To whom it may concern:

This thread is for the discussion of Less Wrong topics that have not appeared in recent posts. If a discussion gets unwieldy, celebrate by turning it into a top-level post.

(After the critical success of part II, and the strong box office sales of part III in spite of mixed reviews, will part IV finally see the June Open Thread jump the shark?)

Open Thread: June 2010
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Cleaning out my computer I found some old LW-related stuff I made for graphic editing practice. Now that we have a store and all, maybe someone here will find it useful:


You are magnificent.

(Alternate title for the LW tabloid — "The Rational Enquirer"?)

2Scott Alexander
That's....brilliant. I might have to do another one just for that title.
Yep, it was probably the first rationalist joke ever that made me laugh.
I didn't see that until right now, made me chuckle.
Nearly killed me.
We have a store? Where?
Roko Mijic has a Zazzle store. (See also.)