This post is a not a so secret analogy for the AI Alignment problem. Via a fictional dialog, Eliezer explores and counters common questions to the Rocket Alignment Problem as approached by the Mathematics of Intentional Rocketry Institute. 

MIRI researchers will tell you they're worried that "right now, nobody can tell you how to point your rocket’s nose such that it goes to the moon, nor indeed any prespecified celestial destination."

Thomas Kwa10h162
The cost of goods has the same units as the cost of shipping: $/kg. Referencing between them lets you understand how the economy works, e.g. why construction material sourcing and drink bottling has to be local, but oil tankers exist. * An iPhone costs $4,600/kg, about the same as SpaceX charges to launch it to orbit. [1] * Beef, copper, and off-season strawberries are $11/kg, about the same as a 75kg person taking a three-hour, 250km Uber ride costing $3/km. * Oranges and aluminum are $2-4/kg, about the same as flying them to Antarctica. [2] * Rice and crude oil are ~$0.60/kg, about the same as $0.72 for shipping it 5000km across the US via truck. [3,4] Palm oil, soybean oil, and steel are around this price range, with wheat being cheaper. [3] * Coal and iron ore are $0.10/kg, significantly more than the cost of shipping it around the entire world via smallish (Handysize) bulk carriers. Large bulk carriers are another 4x more efficient [6]. * Water is very cheap, with tap water $0.002/kg in NYC. But shipping via tanker is also very cheap, so you can ship it maybe 1000 km before equaling its cost. It's really impressive that for the price of a winter strawberry, we can ship a strawberry-sized lump of coal around the world 100-400 times. [1] iPhone is $4600/kg, large launches sell for $3500/kg, and rideshares for small satellites $6000/kg. Geostationary orbit is more expensive, so it's okay for them to cost more than an iPhone per kg, but Starlink has to be cheaper. [2] Can't find numbers but Antarctica flights cost $1.05/kg in 1996. [3] [4] [5] [6]
I think that people who work on AI alignment (including me) have generally not put enough thought into the question of whether a world where we build an aligned AI is better by their values than a world where we build an unaligned AI. I'd be interested in hearing people's answers to this question. Or, if you want more specific questions: * By your values, do you think a misaligned AI creates a world that "rounds to zero", or still has substantial positive value? * A common story for why aligned AI goes well goes something like: "If we (i.e. humanity) align AI, we can and will use it to figure out what we should use it for, and then we will use it in that way." To what extent is aligned AI going well contingent on something like this happening, and how likely do you think it is to happen? Why? * To what extent is your belief that aligned AI would go well contingent on some sort of assumption like: my idealized values are the same as the idealized values of the people or coalition who will control the aligned AI? * Do you care about AI welfare? Does your answer depend on whether the AI is aligned? If we built an aligned AI, how likely is it that we will create a world that treats AI welfare as important consideration? What if we build a misaligned AI? * Do you think that, to a first approximation, most of the possible value of the future happens in worlds that are optimized for something that resembles your current or idealized values? How bad is it to mostly sacrifice each of these? (What if the future world's values are similar to yours, but is only kinda effectual at pursuing them? What if the world is optimized for something that's only slightly correlated with your values?) How likely are these various options under an aligned AI future vs. an unaligned AI future?
Roman Mazurenko is dead again. First resurrected person, Roman lived as a chatbot (2016-2024) created based on his conversations with his fiancé. You might even be able download him as an app.  But not any more. His fiancé married again and her startup pivoted from resurrection help to AI-girlfriends and psychological consulting.  It looks like they quietly removed Roman Mazurenko app from public access. It is especially pity that his digital twin lived less than his biological original, who died at 32. Especially now when we have much more powerful instruments for creating semi-uploads based on LLMs with large prompt window.
Check my math: how does Enovid compare to to humming? Nitric Oxide is an antimicrobial and immune booster. Normal nasal nitric oxide is 0.14ppm for women and 0.18ppm for men (sinus levels are 100x higher).… Enovid is a nasal spray that produces NO. I had the damndest time quantifying Enovid, but this trial registration says 0.11ppm NO/hour. They deliver every 8h and I think that dose is amortized, so the true dose is 0.88. But maybe it's more complicated. I've got an email out to the PI but am not hopeful about a response…   so Enovid increases nasal NO levels somewhere between 75% and 600% compared to baseline- not shabby. Except humming increases nasal NO levels by 1500-2000%.…. Enovid stings and humming doesn't, so it seems like Enovid should have the larger dose. But the spray doesn't contain NO itself, but compounds that react to form NO. Maybe that's where the sting comes from? Cystic fibrosis and burn patients are sometimes given stratospheric levels of NO for hours or days; if the burn from Envoid came from the NO itself than those patients would be in agony.  I'm not finding any data on humming and respiratory infections. Google scholar gives me information on CF and COPD, @Elicit brought me a bunch of studies about honey.   With better keywords google scholar to bring me a bunch of descriptions of yogic breathing with no empirical backing. There are some very circumstantial studies on illness in mouth breathers vs. nasal, but that design has too many confounders for me to take seriously.  Where I'm most likely wrong: * misinterpreted the dosage in the RCT * dosage in RCT is lower than in Enovid * Enovid's dose per spray is 0.5ml, so pretty close to the new study. But it recommends two sprays per nostril, so real dose is 2x that. Which is still not quite as powerful as a single hum. 
There was this voice inside my head that told me that since I got Something to protect, relaxing is never ok above strict minimum, the goal is paramount, and I should just work as hard as I can all the time. This led me to breaking down and being incapable to work on my AI governance job for a week, as I just piled up too much stress. And then, I decided to follow what motivated me in the moment, instead of coercing myself into working on what I thought was most important, and lo and behold! my total output increased, while my time spent working decreased. I'm so angry and sad at the inadequacy of my role models, cultural norms, rationality advice, model of the good EA who does not burn out, which still led me to smash into the wall despite their best intentions. I became so estranged from my own body and perceptions, ignoring my core motivations, feeling harder and harder to work. I dug myself such deep a hole. I'm terrified at the prospect to have to rebuild my motivation myself again.

