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it's quite plausible (40% if I had to make up a number, but I stress this is completely made up) that someday there will be an AI winter or other slowdown, and the general vibe will snap from "AGI in 3 years" to "AGI in 50 years". when this happens it will become deeply unfashionable to continue believing that AGI is probably happening soonish (10-15 years), in the same way that suggesting that there might be a winter/slowdown is unfashionable today. however, I believe in these timelines roughly because I expect the road to AGI to involve both fast periods and slow bumpy periods. so unless there is some super surprising new evidence, I will probably only update moderately on timelines if/when this winter happens
Don't Induce psychosis intentionally. Don't take psychedelics while someone probes your beliefs. Don't let anyone associated with Michael Vasser anywhere near you during an altered state. Edit: here is a different report from three years ago with the same person administering the methods:  Mike Vasser followers practice intentionally inducing psychosis via psychedelic drugs. Inducing psychosis is a verbatim self report of what they are doing. I would say they practice drug induced brain washing. TBC they would dispute the term brain washing and probably would not like the term 'followers' but I think the terms are accurate and they are certainly his intellectual descendants.  Several people have had quite severe adverse reactions (as observed by me). For example rapidly developing serious literal schizophrenia. Schizophrenia in the very literal sense of paranoid delusions and conspiratorial interpretations of other people's behavior. The local Vasserite who did the 'therapy'/'brainwashing' seems completely unbothered by this literal schizophrenia.  As you can imagine this behavior can cause substantial social disruption. Especially since the Vasserite's don't exactly believe in social harmony.  This has all precipitated serious mental health events in many other parties. Though they are less obviously serious than "they are clinically schizophrenic now".But that is a high bar. I have been very critical of cover ups in lesswrong. I'm not going to name names and maybe you don't trust me. But I have observed this all directly. If you are let people toy with your brain while you are under the influence of psychedelics you should expect high odds of severe consequences. And your friends mental health might suffer as well.   Edit: these are recent events. To my knowledge never referenced on lesswrong. 
a take I've expressed a bunch irl but haven't written up yet: feature sparsity might be fundamentally the wrong thing for disentangling superposition; circuit sparsity might be more correct to optimize for. in particular, circuit sparsity doesn't have problems with feature splitting/absorption
I've been thinking of writing up a piece on the implications of very short timelines, in light of various people recently suggesting them (eg Dario Amodei, "2026 or 2027...there could be a mild delay") Here's a thought experiment: suppose that this week it turns out that OAI has found a modified sampling technique for o1 that puts it at the level of the median OAI capabilities researcher, in a fairly across-the-board way (ie it's just straightforwardly able to do the job of a researcher). Suppose further that it's not a significant additional compute expense; let's say that OAI can immediately deploy a million instances. What outcome would you expect? Let's operationalize that as: what do you think is the chance that we get through the next decade without AI causing a billion deaths (via misuse or unwanted autonomous behaviors or multi-agent catastrophes that are clearly downstream of those million human-level AI)? In short, what do you think are the chances that that doesn't end disastrously? 
people often say that limitations of an artistic medium breed creativity. part of this could be the fact that when it is costly to do things, the only things done will be higher effort

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One of the first things they teach you in algebra is that the letters you use to signify variables are arbitrary, and you can use whatever you want[1]. Like most of the 'first things' students are taught, this is almost entirely a lie: every letter has implicit connotations, and if (for example) you use "n" for a non-integer variable, it'll confuse someone reading your work. More importantly, if you don't know what symbol choices imply, it'll be harder for you to understand what an equation is implicitly communicating, making it even more difficult to grasp the concepts that are actually being laid out.

So I've decided to go through the English alphabet and explicitly explain the connotations of each character as they might be used by a [unusually-bright-highschooler|reasonably-clever-college-student]-level...

z: The default for complex numbers.

1Shankar Sivarajan
That is the usage in electrical engineering (since i is current) and from there, the syntax in Python.
m - often used together with n to denote the height and width of a matrix

My guess is that for now, I'd give around a 10-30% chance to "AI winter happens for a short period/AI progress slows down" by 2027.

Also, what would you consider super surprising new evidence?

