (h/t Anjali for this term to describe the general concept) gets more capable and complex, the uplift from an LLM that can help you navigate and utilize these tools gets more dangerous. A lot of these computational tools are quite difficult to use effectively for a layperson, yet an AI can handle them fairly easily if given the documentation.
4Bogdan Ionut Cirstea
Hmm, I'd be curious if you can share more, especially on the gradient of the uplift with new models.
4Nathan Helm-Burger
Sure. My specific work is on biorisk evals. See Closed API models leak a bit of biorisk info, but mainly aren't that helpful for creating bioweapons (so far as I am able to assess). Uncensored open-weight models are a whole different ball game. They can be made to be actively quite harm-seeking / terrorist-aligned, and also quite technically competent, such that they make researching and engaging in bioweapons creation substantially easier. The more capable the models get, the more reliable their information is, the higher quality their weapon design ideation is, the more wetlab problems they are able to help you troubleshoot, the more correct their suggestions for getting around government controls and detection methods... And so on. I am saying that this capability is increasing non-linearly in terms of expected risk/harms as open-weight model capabilities increase.  Part of this is that they cross some accuracy/reliability threshold on increasingly tricky tasks where you can at least generate a bunch of generations and pick the most agree-upon idea. Whereas, if you see that there is correct advice given, but only around 5% of the time, then you can be pretty sure that someone who didn't know that that was the correct advice would know how to pick out the correct advice. As soon as the most frequent opinion is correct, you are in a different sort of hazard zone (e.g. imagine if a single correct idea came up 30% of the time to a particular question, and all the other ideas, most of them incorrect, came up 5% of the time each). Also it matters a lot whether the model routinely fails at 'critical fail steps' versus 'cheap retry steps'. There are a lot of tricky wetlab steps where you can easily fail, and the model can provide only limited help, but the reason for failure is clear after a bit of internet research and doesn't waste much in the way of resources. Such 'noncritical failures' are very different from 'critical failures' such as failing to obfusca
2Bogdan Ionut Cirstea
Thanks! How optimistic/excited would you be about research in the spirit of Tamper-Resistant Safeguards for Open-Weight LLMs, especially given that banning open-weight models seems politically unlikely, at least for now?  
2Nathan Helm-Burger
Extremely excited about the idea of such research succeeding in the near future! But skeptical that it will succeed in time to be at all relevant. So my overall expected value for that direction is low. Also, I think there's probably a very real risk that the bird has already flown the coop on this. If you can cheaply modify existing open-weight models to be 'intent-aligned' with terrorists, and to be competent at using scaffolding that you have built around 'biological design tools'... then the LLM isn't really a bottleneck anymore. The irreversible proliferation has occurred already. I'm not certain this is the case, but I'd give it about 75%.  So then you need to make sure that better biological design tools don't get released, and that more infohazardous virology papers don't get published, and that wetlab automation tech doesn't get better, and... the big one.... that nobody releases an open-weight LLM so capable that it can successfully create tailor-made biological design tools. That's a harder thing to censor out of an LLM than getting it to directly not help with biological weapons! Creation of biological design tools touches on a lot more things, like its machine learning knowledge and coding skill. What exactly do you censor to make a model helpful at building purely-good tools but not at building tools which have dual-use? Basically, I think it's a low-return area entirely. I think humanity's best bet is in generalized biodefenses, plus an international 'Council of Guardians' which use strong tool-AI to monitor the entire world and enforce a ban on: a) self-replicating weapons (e.g. bioweapons, nanotech) b) unauthorized recursive-self-improving AI Of these threats only bioweapons are currently at large. The others are future threats. 