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It seems to me worth trying to slow down AI development to steer successfully around the shoals of extinction and out to utopia.

But I was thinking lately: even if I didn’t think there was any chance of extinction risk, it might still be worth prioritizing a lot of care over moving at maximal speed. Because there are many different possible AI futures, and I think there’s a good chance that the initial direction affects the long term path, and different long term paths go to different places. The systems we build now will shape the next systems, and so forth. If the first human-level-ish AI is brain emulations, I expect a quite different sequence of events to if it is GPT-ish.

People genuinely pushing for AI speed over care (rather than just feeling impotent) apparently think there is negligible risk of bad outcomes, but also they are asking to take the first future to which there is a path. Yet possible futures are a large space, and arguably we are in a rare plateau where we could climb very different hills, and get to much better futures.

If you go slower, you have more time to find desirable mechanisms. That's pretty much it I guess.

1Logan Zoellner6h
1. What plateau?  Why pause now (vs say 10 years ago)?  Why not wait until after the singularity and impose a "long reflection" when we will be in an exponentially better place to consider such questions. 2. Singularity 5-10 years from now vs 15-20 years from now determines whether or not some people I personally know and care about will be alive. 3. Every second we delay the singularity leads to a "cosmic waste" as millions more galaxies move permanently behind the event horizon defined by the expanding universe 4. Slower is not prima facia safer.  To the contrary, the primary mechanism for slowing down AGI is "concentrate power in the hands of a small number of decision makers," which in my current best guess increases risk. 5. There is no bright line for how much slower we should go. If we accept without evidence that we should slow down AGI by 10 years, why not 50? why not 5000?
1Bill Benzon12h
YES.  At the moment the A.I. world is dominated by an almost magical believe in large language models. Yes, they are marvelous, a very powerful technology. By all means, let's understand and develop them. But they aren't the way, the truth and the light. They're just a very powerful and important technology. Heavy investment in them has an opportunity cost, less money to invest in other architectures and ideas.  And I'm not just talking about software, chips, and infrastructure. I'm talking about education and training. It's not good to have a whole cohort of researchers and practitioners who know little or nothing beyond the current orthodoxy about machine learning and LLMs. That kind of mistake is very difficult to correct in the future. Why? Because correcting it means education and training. Who's going to do it if no one knows anything else?  Moreover, in order to exploit LLMs effectively we need to understand how they work. Mechanistic interpretability is one approach. But: We're not doing enough of it. And by itself it won't do the job. People need to know more about language, linguistics, and cognition in order to understand what those models are doing.
6Matthew Barnett12h
Do you think it's worth slowing down other technologies to ensure that we push for care in how we use them over the benefit of speed? It's true that the stakes are lower for other technologies, but that mostly just means that both the upside potential and the downside risks are lower compared to AI, which doesn't by itself imply that we should go quickly.