This seems the likely explanation for any claim that constraints breed creativity/good things in a field, when the expectation is that the opposite outcome would occur.
Yes, but this also happens within one person over time, and the habit (of either investing, or not, in long-term costly high-quality efforts) can gain Steam in the one person.
If you keep updating such that you always "think AGI is <10 years away" then you will never work on things that take longer than 15 years to help. This is absolutely a mistake, and it should at least be corrected after the first round of "let's not work on things that take too long because AGI is coming in the next 10 years". I will definitely be collecting my Bayes points
It was historically a direct relationship, but afaik hasn't been very close in years. Edit: Also, if the "Vassarites" are the type of group with "official stances", this is the first I've heard of it.
Disagree, if you have a strong sense of self statements you hear while on psychedelics are just like normal statements.

I honestly have no idea what you mean. I am not even sure why "(self) statements you hear while on psychedelics are just like normal statements" would be a counterpoint to someone being in a very credulous state. Normal statements can also be accepted credulously. 

Perhaps you are right but the sense of self required is rare. Practical most people are empirically credulous on psychedellics.

Not on LSD, I've done some emotional processing with others on MDMA but I don't know if I'd describe it as "targeted work to change beliefs", it was more stuff like "talk about my relationship with my family more openly than I'm usually able to." I was introduced to belief reporting, but I didn't do very much of it and wasn't on drugs at the time.

I've been thinking of writing up a piece on the implications of very short timelines, in light of various people recently suggesting them (eg Dario Amodei, "2026 or 2027...there could be a mild delay")

Here's a thought experiment: suppose that this week it turns out that OAI has found a modified sampling technique for o1 that puts it at the level of the median OAI capabilities researcher, in a fairly across-the-board way (ie it's just straightforwardly able to do the job of a researcher). Suppose further that it's not a significant additional compute expens... (read more)

Been trying to put together a framework for analyzing the way people think, process, approach, and prioritize information; for some time now. The same few patterns seem to come up rather consistently. The following is an attempt to systematize them a little bit.

To be clear, a few of these appear to be rather involuntary, naturalistic, and compulsive: less of a "this is the way people are", more of a "way they routinely choose to be". 

Nevertheless, the more I think about them, the more they make sense.


By the far the most common, most reactive, most emotional, and the most vocal of all. In politics, the first to repost any and all "events" they happen to personally resonate with. Whether towards the positive or negative side of the spectrum,...

Here ya go....

"The exercise of individual autonomy cultivates a sophisticated understanding of self, the external world, and their intricate interplay. However, a lack of rhetorical training leaves one ill-equipped to navigate a world shaped by discourse, unable to persuade effectively or discern manipulation. This deficiency creates a void at the core of their being, a space where self-directed learning, particularly in rhetoric, could have empowered them to overcome this vulnerability."

Tom Davidson did the original thinking; Rose Hadshar helped with later thinking, structure and writing.

Some plans for AI governance involve centralising western AGI development.[1] Would this actually be a good idea? We don’t think this question has been analysed in enough detail, given how important it is. In this post, we’re going to:

  1. Explore the strategic implications of having one project instead of several
  2. Discuss what we think the best path forwards is, given that strategic landscape

(If at this point you’re thinking ‘this is all irrelevant, because centralisation is inevitable’, we disagree! We suggest you read the appendix, and then consider if you want to read the rest of the post.)

On 2, we’re going to present:


Your infosecurity argument seems to involve fixing a point in time, and comparing a (more capable) centralized AI project against multiple (less capable) decentralized AI projects. However, almost all of the risks you're considering depend much more on the capability of the AI project rather than the point in time at which they occur. So I think best practice here would be to fix a rough capability profile, and compare a (shorter timelines) centralized AI project against multiple (less capable) decentralized AI projects.

In more detail:

It’s not clear whethe

... (read more)
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TLDR: LessWrong + Lighthaven need about $3M for the next 12 months. Donate, send me an email, DM, signal message (+1 510 944 3235), or leave a comment, if you want to support what we do. We are a registered 501(c)3, have big plans for the next year, and due to a shifting funding landscape need support from a broader community more than in any previous year. [1] 

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I've been running LessWrong/Lightcone Infrastructure for the last 7 years. During that time we have grown into the primary infrastructure provider for the rationality and AI safety communities. "Infrastructure" is a big fuzzy word, but in our case, it concretely means: 

  • We build and run and the AI Alignment Forum.[2]
  • We built and run Lighthaven (, a ~30,000 sq. ft. campus

I donated.  I think Lightcone is helping strike at the heart of questions around what we should believe and do. Thank you for making LessWrong work so well and being thoughtful around managing content, and providing super quality spaces both online and offline for deep ideas to develop and spread!