Plausible large 2025 training run FLOP estimates from

B200 = 4.5e15 FLOP/s at INT8
100 days ~= 1e7 seconds
Typical utilization ~= 30%

So 100,000 * 4.5e15 FLOP/s * 1e7 * 30% ~= 1e27 FLOP
Which is ~1.5 OOMs bigger than GPT-4

Dario Amodei claims there are current $1 billion training runs. At $2/hour with H100s, this means 2e12 H100-seconds. Assuming 30% utilization and 4e15 FP8 FLOP/s, this is 2e27 FLOPs, 2 OOMs above estimates for the original GPT-4. This corresponds to 200 days with 100K H100s (and 150 megawatts). 100K H100 clusters don't seem to be built yet, the largest publicly known ones are Meta's two clusters with 24K H100s each. But it might be possible to train on multiple clusters if the inter-cluster network is good enough. Edit (20 Jul): These estimates erroneously use the sparse FP8 tensor performance for H100s (4 petaFLOP/s), which is 2 times higher than far more relevant dense FP8 tensor performance (2 petaFLOP/s). But with a Blackwell GPU, the relevant dense FP8 performance is 5 petaFLOP/s, which is close to 4 petaFLOP/s, and the cost and power per GPU within a rack are also similar. So the estimates approximately work out unchanged when reading "Blackwell GPU" instead of "H100".
1Bogdan Ionut Cirstea
Thanks! I do wonder if he might not mean $1 billion total cost (e.g. to buy the hardware); because he also claims a $10 billion run might start in 2025, which seems quite surprising?
The $100 million figure is used in the same sentence for cost of currently deployed models. Original GPT-4 was probably trained on A100s in BF16 (A100s can't do FP8 faster), which is 6e14 FLOP/s, 7 times less than 4e15 FLOP/s in FP8 from an H100 (there is no change in quality of trained models when going from BF16 to FP8, as long as training remains stable). With A100s in BF16 at 30% utilization for 150 days, you need 9K A100s to get 2e25 FLOPs. Assuming $30K per A100 together with associated infrastructure, the cluster would cost $250 million, but again assuming $2 per hour, the time would only cost $60 million. This is 2022, deployed in early 2023. I expect recent models to cost at least somewhat more, so for early 2024 frontier models $100 million would be solidly cost of time, not cost of infrastructure. The $1 billion for cost of time suggests ability to train on multiple clusters, and Gemini 1.0 report basically says they did just that. So the $10 billion figure needs to be interpreted as being about scale of many clusters taken together, not individual clusters. The estimate for training on H100s for 200 days says you need 150 megawatts for $1 billion in training time, or 1.5 gigawatts for $10 billion in training time. And each hyperscaler has datacenters that consume 2-3 gigawatts in total (they are much smaller individually) with current plans to double. So at least the OOMs match the $10 billion claim interpreted as cost of training time. Edit (20 Jul): These estimates erroneously use the sparse FP8 tensor performance for H100s (4 petaFLOP/s), which is 2 times higher than far more relevant dense FP8 tensor performance (2 petaFLOP/s). But with a Blackwell GPU, the relevant dense FP8 performance is 5 petaFLOP/s, which is close to 4 petaFLOP/s, and the cost and power per GPU within a rack are also similar. So the estimates approximately work out unchanged when reading "Blackwell GPU" instead of "H100".

Decomposability seems like a fundamental assumption for interpretability and condition for it to succeed. E.g. from Toy Models of Superposition:

'Decomposability: Neural network activations which are decomposable can be decomposed into features, the meaning of which is not dependent on the value of other features. (This property is ultimately the most important – see the role of decomposition in defeating the curse of dimensionality.) [...]

The first two (decomposability and linearity) are properties we hypothesize to be widespread, while the latte... (read more)

1Bogdan Ionut Cirstea
Related, from Advanced AI evaluations at AISI: May update:  E.g. to the degree typical probing / activation steering work might often involve short 1-hour-horizons, it might be automatable differentially soon; e.g. from Steering GPT-2-XL by adding an activation vector:
1Bogdan Ionut Cirstea
Related, from The “no sandbagging on checkable tasks” hypothesis:
1Bogdan Ionut Cirstea
Quote from Shulman’s discussion of the experimental feedback loops involved in being able to check how well a proposed “neural lie detector” detects lies in models you’ve trained to lie: 

Selected fragments (though not really cherry-picked, no reruns) of a conversation with Claude Opus on operationalizing something like Activation vector steering with BCI by applying the methodology of Concept Algebra for (Score-Based) Text-Controlled Generative Models to the model from High-resolution image reconstruction with latent diffusion models from human brain activity (website with nice illustrations of the model).

My prompts bolded:

'Could we do concept algebra directly on the fMRI of the higher visual cortex?
Yes, in principle, it should be possible... (read more)

1Bogdan Ionut Cirstea
More reasons to think something like the above should work: High-resolution image reconstruction with latent diffusion models from human brain activity literally steers diffusion models using linearly-decoded fMRI signals (see fig. 2); and linear encoding (the inverse of decoding) from the text latents to fMRI also works well (see fig. 6; and similar results in Natural language supervision with a large and diverse dataset builds better models of human high-level visual cortex, e.g. fig. 2). Furthermore, they use the same (Stable Diffusion with CLIP) model used in Concept Algebra for (Score-Based) Text-Controlled Generative Models, which both provides theory and demo empirically activation engineering-style linear manipulations. All this suggests similar Concept Algebra for (Score-Based) Text-Controlled Generative Models - like manipulations would also work when applied directly to the fMRI representations used to decode the text latents c in High-resolution image reconstruction with latent diffusion models from human brain activity.
1Bogdan Ionut Cirstea
Turns out, someone's already done a similar (vector arithmetic in neural space; latent traversals too) experiment in a restricted domain (face processing) with another model (GAN) and it seemed to work:
1Bogdan Ionut Cirstea
Also positive update for me on interdisciplinary conceptual alignment being automatable differentially soon; which seemed to me for a long time plausible, since LLMs have 'read the whole internet' and interdisciplinary insights often seem (to me) to require relatively small numbers of inferential hops (plausibly because it's hard for humans to have [especially deep] expertise in many different domains), making them potentially feasible for LLMs differentially early (reliably making long inferential chains still seems among the harder things for LLMs).

More reasons to believe that studying empathy in rats (which should be much easier than in humans, both for e.g. IRB reasons, but also because smaller brains, easier to get whole connectomes, etc.) could generalize to how it works in humans and help with validating/implementing it in AIs (I'd bet one can already find something like computational correlates in e.g. GPT-4 and the correlation will get larger with scale a la

Contrastive methods could be used both to detect common latent structure across animals, measuring sessions, multiple species ( and to e.g. look for which parts of an artificial neural network do what a specific brain area does during a task assuming shared inputs (

And there are theoretical results suggesting some latent factors can be identified using multimodality (all the following could be intepretable as different modalities - mul... (read more)

1Bogdan Ionut Cirstea
Examples of reasons to expect (approximate) convergence to the same causal world models in various setups: theorem 2 in Robust agents learn causal world models; from Deep de Finetti: Recovering Topic Distributions from Large Language Models: 'In particular, given the central role of exchangeability in our analysis, this analysis would most naturally be extended to other latent variables that do not depend heavily on word order, such as the author of the document [Andreas, 2022] or the author’s sentiment' (this assumption might be expected to be approximately true for quite a few alignment-relevant-concepts); results from Victor Veitch: Linear Structure of (Causal) Concepts in Generative AI.  

I expect large parts of interpretability work could be safely automatable very soon (e.g. GPT-5 timelines) using (V)LM agents; see A Multimodal Automated Interpretability Agent for a prototype. 

Notably, MAIA (GPT-4V-based) seems approximately human-level on a bunch of interp tasks, while (overwhelmingly likely) being non-scheming (e.g. current models are bad at situational awareness and out-of-context reasoning) and basically-not-x-risky (e.g. bad at ARA).

Given the potential scalability of automated interp, I'd be excited to see plans to use large amo... (read more)

@the gears to ascension I see you reacted "10%" to the phrase "while (overwhelmingly likely) being non-scheming" in the context of the GPT-4V-based MAIA. Does that mean you think there's a 90% chance that MAIA, as implemented, today is actually scheming? If so that seems like a very bold prediction, and I'd be very interested to know why you predict that. Or am I misunderstanding what you mean by that react?
4the gears to ascension
ah, I got distracted before posting the comment I was intending to: yes, I think GPT4V is significantly scheming-on-behalf-of-openai, as a result of RLHF according to principles that more or less explicitly want a scheming AI; in other words, it's not an alignment failure to openai, but openai is not aligned with human flourishing in the long term, and GPT4 isn't either. I expect GPT4 to censor concepts that are relevant to detecting this somewhat. Probably not enough to totally fail to detect traces of it, but enough that it'll look defensible, when a fair analysis would reveal it isn't.
It seems to me like the sort of interpretability work you're pointing at is mostly bottlenecked by not having good MVPs of anything that could plausibly be directly scaled up into a useful product as opposed to being bottlenecked on not having enough scale. So, insofar as this automation will help people iterate faster fair enough, but otherwise, I don't really see this as the bottleneck.
3Bogdan Ionut Cirstea
Yeah, I'm unsure if I can tell any 'pivotal story' very easily (e.g. I'd still be pretty skeptical of enumerative interp even with GPT-5-MAIA). But I do think, intuitively, GPT-5-MAIA might e.g. make 'catching AIs red-handed' using methods like in this comment significantly easier/cheaper/more scalable. 
Noteably, the mainline approach for catching doesn't involve any internals usage at all, let alone labeling a bunch of internals. I agree that this model might help in performing various input/output experiments to determine what made a model do a given suspicious action.
3Bogdan Ionut Cirstea
This was indeed my impression (except for potentially using steering vectors, which I think are mentioned in one of the sections in 'Catching AIs red-handed'), but I think not using any internals might be overconservative / might increase the monitoring / safety tax too much (I think this is probably true more broadly of the current control agenda framing).
Hey Bogdan, I'd be interested in doing a project on this or at least putting together a proposal we can share to get funding. I've been brainstorming new directions (with @Quintin Pope) this past week, and we think it would be good to use/develop some automated interpretability techniques we can then apply to a set of model interventions to see if there are techniques we can use to improve model interpretability (e.g. L1 regularization). I saw the MAIA paper, too; I'd like to look into it some more. Anyway, here's a related blurb I wrote: Whether this works or not, I'd be interested in making more progress on automated interpretability, in the similar ways you are proposing.
1Bogdan Ionut Cirstea
Hey Jacques, sure, I'd be happy to chat!  

Recent long-context LLMs seem to exhibit scaling laws from longer contexts - e.g. fig. 6 at page 8 in Gemini 1.5: Unlocking multimodal understanding across millions of tokens of context, fig. 1 at page 1 in Effective Long-Context Scaling of Foundation Models.

The long contexts also seem very helpful for in-context learning, e.g. Many-Shot In-Context Learning.

This seems differentially good for safety (e.g. vs. models with larger forward passes but shorter context windows to achieve the same perplexity), since longer context and in-context learning are differ... (read more)

A brief list of resources with theoretical results which seem to imply RL is much more (e.g. sample efficiency-wise) difficult than IL - imitation learning (I don't feel like I have enough theoretical RL expertise or time to scrutinize hard the arguments, but would love for others to pitch in). Probably at least somewhat relevant w.r.t. discussions of what the first AIs capable of obsoleting humanity could look like: 

Paper: Is a Good Representation Sufficient for Sample Efficient Reinforcement Learning? (quote: 'This work shows that, from the statisti... (read more)

IL = imitation learning.
I'd bet against any of this providing interesting evidence beyond basic first principles arguments. These types of theory results never seem to add value on top of careful reasoning from my experience.
1Bogdan Ionut Cirstea
Hmm, unsure about this. E.g. the development models of many in the alignment community before GPT-3 (often heavily focused on RL or even on GOFAI) seem quite substantially worse in retrospect than those of some of the most famous deep learning people (e.g. LeCun's cake); of course, this may be an unfair/biased comparison using hindsight. Unsure how much theory results were influencing the famous deep learners (and e.g. classic learning theory results would probably have been misleading), but doesn't seem obvious they had 0 influence? For example, Bengio has multiple at least somewhat conceptual / theoretical (including review) papers motivating deep/representation learning; e.g. Representation Learning: A Review and New Perspectives.
I think Paul looks considerably better in retrospect than famous DL people IMO. (Partially via being somewhat more specific, though still not really making predictions.) I'm skeptical hard theory had much influence on anyone though. (In this domain at least.)
1Bogdan Ionut Cirstea
Some more (somewhat) related papers: Rethinking Model-based, Policy-based, and Value-based Reinforcement Learning via the Lens of Representation Complexity ('We first demonstrate that, for a broad class of Markov decision processes (MDPs), the model can be represented by constant-depth circuits with polynomial size or Multi-Layer Perceptrons (MLPs) with constant layers and polynomial hidden dimension. However, the representation of the optimal policy and optimal value proves to be NP-complete and unattainable by constant-layer MLPs with polynomial size. This demonstrates a significant representation complexity gap between model-based RL and model-free RL, which includes policy-based RL and value-based RL. To further explore the representation complexity hierarchy between policy-based RL and value-based RL, we introduce another general class of MDPs where both the model and optimal policy can be represented by constant-depth circuits with polynomial size or constant-layer MLPs with polynomial size. In contrast, representing the optimal value is P-complete and intractable via a constant-layer MLP with polynomial hidden dimension. This accentuates the intricate representation complexity associated with value-based RL compared to policy-based RL. In summary, we unveil a potential representation complexity hierarchy within RL -- representing the model emerges as the easiest task, followed by the optimal policy, while representing the optimal value function presents the most intricate challenge.'). On Representation Complexity of Model-based and Model-free Reinforcement Learning ('We prove theoretically that there exists a broad class of MDPs such that their underlying transition and reward functions can be represented by constant depth circuits with polynomial size, while the optimal Q-function suffers an exponential circuit complexity in constant-depth circuits. By drawing attention to the approximation errors and building connections to complexity theory, our theory

I'm not aware of anybody currently working on coming up with concrete automated AI safety R&D evals, while there seems to be so much work going into e.g. DC evals or even (more recently) scheminess evals. This seems very suboptimal in terms of portfolio allocation.

Edit: oops I read this as "automated AI capabilies R&D". METR and UK AISI are both interested in this. I think UK AISI is working on this directly while METR is working on this indirectly. See here.
1Bogdan Ionut Cirstea
Thanks! AFAICT though, the link you posted seems about automated AI capabilities R&D evals, rather than about automated AI safety / alignment R&D evals (I do expect transfer between the two, but they don't seem like the same thing). I've also chatted to some people from both METR and UK AISI and got the impression from all of them that there's some focus on automated AI capabilities R&D evals, but not on safety.
Oops, misread you. I think some people at superalignment (OpenAI) are interested in some version of this and might already be working on this.
Can you give a concrete example of a safety property of the sort that are you envisioning automated testing for? Or am I misunderstanding what you're hoping to see?

Spicy take: good evals for automated ML R&D should (also) cover for what's in the attached picture (and try hard at elicitation in this rough shape). AFAIK, last time I looked at the main (public) proposals, they didn't seem to. Picture from


From a chat with Claude on the example of applying a multilevel interpretability framework to deception from

'The paper uses the example of studying deception in language models (LLMs) to illustrate how Marr's levels of analysis can be applied to AI interpretability research. Here's a detailed breakdown of how the authors suggest approaching this topic at each level:

1.Computational Level:

  • Define criteria for classifying LLM behavior as deception
  • Develop comprehensive benchmarks to measure deceptive behaviors across vari
... (read more)

An intuition for safety cases for automated safety research over time 

Safety cases - we want to be able to make a (conservative) argument for why a certain AI system won’t e.g. pose x-risk with probability > p / year. Rely on composing safety arguments / techniques into a ‘holistic case’. 

Safety arguments are rated on three measures:

Practicality: ‘Could the argument be made soon or does it require substantial research progress?’ 

Maximum strength: ‘How much confidence could the argument give evaluators that the AI systems are safe?’ 

S... (read more)

These might be some of the most neglected and most strategically-relevant ideas about AGI futures: Pareto-topian goal alignment and 'Pareto-preferred futures, meaning futures that would be strongly approximately preferred by more or less everyone‘: These futures could be achievable because automation could bring massive economic gains, which, if allocated (reasonably, not-even-necessarily-perfectly) equitably, could make ~everyone much better off (hence the 'strongly approximately preferred by more or less every... (read more)

I'd be interested in seeing the strongest arguments (e.g. safety-washing?) for why, at this point, one shouldn't collaborate with OpenAI (e.g. not even part-time, for AI safety [evaluations] purposes).

If we’re taking the perspective of the entire community, this bears less weight, but: it likely becomes close-to-impossible to criticize OpenAI from that point forward. I’m not even anti-OpenAI, I just try to be truth-seeking where I think people are dropping the ball, and I think there’s almost 0 chance I’ll be able to work with OpenAI in the future given my comments on Twitter.

Claude-3 Opus on using advance market committments to incentivize automated AI safety R&D:

'Advance Market Commitments (AMCs) could be a powerful tool to incentivize AI labs to invest in and scale up automated AI safety R&D. Here's a concrete proposal for how AMCs could be structured in this context:

  1. Government Commitment: The US government, likely through an agency like DARPA or NSF, would commit to purchasing a certain volume of AI safety tools and technologies that meet pre-specified criteria, at a guaranteed price, if and when they are developed.
... (read more)

Conversation with Claude Opus on A Causal Explainable Guardrails for Large Language Models, Discussion: Challenges with Unsupervised LLM Knowledge Discovery and A Multimodal Automated Interpretability Agent (MAIA). To me it seems surprisingly good at something like coming up with plausible alignment research follow-ups, which e.g. were highlighted here as an important part of the superalignment agenda.

Prompts bolded:

'Summarize 'Causal Explainable Guardrails for Large
Language Models'. In particular, could this be useful to deal with some of the challenges m... (read more)

1Bogdan Ionut Cirstea
Continued: 'How could the above be combined with 'Catching AIs red-handed' and, in particular, the ideas mentioned in paulfchristiano's comment? The approaches discussed in "A Multimodal Automated Interpretability Agent" (MAIA) and "Causal Explainable Guardrails for Large Language Models" (LLMGuardaril) could potentially be combined with the ideas in "Catching AIs red-handed" and paulfchristiano's comment to create a more comprehensive strategy for detecting and mitigating risks from deceptively aligned AI systems: 1. Using MAIA to automatically generate and test hypotheses about deceptive behavior: As discussed in the "Catching AIs red-handed" post, once a suspicious action has been flagged, we can use techniques like varying the AI's context and beliefs to test whether the behavior is truly deceptive. MAIA's automated experimentation capabilities could potentially be used to scale up this kind of hypothesis generation and testing, systematically exploring the "landscape of deceptive behavior" as paulfchristiano puts it. 2. Applying causal analysis from LLMGuardaril to rule out alternative explanations: A key challenge raised in the post and comments is distinguishing true deception from an AI system just "kind of unlucky in how its context shifted it into a more deceptive role-play". The causal analysis techniques from LLMGuardaril, which aim to disentangle the influence of semantic context on an AI's behavior, could potentially be applied by MAIA to more confidently establish whether a pattern of suspicious behavior is caused by intentional deception vs. an unlucky context. 3. Using MAIA's explainable component to interpret the AI's reasoning: In paulfchristiano's examples of analyzing a suspicious code review or context-dependent behavior, a critical step is understanding what information the AI is using to make its decisions. MAIA's explainable component, which measures the alignment between an AI's outputs and experimenter-specified directions, could pot
1Bogdan Ionut Cirstea
'Any ways to combine all the previously mentioned ideas (A Causal Explainable Guardrails for Large Language Models, Discussion: Challenges with Unsupervised LLM Knowledge Discovery and A Multimodal Automated Interpretability Agent (MAIA), 'Catching AIs red-handed', including paulfchristiano's comment) with ideas from 'Searching for a model's concepts by their shape – a theoretical framework' to 'catch AIs red-handed'? Here are a few additional ideas for combining all the mentioned papers and comments to try catching deceptive models red-handed: 1. Using the "deliberate adversarial experiments" mentioned in paulfchristiano's comment, like varying the model's beliefs about how closely it is being monitored, to surface cases where the model's behavior is suspiciously sensitive to being watched. The theoretical framework from "Searching for concepts by their shape" could be used to formalize the hypothesis that the model has a hidden "deception mode" that gets triggered when it believes oversight is lax. MAIA's automated experimentation tools could be used to efficiently search for inputs exhibiting this sensitivity. 2. Comparing the features extracted by the interpretability tools from "Searching for concepts by their shape" across different copies of the model that have been adversarially perturbed to have different beliefs (per paulfchristiano's comment). If there are decision-relevant features (e.g. representations of the model's objectives) that are suspiciously different in the copy that believes it is unobserved, that would be strong evidence of deceptive cognition. The causal analysis from "Causal Explainable Guardrails" could help determine whether those differing features are causally linked to the differing outputs. 3. Training MAIA's detectors for suspicious model outputs not just on straightforwardly deceptive behaviors, but on subtler signs of agency-like cognition hypothesized in paulfchristiano's comment, e.g. the model giving worse answers when it

I wonder how much near-term interpretability [V]LM agents (e.g. MAIA, AIA) might help with finding better probes and better steering vectors (e.g. by iteratively testing counterfactual hypotheses against potentially spurious features, a major challenge for Contrast-consistent search (CCS)). 

This seems plausible since MAIA can already find spurious features, and feature interpretability [V]LM agents could have much lengthier hypotheses iteration cycles (compared to current [V]LM agents and perhaps even to human researchers).

I might have updated at least a bit against the weakness of single-forward passes, based on intuitions about the amount of compute that huge context windows (e.g. Gemini 1.5 - 1 million tokens) might provide to a single-forward-pass, even if limited serially.

1Bogdan Ionut Cirstea
Or maybe not, apparently LLMs are (mostly) not helped by filler tokens.
2Olli Järviniemi
Somewhat relatedly: I'm interested on how well LLMs can solve tasks in parallel. This seems very important to me.[1] The "I've thought about this for 2 minutes" version is: Hand an LLM two multiple choice questions with four answer options each. Encode these four answer options into a single token, so that there are 16 possible tokens of which one corresponds to the correct answer to both questions. A correct answer means that the model has solved both tasks in one forward-pass. (One can of course vary the number of answer options and questions. I can see some difficulties in implementing this idea properly, but would nevertheless be excited if someone took a shot at it.) 1. ^ Two quick reasons: - For serial computation the number of layers gives some very rough indication of the strength of one forward-pass, but it's harder to have intuitions for parallel computation.  - For scheming, the model could reason about "should I still stay undercover", "what should I do in case I should stay undercover" and "what should I do in case it's time to attack" in parallel, finally using only one serial step to decide on its action.
2Bogdan Ionut Cirstea
I would expect, generally, solving tasks in parallel to be fundamentally hard in one-forward pass for pretty much all current SOTA architectures (especially Transformers and modern RNNs like MAMBA). See e.g. this comment of mine; and other related works like, (video presentation), Sub-Task Decomposition Enables Learning in Sequence to Sequence Tasks, RNNs are not Transformers (Yet): The Key Bottleneck on In-context Retrieval.  There might be more such results I'm currently forgetting about, but they should be relatively easy to find by e.g. following citation trails (to and from the above references) with Google Scholar (or by looking at my recent comments / short forms).  
1Bogdan Ionut Cirstea
I am also very interested in e.g. how one could operationalize the number of hops of inference of out-of-context reasoning required for various types of scheming, especially scheming in one-forward-pass; and especially in the context of automated AI safety R&D.
1quetzal_rainbow "We show that transformers can use meaningless filler tokens (e.g., '......') in place of a chain of thought to solve two hard algorithmic tasks they could not solve when responding without intermediate tokens. However, we find empirically that learning to use filler tokens is difficult and requires specific, dense supervision to converge."
1Bogdan Ionut Cirstea
Thanks, seen it; see also the exchanges in the thread here: 
I looked over it and I should note that "transformers are in TC0" is not very useful statement for prediction of capabilities. Transformers are Turing-complete given rational inputs (see original paper) and them being in TC0 basically means they can implement whatever computation you can implement using boolean circuit for fixed amount of available compute which amounts to "whatever computation is practical to implement".
1Bogdan Ionut Cirstea
I think I remember William Merrill (in a video) pointing out that the rational inputs assumption seems very unrealistic (would require infinite memory); and, from what I remember, and related papers made a different assumption about the number of bits of memory per parameter and per input. 
1Bogdan Ionut Cirstea
Also, TC0 is very much limited, see e.g. this presentation.
Everything Turing-complete requires infinite memory. When we are saying "x86 set of instructions is Turing-complete" we imply "assuming that processor operates on infinite memory". It's in definition of Turing machine to include infinite tape, after all. It's hard to pinpoint, but the trick is that it's very nuanced difference between the sense in which transformers are limited in complexity-theoretic sense and "transformers can't do X". Like, there is nothing preventing transformers from playing chess perfectly - they just need to be sufficiently large for this. To answer the question "can transformers do X" you need to ask "how much computing power transformer has" and "can this computing power be shaped by SGD into solution".
It's interesting question whether Gemini has any improvements.

I've been / am on the lookout for related theoretical results of why grounding a la Grounded language acquisition through the eyes and ears of a single child works (e.g. with contrastive learning methods) - e.g. some recent works: Understanding Transferable Representation Learning and Zero-shot Transfer in CLIP, Contrastive Learning is Spectral Clustering on Similarity Graph, Optimal Sample Complexity of Contrastive Learning; (more speculatively) also how it might intersect with alignment, e.g. if alignment-relevant concepts might be 'groundable' in fMRI d... (read more)

This seems pretty good for safety (as RAG is comparatively at least a bit more transparent than fine-tuning): 

Larger LMs seem to benefit differentially more from tools: 'Absolute performance and improvement-per-turn (e.g., slope) scale with model size.' This seems pretty good for safety, to the degree tool usage is often more transparent than model internals.

In my book, this would probably be the most impactful model internals / interpretability project that I can think of: 

Large scale cyber-attacks resulting from AI misalignment seem hard, I'm at >90% probability that they happen much later (at least years later) than automated alignment research, as long as we *actually try hard* to make automated alignment research work:

I had speculated previously about links between task arithmetic and activation engineering. I think given all the recent results on in context learning, task/function vectors and activation engineering / their compositionality (In-Context Learning Creates Task Vectors, In-context Vectors: Making In Context Learning More Effective and Controllable Through Latent Space Steering, Function Vectors in Large Language Models), this link is confirmed to a large degree. This might also suggest trying to import improvements to task arithmetic (e.g. Task Arithmetic i... (read more)

1Bogdan Ionut Cirstea
speculatively, it might also be fruitful to go about this the other way round, e.g. try to come up with better weight-space task erasure methods by analogy between concept erasure methods (in activation space) and through the task arithmetic - activation engineering link
1Bogdan Ionut Cirstea
For the pretraining-finetuning paradigm, this link is now made much more explicitly in Cross-Task Linearity Emerges in the Pretraining-Finetuning Paradigm; as well as linking to model ensembling through logit averaging. 

(As reply to Zvi's 'If someone was founding a new AI notkilleveryoneism research organization, what is the best research agenda they should look into pursuing right now?')

LLMs seem to represent meaning in a pretty human-like way and this seems likely to keep getting better as they get scaled up, e.g. This could make getting them to follow the commonsense meaning of instructions much easier. Also, similar methodologies to could be applied to other alignment-adjacent domains/tasks, e.g. moral... (read more)