TL;DR All GPT-3 models were decommissioned by OpenAI in early January. I present some examples of ongoing interpretability research which would benefit from the organisation rethinking this decision and providing some kind of ongoing research access. This also serves as a review of work I did in 2023 and how it progressed from the original ' SolidGoldMagikarp' discovery just over a year ago into much stranger territory.


Some months ago, when OpenAI announced that the decommissioning of all GPT-3 models was to occur on 2024-01-04, I decided I would take some time in the days before that to revisit some of my "glitch token" work from earlier in 2023 and deal with any loose ends that would otherwise become impossible to tie up after that date.

This abrupt termination...

Killer exploration into new avenues of digital mysticism. I have no idea how to assess it but I really enjoyed reading it.

I wrote a few controversial articles on LessWrong recently that got downvoted.  Now, as a consequence, I can only leave one comment every few days.  This makes it totally impossible to participate in various ongoing debates, or even provide replies to the comments that people have made on my controversial post.  I can't even comment on objections to my upvoted posts.  This seems like a pretty bad rule--those who express controversial views that many on LW don't like shouldn't be stymied from efficiently communicating.  A better rule would probably be just dropping the posting limit entirely.  

I don't think people recognize when they're in an echo chamber. You can imagine a Trump website downvoting all of the Biden followers and coming up with some ridiculous logic like, "And into the garden walks a fool."

The current system was designed to silence the critics of Yudkowski's et al's worldview as it relates to the end of the world. Rather than fully censor critics (probably their actual goal) they have to at least feign objectivity and wait until someone walks into the echo chamber garden and then banish them as "fools".

This is a linkpost for

Authors: Senthooran Rajamanoharan*, Arthur Conmy*, Lewis Smith, Tom Lieberum, Vikrant Varma, János Kramár, Rohin Shah, Neel Nanda

A new paper from the Google DeepMind mech interp team: Improving Dictionary Learning with Gated Sparse Autoencoders! 

Gated SAEs are a new Sparse Autoencoder architecture that seems to be a significant Pareto-improvement over normal SAEs, verified on models up to Gemma 7B. They are now our team's preferred way to train sparse autoencoders, and we'd love to see them adopted by the community! (Or to be convinced that it would be a bad idea for them to be adopted by the community!)

They achieve similar reconstruction with about half as many firing features, and while being either comparably or more interpretable (confidence interval for the increase is 0%-13%).

See Sen's Twitter summary, my Twitter summary, and the paper!

Rohin Shah1hΩ220

This suggestion seems weaker than (but similar in spirit to) the "rescale & shift" baseline we compare to in Figure 9. The rescale & shift baseline is sufficient to resolve shrinkage, but it doesn't capture all the benefits of Gated SAEs.

The core point is that L1 regularization adds lots of biases, of which shrinkage is just one example, so you want to localize the effect of L1 as much as possible. In our setup L1 applies to , so you might think of  as "tainted", and want to use it as little as possible. The only t... (read more)

Great paper! The gating approach is an interesting way to learn the JumpReLU threshold and it's exciting that it works well. We've been working on some related directions at OpenAI based on similar intuitions about feature shrinking. Some questions: * Is b_mag still necessary in the gated autoencoder? * Did you sweep learning rates for the baseline and your approach? * How large is the dictionary of the autoencoder?
4Neel Nanda5h
Re dictionary width, 2**17 (~131K) for most Gated SAEs, 3*(2**16) for baseline SAEs, except for the (Pythia-2.8B, Residual Stream) sites we used 2**15 for Gated and 3*(2**14) for baseline since early runs of these had lots of feature death. (This'll be added to the paper soon, sorry!). I'll leave the other Qs for my co-authors
Hi any idea how this would compare to just replacing the l1 loss with a smoothed l0 loss function? Something like ∑log(1+a|x|) (summed across the sparse representation).

Post for a somewhat more general audience than the modal LessWrong reader, but gets at my actual thoughts on the topic.

In 2018 OpenAI defeated the world champions of Dota 2, a major esports game. This was hot on the heels of DeepMind’s AlphaGo performance against Lee Sedol in 2016, achieving superhuman Go performance way before anyone thought that might happen. AI benchmarks were being cleared at a pace which felt breathtaking at the time, papers were proudly published, and ML tools like Tensorflow (released in 2015) were coming online. To people already interested in AI, it was an exciting era. To everyone else, the world was unchanged.

Now Saturday Night Live sketches use sober discussions of AI risk as the backdrop for their actual jokes, there are hundreds...

There is enough pre-training text data for $0.1-$1 trillion of compute, if we merely use repeated data and don't overtrain (that is, if we aim for quality, not inference efficiency). If synthetic data from the best models trained this way can be used to stretch raw pre-training data even a few times, this gives something like square of that more in useful compute, up to multiple trillions of dollars.

Issues with LLMs start at autonomous agency, if it happens to be within the scope of scaling and scaffolding. They are thinking too fast, about 100 times faste... (read more)

3Thomas Kwa9h
I don't believe that data is limiting because the finite data argument only applies to pretraining. Models can do self-critique or be objectively rated on their ability to perform tasks, and trained via RL. This is how humans learn, so it is possible to be very sample-efficient, and currently a small proportion of training compute is RL. If the majority of training compute and data are outcome-based RL, it is not clear that the "Playing human roles is pretty human" section holds, because the system is not primarily trained to play human roles.
I think self-critique runs into the issues I describe in the post, though without insider information I'm not certain. Naively it seems like existing distortions would become larger with self-critique, though. For human rating/RL, it seems true that it's possible to be sample efficient (with human brain behavior as an existence proof), but as far as I know we don't actually know how to make it sample efficient in that way, and human feedback in the moment is even more finite than human text that's just out there. So I still see that taking longer than, say, self play. I agree that if outcome-based RL swamps initial training run datasets, then the "playing human roles" section is weaker, but is that the case now? My understanding (could easily be wrong) is that RLHF is a smaller postprocessing layer that only changes models moderately, and nowhere near the bulk of their training.

Crosspost from my blog.  

If you spend a lot of time in the blogosphere, you’ll find a great deal of people expressing contrarian views. If you hang out in the circles that I do, you’ll probably have heard of Yudkowsky say that dieting doesn’t really work, Guzey say that sleep is overrated, Hanson argue that medicine doesn’t improve health, various people argue for the lab leak, others argue for hereditarianism, Caplan argue that mental illness is mostly just aberrant preferences and education doesn’t work, and various other people expressing contrarian views. Often, very smart people—like Robin Hanson—will write long posts defending these views, other people will have criticisms, and it will all be such a tangled mess that you don’t really know what to think about them.


I'm convinced by the mainstream view on COVID origins and medicine.

I'm ambivalent on education - I guess if done well, it'd consistently have good effects, and that currently, it on average has good effects, but also the effect varies a lot from person to person, so simplistic quantitative reviews don't tell you much. When I did an epistemic spot check on Caplan's book, it failed terribly (it cited a supposedly-ingenious experiment that university didn't improve critical thinking, but IMO the experiment had terrible psychometrics).

I don't know enough about... (read more)

It's not that piece.  It's another one that got eaten by a Substack glitch unfortuantely--hopefully it will be back up soon! 
He thinks it's very near zero if there is a gap. 
2Matthew Barnett3h
The next part of the sentence you quote says, "but it got eaten by a substack glitch". I'm guessing he's referring to a different piece from Sam Atis that is apparently no longer available?
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U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo announced today additional members of the executive leadership team of the U.S. AI Safety Institute (AISI), which is housed at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Raimondo named Paul Christiano as Head of AI Safety, Adam Russell as Chief Vision Officer, Mara Campbell as Acting Chief Operating Officer and Chief of Staff, Rob Reich as Senior Advisor, and Mark Latonero as Head of International Engagement. They will join AISI Director Elizabeth Kelly and Chief Technology Officer Elham Tabassi, who were announced in February. The AISI was established within NIST at the direction of President Biden, including to support the responsibilities assigned to the Department of Commerce under the President’s landmark Executive Order.

Paul Christiano, Head of AI Safety, will design

2Adam Scholl6h
This thread isn't seeming very productive to me, so I'm going to bow out after this. But yes, it is a primary concern—at least in the case of Open Philanthropy, it's easy to check what their primary concerns are because they write them up. And accidental release from dual use research is one of them.
If you're appealing to OpenPhil, it might be useful to ask one of the people who was working with them on this as well. And you've now equivocated between "they've induced an EA cause area" and a list of the range of risks covered by biosecurity, and citing this as "one of them." I certainly agree that biosecurity levels are one of the things biosecurity is about, and that "the possibility of accidental deployment of biological agents" is a key issue, but that's incredibly far removed from the original claim that the failure of BSL levels induced the cause area!
I agree there other problems the EA biosecurity community focuses on, but surely lab escapes are one of those problems, and part of the reason we need biosecurity measures? In any case, this disagreement seems beside the main point that I took Adam to be making, namely that the track record for defining appropriate units of risk for poorly understood, high attack surface domains is quite bad (as with BSL). This still seems true to me.   

BSL isn't the thing that defines "appropriate units of risk", that's pathogen risk-group levels, and I agree that those are are problem because they focus on pathogen lists rather than actual risks. I actually think BSL are good at what they do, and the problem is regulation and oversight, which is patchy, as well as transparency, of which there is far too little. But those are issues with oversight, not with the types of biosecurity measure that are available.

Le coût d’opportunité des délais en développement technologique

Par Nick Bostrom

Abstract: Grâce à des technologies avancées, on pourrait maintenir une très grande quantité de personnes menant des vies heureuses dans la région accessible de l’univers. Chaque année où la colonisation de l’univers ne se déroule pas représente un coût d’opportunité; des vies qui valent d’êtres vécues ne peuvent être réalisées. D’après des estimations plausibles, ce coût est extrêmement élevé. Mais la leçon pour les utilitaristes n’est pas qu’il faut maximiser la cadence du développement technologique, mais sa sécurité. Autrement dit, il faut maximiser la probabilité que la colonisation se déroule.


Le rythme de perte de vies potentielles

En ce moment, des soleils illuminent et réchauffent des pièces vides et des trous noirs absorbent une portion de l’énergie inutilisée du cosmos. Chaque minute,...

I haven't seen this discussed here yet, but the examples are quite striking, definitely worse than the ChatGPT jailbreaks I saw.

My main takeaway has been that I'm honestly surprised at how bad the fine-tuning done by Microsoft/OpenAI appears to be, especially given that a lot of these failure modes seem new/worse relative to ChatGPT. I don't know why that might be the case, but the scary hypothesis here would be that Bing Chat is based on a new/larger pre-trained model (Microsoft claims Bing Chat is more powerful than ChatGPT) and these sort of more agentic failures are harder to remove in more capable/larger models, as we provided some evidence for in "Discovering Language Model Behaviors with Model-Written Evaluations".

Examples below (with new ones added as I find them)....

2Evan R. Murphy12h
Thanks, I think you're referring to: There were some ideas proposed in the paper "Conditioning Predictive Models: Risks and Strategies" by Hubinger et al. (2023). But since it was published over a year ago, I'm not sure if anyone has gotten far on investigating those strategies to see which ones could actually work. (I'm not seeing anything like that in the paper's citations.)

Appreciate you getting back to me. I was aware of this paper already and have previously worked with one of the authors.


A Festival of Writers Who are Wrong on the Internet

May 31 - Jun 2, Berkeley, CA