2Martin Randall
Thanks for explaining. I now understand you to mean that LessWrong and Lighthaven are dramatically superior to the alternatives, in several ways. You don't see other groups trying to max out the quality level in the same ways. Other projects may be similar in type, but they are dissimilar in results. To clarify on my own side, when I say that there are lots of similar projects to Lighthaven, I mean that many people have tried to make conference spaces that are comfortable and well-designed, with great food and convenient on-site accommodation. Similarly, when I say that there are lots of similar projects to LessWrong, I mean that there are many forums with a similar overall design and moderation approach. I wasn't trying to say that the end results are similar in terms of quality. These are matters of taste, anyway. Sorry for the misunderstanding.


Meaning Alignment Institute just dropped their first post in basically a year and it seems like they've been up to some cool stuff.

Their perspective on value alignment really grabbed my attention because it reframes our usual technical alignment conversations around rules and reward functions into something more fundamental - what makes humans actually reliably good and cooperative?

I really like their frame of a moral graph and locally maximally good values to follow as another way of imagining alignment, it is a lot more similar to that which happened during cultural evolution as explored in for example The Secret of Our Success. It kind of seems like they're taking evolutionary psychology and morality research and group selection and applying the results to how to align models...


In my opinion, theoretically, the key to have "safe" humans and "safe" models, is "to do no harm" under any circumstances, even when they have power. This is roughly what law is about, and what moral values should be about (in my opinion)

1Jonas Hallgren
No I do think we care about the same thing, I just believe that this will happen in a multi-polar setting and so I believe that new forms of communication and multi-polar dynamics will be important for this. Interpretability of these things is obviously important for changing those dynamics. ELK and similar things are important for the single agent case, why wouldn't they be important for a multi-agent case?

Cross-posted from my NAO Notebook.

This is an edited transcript of a talk I just gave at CBD S&T, a chem-bio defence conference. I needed to submit the slides several months in advance, so I tried out a new-to-me approach where the slides are visual support only and I finalized the text of the talk later on. This does mean there are places where it would be great to have additional slides to illustrate some concepts

Additionally, this was the first time I gave a talk where I wrote out everything I wanted to say in advance. I think this made for a much less engaging talk, and for future ones I'm planning to go back to speaking from bullets.


For something in the range of $10M/y we think you can operate a system capable of detecting a novel pathogen before 1:1000 people have been infected.

Sounds promising! I assume this is for one location, so have you done any modeling or estimations of what the global prevalence would be at that point? If you get lucky, it could be very low. But it also could be a lot higher if you get unlucky.
Have you done any cost-effectiveness analyses? Do you think that many people would be willing to take actions to reduce transmission etc in a case where no one has gotten sick yet?

Elizabeth wrote in Truthseeking is the ground in which other principles grow about how it's good to have pursue goals with good feedback loops to stay aligned. It seems to me like SecureBio focusing on a potential pandemic is a goal where the feedback loop is worse than if you would focus on the normal variation in viruses. Knowing which flu viruses and coronaviruses varients are the the most common and growing the most, seems like straightforward problem that could be solved by NAObservatory.  What's the core reason why the NAObservatory currently doesn't provide that data and when in the future would you expect that kind of data to be easily accessible from the NAObservatory website?
Good question! For wastewater the reason is that the municipal treatment plants which provide samples for us have very little to gain and a lot to lose from publicity, so they generally want things like pre-review before publishing data. This means that getting to where the'd be ok with us making the data (or derived data, like variant tracking) public on an ongoing basis is a bit tricky. I do think we can make progress here, but it also hasn't been a priority. For nasal swabs the reason is that we are currently doing very little sampling and sequencing: (a) we're redoing our IRB approval after spinning out from MIT and it's going slowly, (b) we don't yet have a protocol that is giving good results, and (c) we aren't yet sampling anywhere near the number of people you'd need to know what diseases are going around. The nasal swab sampling data we do have is linked from as raw reads. The raw wastewater data may or may not be available to researchers depending on how what you want to do interacts with what our partners need: